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R.I.D Chat Rules

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 10:19 pm
by Lexx Yovel

In order for members of R.I.D to fully enjoy exchanging topics and stories, a few guidelines must be set in place:

1. There will be no flaming or trolling allowed. If you have a conflict with another member, settle it in private. If for some reason the dispute can not be resolved, contact me directly.

2. Respect others, both within our guild and out. Immature language and behavior will not be tolerated. Keep in mind that people from all ages and backgrounds are among us, so try to keep your comments as unoffensive as possible.

3. If a member displays actions that time and time again conflict with the rules and integrity of this guild, they risk expulsion from the guild. I hope that this will only be reserved for extreme cases. However, I reserve the right to expel any member who repeatedly does not adhere to our guidelines.

4. Topics and events will be discussed on this forum that will be meant for R.I.D and R.I.D alone. Please do not share classified information with other players or guilds unless it has been permitted by me. I understand that many of you have friends in the game both In-Character and Out of Character, but to make our missions and events as enjoyable as possible, please do not ruin the fun by warning others of our plans.

If you all need to be refreshed on the rules concerning R.I.D's Base of Operations, click here.

Long Live the Empire!

Lexx Yovel
Leader of R.I.D