Some news about RID

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Lexx Yovel
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Some news about RID

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:05 pm

First thing first. Our web site is going to be redesgined by Kurke, I sent him some info, and am going to send him the logo too. Since he has more web experience than me, I entrust him to do it. I am pretty sure it will make our guild web site look more appealing.

Next, training sessions. We have done one war-game recently. It went pretty well, except we learned that the duels become invalid when you go far away from the opponent. So for the war-game from now on, we will be about 100 meters apart from the opponent and then commense the war games.

Our city is slowly being redisigned. Some of the out of place houses belong to inactives, and is pretty hard to tell them to relocate the house. Fortunately, some of them are decaying. We will obtain a shuttle port once we reach 55 citizens. We currently have 43, so that means only 12 more citizens to go.

Zrinity is also griding for master dancer. Once she gets that, she will place the cantina, and possibly even a theater if she haves enough lots.

As for the treasury, Rakuda has been kind enough to put a great sum of money for the treasury. As thanks for his acts, I am placing a garden near his home, and gave him the Improved Job Market. The Improved Job Market increases mission rewards from the city by 15%. Brining 2500 credit paying missions to about 3500 credits. The Improved Job Market adds 80k credits to the city maintenance, yet we can now afford it.

Events from now on, factional wise, will be factions missions, faction base raids, and in some cases raids on Anchorhead for fun and experience, etc. Events similar to the Jeopardy games will be designed. Races, hunts, dueling championships, and war training sessions are just a few of the ideas we have for events. Post for more creative event ideas if possible.

One thing I would like to do is get the whole guild together in uniforms and go throgh Mos Eisley. Eisley is filled with people. If we bring the whole guild, we will no doubt pick up a great number of decently skilled *Imperials* for our guild. Bringing us closer to a shuttle port.

Also, we plan on making more movies. Not all of them have to be recruitment movies however.

Mission fundraisers are also a great idea. Where the whole guild takes part in missions, and tips them to the leader, city treasury, and or guild hall treasury. The credits would be used to purchase housing from our architects, maintaining city structures, and other costly guild items and/or events.

As for uniforms, please contact me in-game if you dont have a guild division uniform. We can supply one for 1,000 credits.

I hate to say it folks, but I can no longer supply credits to new members for charity. I am down right poor. 20k is my average bank account. If you need credits, ask me, and we can set off to do missions.

If you have any questions, please ask :)

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:13 pm

Hey Lexx, I don't know how you are planning to redesign the city, but there are some cool programs you can downlaod for free to design city layouts. They can be found on the Politician boards on You have to do a search for them. If you need me to, I can go and try to dig them up for you.


Post by bizob » Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:18 pm

i have some webdesign skills myself kurke and would be more than happy to help you in anyway i can. i dont know php butim sure i could learn it quickly if needed. ive done a few websites myself, mostly sites for local bussinesses. the only thing i cant do for websites is graphics and flash i always outsourced those. i have flash, photoshop and frontpage as well as VisualStudio which can be used for web stuff too. im really lookin forward to seeing what u come up with. if jeapordy is any indication u got some imagination and the site should look awesome.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:25 pm

How are your flash skills bizob??? I am decent with Flash, but not great. I can make some pretty good animations, but they aren't spectacular. let me tell you what I am planning Flash wise.

When you go to the first page of the site, you get the RID logo. I am looking to redo it somehow in a cool, but short flash movie. I am still trying to think of a way to do it, but I just haven't hit on the final design for it yet. If you can donate some time and effort with making a Flash movie, let me know.


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:57 pm

I would advise against using Frontpage, it's probably one of the worst web apps out there, Dreamweaver would be the best. If you guys need any help with designing the site, let me know. I work in game design/digital media, and I can help you with some things, but I just don't have the time to design it right now. I could definitely make some cool stuff for RID (like promotional videos for recruitment, CG Bumpers, etc), as I know After Effects, Premiere Pro, name a few.

PHP would be ideal, but it can be a lot of work making a lot of the back end stuff.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:49 pm

Personally, I love FrontPage. Of course, your opinion is your opinion and my opinion is my opinion. I have tried Dreamweaver, it just wasn't my thing. Perhaps when I get the money I will try it in the future again. But, atm FrontPage is more than accurate for me and my needs.


Post by Xan » Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:26 am

Guys, and especially Lexx, the 1 guild that i was in the COD command point for for 6 months(Archangels Clan) and another guild that i was thinking to join <TIO> but never joined it both have amazing websites and i'd like to suggest taking some tips and ideas off thsoe two websites, or possibly, find out who did one of them. I know my friend who goes by the name Kamintar did an absolutely great job designing the new archangelsclan website and im not saying hes better than Kurke or Bizob but he is extremely good at this stuff and taking computer classes in school and he can make some of the best photoshop sigs i have ever seen and is a very good friend of mine. So take a look at his work at (register there if you want to get to see all of it) because i think you will be impressed and im sure he wouldnt mind working on a website for us in his free time. Also a good site is the <TIO> guild one, at (also register if you want to see all of it) though i dont know who designed it and it would be less likely that they would do it for us. If you don't like either of these ideas than Kurke and Bizob can get on to it but i think we should put this under consideration. Especially the Archangels one, since they have prospered for 2 1/2 years as a multi-gaming clan that is very organized and well structured and if it werent for the new leader of it that i dislike how he runs a few things, i would have stayed. And mind you, Kamintar designed the ENTIRE archangels website. He had NO help. :D Also, ever single Sig, or as you guys call Banners from the the look of Chalics thing, he makes. Look at the one UNreal Chaos has, he did that too, as you can see he'd be a great choice to do this for us if you say yes, ill contact him. Its up to you guys. :D

Phew, long post.

-Royal Advisor to R.I.D.


Post by bizob » Sun Aug 01, 2004 7:29 pm

well i dont really know flash at all. i have the software but never got time to learn it (at the time i was doing over 100 apps a semester in java code). as far as the php stuff goes i don't see too many places where we would need to use it but i havent really thought about it too much. if we do need it for something i'm sure i can figure out the code for it. Frontpage is a great tool for those who dont know html, however it is a microsoft product. the problem i have with frontpage is it uses like 10 lines of code to accompish what i can do with 3 lines. well anywho whatever we need, looks like we have plenty of people with some techy skills to get it done. just tell me what i need to do and ill get right on it.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:00 pm

I agree with you Bizob about FrontPage. Yeah, the way it codes stuff is a little retarded, but it is a lot faster than hard-coding everything.
