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Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:19 am
by Vogik
Apium wrote:I don't like any of this. This may sound mean, but I know what you want Vogik, go to imphl for it. We won't hold it against you. We lost bizob and sergetov for the same desire you have, just go. Theres no reason for you to attempt to change RID just so you can have the guild tailored to your likings while still being able to say you are RID.

I do however agree that some changes have to be made, but not to this extent. RID has been here for nearly 3 years, ask everyone on starsider and you will find out that RID is the most respected guild. Even rebels respect RID. When you have those kind of results you don't need a complete overhaul.

Yea some of the people we have recruited the last couple weeks have been well not so great. We dealt with it, but look at some of the people who wouldnt be in the guild because of the changes you want to make. Jaysont, Iapeti, Montros, seether, and osskirzo just to name few. All of them are great people but they don't fit your suggested requirements
This isnt a question of them being great people. Hell, 99% of people that play SWG im sure are great people, but that doesnt mean we have to recruit them all. In order to make a strong guild, you need to be more selective in recruiting.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:40 am
by Apium
Vogik wrote:
Apium wrote:I don't like any of this. This may sound mean, but I know what you want Vogik, go to imphl for it. We won't hold it against you. We lost bizob and sergetov for the same desire you have, just go. Theres no reason for you to attempt to change RID just so you can have the guild tailored to your likings while still being able to say you are RID.

I do however agree that some changes have to be made, but not to this extent. RID has been here for nearly 3 years, ask everyone on starsider and you will find out that RID is the most respected guild. Even rebels respect RID. When you have those kind of results you don't need a complete overhaul.

Yea some of the people we have recruited the last couple weeks have been well not so great. We dealt with it, but look at some of the people who wouldnt be in the guild because of the changes you want to make. Jaysont, Iapeti, Montros, seether, and osskirzo just to name few. All of them are great people but they don't fit your suggested requirements
This isnt a question of them being great people. Hell, 99% of people that play SWG im sure are great people, but that doesnt mean we have to recruit them all. In order to make a strong guild, you need to be more selective in recruiting.

we don't want a fucking strong guild, we don't have to be the best. I don't think most of us want to sacrifice our current reputation to become a "strong guild." I'd take the lvl 31 Iapeti before I would take Morin or Lestat any day.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:00 am
by Leviathen
Yes, RID can't have an open door policy to recruiting, but RID isn't a guild for the elite. To me, RID has been just as much a guild to help out those just starting. Thats how I initially got to know RID, hell I wasn't even master marksman when I joined at first. The recruiting policy should just be insure that you dont get immature idiots into the guild, but to cut it off to anyone at a certain combat level is a bit rediculous.

Apium is right Vogik, RID is NOT a strictly PVP guild, if that is what you want from your guild, from what I know, its not RID. If you want to make a strong PVP team within RID, go for it, plenty of peoploe in this guild love to PVP.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:19 am
by Lexx Yovel
Okay, looks like we can some trouble brewing in my Lexxocracy :lol:

First off, we can make a compromise. I'll take a little from Apium's side of the fence, and little from Vogik's side of the fence... most of all, dont get overly upset about the topic because we're just sharing ideas.

I dont know much about IMPHL's guild structure, but this is my take on them. They are just a PvP guild, for their brute strength... that's good, because that's what they excel in. But honestly I dont think they have a great reputation... we want to be famous, not infamous. This means people know of them, but not particularly about their good spirited players (although they certainly have plenty of those types).

I see RID and SHC to be almost identical. I see SHC and they aren't the most well known group of people... but why? They come in great numbers in Restuss... I see them in space, they RP, they are all nice people, but very little people know about them. Just like RID, SHC is starting to get noticed not because of the drama they spark, or just their status of sheer strength, but of the members within their organization and how they benefit the Empire.

It was truly a shame to see Kyubi, Phow-jin, Bizob, and Sergetov (maybe even others) to leave RID and join IMPHL. They were all great people that benefited RID. What surprised me the most was that Bizob left, because he wasn't quite as skilled a PvP'er as Kyub, Phow, or Serg. Bizob had been with RID since nearly the beginning, but if he's happy in IMPHL, it's all good. Honestly I haven't seen Phow or Bizob log online ever since they joined... dont know why. I do still see Sergetov a lot, and maybe Kyubi every now and then.

