Leviathen wrote:Kurke_Aumea wrote:I live in the middle of fucking nowhere, Ohio. If you don't own a gun, you don't belong.
Then that's a sad reflection of where you live.
No, not really. To be serious for a moment, I do live in the middle of nowhere practically. My township has a grand two police cars and like three police officers, but it is all part time to my knowledge. If any of them are full time, it is just one at a time. So, due to the lack of police protection and the size of my township (25sq miles), it would be hard for any police officer to show up in a timely fashion. Hell, we have a volunteer fire department and i know if our house caught on fire, it would be burnt to the ground by the time the fire trucks got here.
Anyways, as a U.S. citizen it is my right to defend myself, my family, and my property from anyone who would try to trespass, steal, or anything else. On that note, my father has had a small pistol somewhere in his bedroom for many, many years. I don't know where it is at and I really don't want to. My father, mother, and myself all know the realities of a gun and therefore treat it with respect.
Your solution for banning guns simply just creates more problems than it solves. I honestly don't belive guns should be necessary, but they are a fact of life and are present whether you like it or not. Banning guns will simply cause growth in the black market for them. By banning guns, you also mean to get rid of gun safety classes and therefore, people end up uneducated about how to use a gun and the consequences associated with using one.
Now, I do belive in gun control. Pistols and shotguns have been around many generations and citizen ownership of them is understandable. I cannot, however, support the legalization of semi-automatic or fully-automatic weapons for sale to citizens. Only our armed forces should have access to those kinds of weapons. Lets face it, if you have a fully-automatic rifle, some serious shit is about to go down.
I also believe in educating gun owners and proper licensing. By educating owners, they can learn the circumstances in which they can use a gun in self defense. And by properly licensing those who can own guns, I think we can limit who should have a gun and who shouldn't.
And as far as scaring the shit out of high school students tealing pumpkins, well perhaps it isn't legal, but sometimes you do have to teach those arrogant little bastards a thing or two. Yes, it's just pumpkins, but it is theft and it is trespassing. And I can gaurantee that after those little pricks came to our house, they quit their pumpkin running then and there.
And now for my serious quote:
Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
And now for my Charleton Heston quote:
Guns don't kill people. Apes kill people!!!