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Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:35 am
by Vogik
LexxYovel wrote:Okay, after reading the ideas, this is what I think we should do...

1.) I agree a 14 day trial period is best. It's hard to lose attention after 30 days... it's an entire month, a relatively big chunk out of the year. 14 days would be suitable to evaluate someone.

2.) I still think a minimum of CL 80 is too strict. I recommended CL 60, but maybe we can make a deal and say CL 70. CL 70 in my eyes is the point in which you can be relatively decent in combat. With the exclusion of traders, entertainers, and alts, we'd need level 70 or higher. I still dont know about medics though... because those are in high demand.

3.) Instead of RID elders... I say we should use the 3 Commanders and the 3 Captains combined. It'd be difficult to assign "elders" and we need to do something productive with the Commanders and Captains (who are basically elders anyways). But Vogik, I can make your crafter alt Captain of the Commercial Division so you may participate in voting. Kuiloe will be Commander. Amaroo and Erougn will take care of Combat Division, Apium and Yjdeg will take care of the Jedi, Neva and Saipo take care of Combat Division, and you and Kuiloe take care of Commercial. That is a pretty strong base of players there. I only see needing to replace Yjdeg or Saipo because I haven't seen them online much. I don't know about creating an entirely new forum for this... but maybe we can use the Personal Database forum where only Captains and Commanders may vote. If that doesn't work out, we can just have the Commanders and Captains send in-game mails.

I don't really want to change the ranking system in RID (trust me I've changed it so much already, it's like changing the SWG game system each week)... but just because you may not hold a combat rank, feel free to utilize your tactics and spread your information to RID.

Also, for those feeling this will make our guild small... that may be true, but it's quality over quantity. Plus numbers will go up gradually if we recruit 3-5 a month.

I also feel Toor would make a great Jedi captain under Apium. As for Combat Support... I *think* Erougn could be moved to the Captain position, and Vogik I could move you to Combat Captain or Commander... but then your alt wont be able to hold a Commercial Rank position (in which someone else will run).
I see where you are coming from.. We should make exceptions for this. We will allow lower levels into the guild, but the lower the level, the harder it will be to gain votes to get in.

Most definetly. I got a lot of these ideas from my guild on radiant.. Not to sound cocky, but we are an alpha guild. On an average night of pvp, the rebels out number us at least 2:1.. and needless to say, we win just about every time. All you need to win in pvp is 1. Strategy, 2. A good core of players, 3. People that will listen to a leader.

Everything else sounds good though.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:40 am
by Vogik
Oh, and lexx, one other thing..
You should make an application area on the boards here (visible and postable to all).. When someone wants to join, we'll direct them to our boards and tell them to make an application, following a certain template.

This way everyone in RID can see their application and offer their opinion.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:39 pm
by Apium
hang on don't do anything before at get home at 11pm est to read all this. I'll be back in game monday.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:35 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I've halted all recruiting (with the exception of Finnus, although he's an alt). I sent a mail to RID about the possible setup of the new recruitment procedure, although I told them it's subject to change.

We can utilize the personal database forums for application submissions... it's kinda under utilized and I need something to do with it.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:02 pm
by Vogik
Sure.. You'd obviously need to make that forum public though.

Then the only other thing i can think of with the forums is the Voting Center.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:21 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Well how about we have the recruits submit an application on the "RID Recruit" forum. Then we bring it up for vote on the Personal Database forum (which should stay private) so he cannot vote for himself... but then I need to find a way to get select users to vote. I personally think it'd be better to do an in-game vote though if that's alright for you... easier for security reasons.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:50 pm
by Jaysont
u could use that room in city hall you know 1 with mustafarian table as a voting room

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 4:07 pm
by Waucod Meesman
Just a quick question when if I ever get swg back will I have to wait until I get combat level 60 or 70 or whatever it is and go through the 14 trial thing before I get excepted if not then this sounds very interesting... and if I had more time I would read all of the posts

P.S. When I saw the title for this thread I though you were gonna complain about people like me on the forums lol...

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 4:50 pm
by Vogik
No, youll just have to grind your ass off and hit a high level :wink:

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 6:40 pm
by Waucod Meesman
oh yeah thanks

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:26 pm
by Apium
Ok maybe its just b/c i havent read any of this and I havent had a chance to get in game since thursday, but I think we are moving to fast with all this. I say we meet with the entire guild and just take in opinions. Afterwards the officers should meet in private and finalize everything. Then the final draft should be presented to the guild and small changes can be made. I don't believe we should do a straight guild vote. RID has always done fine with the officers taking the guildmembers ideas and finalizing them and putting them in action. We aren't a democracy afterall. Its a lexxocracy. Yea I like the sound of that.............a lexxocracy

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:30 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Now, now don't be giving Lexx an ego... lol

Still, you make some good points.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:54 pm
by Apium
I don't like any of this. This may sound mean, but I know what you want Vogik, go to imphl for it. We won't hold it against you. We lost bizob and sergetov for the same desire you have, just go. Theres no reason for you to attempt to change RID just so you can have the guild tailored to your likings while still being able to say you are RID.

I do however agree that some changes have to be made, but not to this extent. RID has been here for nearly 3 years, ask everyone on starsider and you will find out that RID is the most respected guild. Even rebels respect RID. When you have those kind of results you don't need a complete overhaul.

Yea some of the people we have recruited the last couple weeks have been well not so great. We dealt with it, but look at some of the people who wouldnt be in the guild because of the changes you want to make. Jaysont, Iapeti, Montros, seether, and osskirzo just to name few. All of them are great people but they don't fit your suggested requirements.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:10 am
by Vogik
Hey, if these changes arent made, perhaps I will go to a different guild, but the way I see it, RID isnt advancing in the GCW at all. This is the only way I forsee RID making an impact on the server.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:18 am
by Apium
Vogik wrote:Hey, if these changes arent made, perhaps I will go to a different guild, but the way I see it, RID isnt advancing in the GCW at all. This is the only way I forsee RID making an impact on the server.

Advance where? What more could you want than to be respected by nearly every person on the server? Let IMPHL have their petty pvp glory, let them fall like axis and fatalis. RID will always be remembered.

RID was never centered around pvp. Okay yea we have seen an increase in our pvp partcipation lately, but we aren't a pvp guild. Lets not shut our selves off to the people we originally appealed to, the pve and rpers.