Back to RID, we are in no way just a PvP guild. Although we have members who excel in PvP, it is not a one way street. RID is diversified. The *only* problem I have with Vogik's idea is the combat level requirement... I think it's too strict. I think we should factor in how good of pilots they are... how good there personality is (I in no way want a skilled CL 90 to join RID, while still being a completely rude person).

However, that being said, RID *does* kinda recruit too loosely. There should be a stricter recruitment policy that (most importantly) ensures respectful members join. I'd rather have an intellegent respectful member that can easily adapt to a gameplay style and learn, than like I said earlier... a rude yet skilled player.

So I say we take part in this recruitment policy, mainly to test a persons personality, learning capability, and loyalty... not just sheer skill. Skill, although extremely important for the success of a guild, can be achived as a guild, and is easily obtainable.

The galactic civil war was not what it once was... I remember RID had organized groups of slice teams to take out enemy player bases, to gain control of Tatooine and other planets... that in my eyes was when the galactic civil war was truly alive. There wasn't any real incentive to fight, except for the fun and prestige of running the galaxy.

Today, it's not the same. We are getting take over'able bases but not player bases... none the less we need to show our skill as a guild and a faction, even though the rewards may not be great.

We will train RID if there are lower levels, because that is do'able, although it may be tedious. Someones personality cannot be easily changed, so we should prevent such people from joining our guild.

It is not PvP skill that improves someones reputation, it's their character. We have been getting compliments from people saying that we are the only Imperial guild that doesn't overly "whine" about things on the forums, or complain. They just see us as doing our job and they respect that.

/end rambling :lol:

By the way, no one leave RID yet, we will have a more involved recruitment process but it will be fair and effective, and the bottom line is it will improve RID so just hang tight, and support your guild whenever you can.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:04 am
by Vogik
I'm posting this before I read Lexx's last post but..

Fuck IMPHL, I dont know fucking shit about their guild and I dont give a fuck what they are doing. I'm taking this from my Radiant guild. They are the strongest fucking guild in the entire game. Its been proven time and time again.. Theyve raided Test Center 4 times and dominated everyone; they've raided Eclipse, Bloodfin, Bria, and Temptest. They fucking devs have heard of dark for christs sake.

And you know what? They are a really well rounded guild. They let in plenty of traders and they are very self sufficient. I dont know what you are reading to think that we are closing the doors to everyone. My only comments were saying that we should be more selective, and not let in every level 5 noob we see just so we have more RID players online.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:08 am
by Vogik
The only thing I saw in lexx's post that caught my attention was this..

Back to RID, we are in no way just a PvP guild. Although we have members who excel in PvP, it is not a one way street. RID is diversified. The *only* problem I have with Vogik's idea is the combat level requirement... I think it's too strict. I think we should factor in how good of pilots they are... how good there personality is (I in no way want a skilled CL 90 to join RID, while still being a completely rude person).

Initially I said that there should be a level requirement, but I took this back. Right now my stance is saying that we should take this into account while voting, along with how well they get along with members of the guild (so we dont get complete assholes), and how well they can listen.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:13 am
by Jaysont
to solve this why don't you have a debate (in-game) to settle this

1) because lots of RID players don't read forums but watch the guild mail so they might have a few ideas to contribute to either side.

2) Because it'll be a real good role playing event that will get some of the newer members involed in with the guild.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:15 am
by Vogik
Jaysont wrote:to solve this why don't you have a debate (in-game) to settle this

1) because lots of RID players don't read forums but watch the guild mail so they might have a few ideas to contribute to either side.

2) Because it'll be a real good role playing event that will get some of the newer members involed in with the guild.
I think we should get the core issues worked out here, then perhaps in game we can host a Townhall type meeting in Fort Oasis.. but for now lets get the big issues out of the way, then we wont spread the drama down to the other RID members :)

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:17 am
by Jaysont
yes ok thats good for me

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:52 am
by Waucod Meesman
Leviathen wrote:Yes, RID can't have an open door policy to recruiting, but RID isn't a guild for the elite. To me, RID has been just as much a guild to help out those just starting. Thats how I initially got to know RID, hell I wasn't even master marksman when I joined at first. The recruiting policy should just be insure that you dont get immature idiots into the guild, but to cut it off to anyone at a certain combat level is a bit rediculous.

