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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:01 pm
by Waucod Meesman
Kurke_Aumea wrote:Drag's right on this one.

*cleans out ear*

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:21 pm
by Dragonus
Kurke_Aumea wrote:
Dragonus wrote:
Vogik wrote:
Apium wrote:
Vogik wrote:All people who do this deserve to be permabanned; i have no sympathy for you if you get banned from this.

ahh its fine, he payed 50 dollars for the transfer he deserves it until the csr fixes it.
He pays $50 to have an unfair advantage? No, he paid $50 to switch servers.

dont blame him for this blame the damn character transfer dat cant get things done right.. imo he payed $50 to have a few days of fun

Drag's right on this one. Blame SOE and their f'ed up system.

ive always been right

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:20 pm
by Apium
Dragonus wrote:
Kurke_Aumea wrote:
Dragonus wrote:
Vogik wrote:
Apium wrote:
Vogik wrote:All people who do this deserve to be permabanned; i have no sympathy for you if you get banned from this.

ahh its fine, he payed 50 dollars for the transfer he deserves it until the csr fixes it.
He pays $50 to have an unfair advantage? No, he paid $50 to switch servers.

dont blame him for this blame the damn character transfer dat cant get things done right.. imo he payed $50 to have a few days of fun

Drag's right on this one. Blame SOE and their f'ed up system.

ive always been right

name one other time

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:46 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
I'm going with Apium on this one. Oh yeah, back on topic or I'm whipping out the Master Lock!

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:58 pm
by Waucod Meesman
yeah what Aumea said and what is the best proffession anyways?

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:50 am
by Jaysont
[quote="Kurke_Aumea"]I'm going with Apium on this one. Oh yeah, back on topic or I'm whipping out the Master Lock![/quote]

/slap with wet fish

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:51 am
by Azrael'D
well i think its foolish to blame me for something that i didn't ask for. as someone mentioned, blame SOE for introducing a bug ridden process.

having said that, i have stopped using BH specials. i do not want to get banned because i dont want some idiot thinking that i purposely exploited the system in order to gain an advantage. all i wanted was a transfer.

(i must admit, it was cool to go into restuss, throw a BH snare and bleed net, throw a acid AOE, to a bunch of rebs and cloak away into the shadows. hehe)

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:55 am
by Waucod Meesman
did you pwn?

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:23 pm
by Azrael'D
well i did have a couple of BHs come after me after i cloned at the restuss starport and went off-duty. so i must be doing something right for our side to piss off people so they hire a BH. hehe.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:38 am
by Szul
Vogik wrote:All people who do this deserve to be permabanned; i have no sympathy for you if you get banned from this.
Its a bug that he has no control over. Szul is perma-bugged the same way, and CSRs will do nothing to fix it. Szul is either a perma-Jedi, or a exploiting <insert class here> Also, be glad I decided to be civil with my reply, because I had a much harsher one intended.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:20 pm
Vogik wrote:I dunno, i guess i'm the only one that likes fair gameplay.

No you are not.


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:27 pm
Azrael'D wrote:well i think its foolish to blame me for something that i didn't ask for. as someone mentioned, blame SOE for introducing a bug ridden process.

You asked for it the minute you noticed it, took advantage and then thought it was cute enough to brag about it.

Additionally, anyone who supports it, supports exploiting and should be dragged into the town sqaure and shot. Ok well maybe only in the knee cap.

None the less, do not try to play the victim. You are merely a recipiant of a mistake and thus taking advantage in a very immature way. The victims are those who were defeated because of the sploit as well as those who do not have the sploit to use in order to play the game and enjoy as you have. But none the less enjoy your sploit for as long as you have it and like the other guy, if you are banned, great, see ya. If not, hopefully they will fix it soon and move on. No harm, no foul really.

Given the option i'd pay $50 bucks for more powers. Given the chance.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:00 am
by Szul
SEETHER wrote:If not, hopefully they will fix it soon and move on.

They are not going to fix it, its been around since they started messing with specific class skills and a large number of people are affected by it when they respec. I was first affected by it back in January when I tried to respec from Jedi to Medic. I am still affected by unless I switch back to Jedi, and only then do I have no other class abilities.

Also, CSR won't ban for it, but its rumored that they will fix it... altho they say they cannot, so it might just be people trying to claim CSRs fixed them to get heat off their backs.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:03 am
by Szul

I'm appalled at the way I see some of you talking to your other guildies, and I can tell you right now... you are damn lucky this is not my guild or I'd throw your asses out. Good guildmates do not talk to other guildmates in the manner that I have seen in this thread.

Wishing that guildmates would get banned... /shame on you kids.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:45 am
by Apium
Szul wrote:and........

I'm appalled at the way I see some of you talking to your other guildies, and I can tell you right now... you are damn lucky this is not my guild or I'd throw your asses out. Good guildmates do not talk to other guildmates in the manner that I have seen in this thread.

Wishing that guildmates would get banned... /shame on you kids.

woot Szul cracking down