Jeopardy Results

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Lexx Yovel
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Jeopardy Results

Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:35 pm

I am glad to announce Jeopardy went pretty well. The game went on for about an hour and a half, with contestants, Telemchus, Bizob, and Rakuda. It wasnt till the end that I found I made a mistake, and went back through the logs to obtains the scores again hehe.

Rakuda- 2400

Telemchus- 1000

Bizob- 4300

Thanks to all the contestants, and congrats to Bizob :)
Also, special thanks to Kurke for coming up with this creative event!

A ton of RID's showed up. About 16. And about 5 outsiders attended. I think it went pretty well, and more events like this will happen in the future.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Jul 29, 2004 1:18 am

I would like to thank everyone who attended. I think the event went rather well and I hope to have more events similar to this in the future. We did hit some snags of course, but when aren't there snags in the first run of something. Perhaps in a month or two we can have another episode of JEOPARDY.

I am also looking for other new events to hold in Fort Oasis. I think JEOPARDY was a creative step in the right direction and I want to keep up that momentum. I have a few ideas in mind for events in the future, but they aren't ready to be announced yet. Also, in light of some other things I will probably have Zrinity run any events between now and the end of August (if she wants to :wink: ). I have a week long vacation to San Francisco planned during the middle of August and I am beginning a resdesign of the RID web site. This is going to occupy some of my time and will prevent me from preperly hosting events. So, Zrinity feel free to hold some player events!!! You are my first officer and I encourage you to use your priviledges to keep the guild happy.


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 29, 2004 10:49 am

Lol, thanks Kurke. I really enjoyed Jeopardy and now with you leaving me to conduct actitivies, there's no match.

So, I am requesting from all of RID to let me know some ideas they have. I will be trying to come up with activities we can all enjoy, but sometimes my brain doesn't work like I want it to (hehe), so I'll need some help from you all. If anyone has any ideas, you may post them here or you can send me an ingame e-mail.

Again, JEOPARDY was a blast, I'm glad everyone else had a good time. Holding Jeopardy and having a good time just gives us more reason to hold more events.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 29, 2004 2:47 pm

I must say, Kurke did somthing that no one would have thought of. Let me think of a creative, is fun......................................................................hunting is cool....... hmm somthing creative lol. I will come back to that.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:07 pm

:idea: I have one small idea. Its not as creative, nor is it really my idea lol. I got it from Aleksandrov. We could, as a guild, set out to Mos Eisley in uniforms and recruit Imperials there. Mos Eisley is flooded. And if recruit people, (excluding fresh neutral newbs lol :P ) then we can expand our city for a shuttle port, and grow to be a metropolis. Also, more Imperials we get, the more strengthened our guild will become.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:26 pm

Alright all, I am looking for ideas for future events. I am going to try and stick with a game show setup since they seem to be rather fun and quite different from raids and whatnot.

Any ideas for games? I wanted to do Wheel of Fortune, but how do I make a wheel?!?! LOL.

How about Let's Make a Deal. This one would be easy to set up, but we would need some cool prizes. Prizes like Comp Armor, Flamethrowers, Super Duper Swoops, Large Houses, Rare Loot Items. I am thinking that anyone who donates a prize will get a shameless plug during the game.

The Price Is Right would probably be the ultimate game show to set up. it would definitely be fun and interesting. But, how do we replicate many of the games.

Name That Tune. most of you probably aren't old enough to remember this one. Of course, neither am I, but thank you Game Show Network. This could kind of work. Downside is what do you classify as one note in the game...

Who Wants to be a Millionaire. This is one is very doable. Problem is, where do I find a million credits. Anyone who donates credits could get a plug on the show perhaps?

Weakest Link??? Timed events are difficult due to a lag factor in the chat engine. Instead of a timed event do we do a question limit? Also, how do you keep track of the money in an easy way.

Trivia Bowl??? We have two teams of 3 or 4 people compete on trivia questions against each other. Seems easy.

Also, once we get the cantina set up, I would either like to hire a band or get the guild to make a band and have them perform one night in the cantina. Food and drinks could be available and we could just party all night.

Any other thoughts or suggestions??? Let me know.

I am going to post this in a separate post in a minute or two.


Post by Xan » Sat Jul 31, 2004 11:14 am

I really like Lexx's idea it would show that we are professional in our recruitment as well as many other aspects. (just dont do it till i buy myself a stormtrooper set :P )

Lexx i advise you do this. And i suggest it done either ever week, every 2 weeks or once every month. Though once very month id rather not do.Personally.

You have thought, you thought well, i advised. YOU DO IT!