Apium is right Vogik, RID is NOT a strictly PVP guild, if that is what you want from your guild, from what I know, its not RID. If you want to make a strong PVP team within RID, go for it, plenty of peoploe in this guild love to PVP.

I agree with Lev when I joined RID it wasn't that well known heck I hadn't heard of it until dragonbuster who was in my old guild told me about it when I was marksman 3-4-4-2 back in pre-cu and I joined that day and RID didn't suddenly fall apart or anything it ddin't start getting hated by everyone else for recruiting noobs like me the only thing I think you need to take into account is activity and attitude of course I don't know much about IMPHL or any of those othe PvP guilds but I liked RID for the Pve and I didn't see as much RP as I liked but still was happy because when you recruit noobs like I was your gonna get people who don't care for PvP until they get more skilled and can actually compete like me and when my comp died and I stopped playing I still didn't care for PvP cause I sucked at it...

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:13 pm
by Apium
This needs to be brought to the guild now. No decisions should be made on the forums. We now know the regulars forum goers stances. Lets hear from the rest of the guild and move this along.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:11 pm
by Waucod Meesman
yeah Lexx I think this should be...


Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:31 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Actually no lock ;)

We will discuss this in-game.

So far I recruited Charlez. He is a level 74 jedi. I gave him VERY indepth information about RID, its cities, the divisions, when it was founded, gave a tour etc.

I also told him I would give him a 14 day trial... I most did this just to see how well the system will work.

I dont have a perfect concept set in stone just yet, but since Apium and Toor lead the jedi, I'll let them two decide how well Charlez did. The rest of RID can also pitch in information on how they like Charlez, etc.

We'll have a guild meeting, because I still dont know *exactly* what to do.

We do need stricter recruitment policies... that's a given. How to go about it is a different matter.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:17 pm
by Azrael'D
I know I am new but I have been around since launch and was a leader of one of the largest and longest running guilds on gorath. So if i can offer some insights:

The reason why I left gorath was because all my friends had left. I know...big deal that affected everyone. But my biggest problem for me was that all the people I started with from Day 1 and had experiences with while leveling were my best companions and friends. After I leveled to whatever (Jedi and CL80), our past and the comraderie that we built together is what kept me playing. Once they left, it was easy to leave gorath. If we only admit people at 80 or above (or 40 or above) you take away the opportunity for members to go through growing pains which in turn takes away at a chance for comraderie. With no comraderie, the guild will cease to be strong the minute something better (or worse) comes along.

We had about 170 members and about 200-300 gorathians that wore our guild tag. After awhile, it was the same 10-20 people that loged in nightly and chatted and bantered in guildchat. These same 10-20 people were the ones that leveled together and grouped together. Grouping forms bonds. A level < 40 will continue to need grouping and need guidance. A level 80-90 knows it all and can stand on his own and without the help of others.

I think adding a level restriction will no doubtedly qualify a person's abilities and limit in what they can do. However, I do think that adding this will prevent a member from enjoying the true benefit of a guild which is companionship and comraderie.

Personally, I would like to be more involved with the guild but alot of the tiimes, I think its difficult for me. For one, PvP is the only time I see other RID members. While I enjoy PvP, it isnt the only thing I want to do. (I really want to go into DWB sometime.) I think doing DWB or the vette will get people more involved. Second, space is really missing here. I did see several other RID members from a few weeks ago and that was fun. It would be great to get people interested so we can field a POB crew.

Anyway, that's my two credits. I by no means am trying to blame anyone. I am trying to be constructive and want to see RID ultimately succeed as one of the best guilds (rebel or imperial) on all of SS. =)

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:23 pm
by Waucod Meesman
Azrael'D wrote:I am trying to be constructive and want to see RID ultimately succeed as one of the best guilds (rebel or imperial) on all of SS. =)

done :D