Need a corrector and ideas to complete my bio

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Need a corrector and ideas to complete my bio

Post by Daiho » Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:05 pm

Here's my bio written in 2005 lol

Born on Mon Calamari, young I was took has a slave by the Empire.They took us,my family and I, and put us in a desertic planet, Lok. Making some hard work, I was in a bad shape. So we decided to make a escape plan.The escape was a succes but in the process I felt in radioactive waste.That's why I'm red. One day,I left home to buy some ship parts and when I return home,my parents were killed.In the hand of my father,I found a Rebel symbol.The Empire give us bad time but the Rebellion give me anger.So,I decided to start a fight against these Rebels.I engage my-self in the Empire,the side who have always took care of us when I was a slave.Now I want to be a jedi to find the responsible and KILL HIM.

''There is no peace,there is anger.
There is no death,there is immortality.
There is no weakness,there is the Dark Side.
I am the destoyer of worlds.
I know the power of the Dark Side.
All the Universe bows before me.
In the death of the light.
May the Dark Side rule forever

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Post by Arev » Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:25 am

Re-write the whole thing. This: Experience the Taste of Wood-Grilled Seafood. Source. /firmnod

I would recommend typing out a thorough biography on the Starsider Wiki, after you're approved from here. And then, use the your in-game biography to describe your character attributes--physicality, mentality, etc.

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Post by Carlus » Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:13 am

The Mon Calamari homeplanet is Dac.

The bio is more of a story than biography that tells the reader why your character has become who he is - this is if you RP, however.

Nothing I can really think of though. I don't like bios myself because people usually use OOC information even though they say they don't.

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Post by Daiho » Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:11 am

Thanks guys for your help.

Other question, I use the 1st or the 3rd person?

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Post by Arev » Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:51 am

Third Person please. Exampleon Starsider Wiki.

However, just to clarify, the in-game biography shouldn't be used an actual biography because, as Carlus pointed out, can be used to meta-game. Also, I'd highly recommend making liberal use of Wookieepedia.

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Post by Daiho » Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:50 am

More easier to do a rebel bio than imperial lol!

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Post by Daiho » Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:14 am

What do you think of this first draft? If you wanna correct it don't be shy!
Thanks for helping me :)


Biographical information
Homeworld : Dac. Hawaka Islands
Date of birth : (I don’t know the dates …) BBY
Age : 24
Date of death : ???

Physical description
Species : Mon Camalari
Gender : Male
Residency : Fort Nar Shadda, Dantooine
Marital status : single
Height : 1.5 meters
Tatoo color : Light red
Eye color : Dark blue

Faction : Empire
Player association : Regal Imperial Defenders (RID)
Primary profession : Elder Jedi
Secondary profession : None

Early life
Daiho was born (I don’t know the date…) BBY on the Hawaka Islands, Dac. At his 5th anniversary, his father decided to continue the family path by teach him the healing power. All Daiho predecessor were Doctor and he will have to continue this tradition.
At the end of the war, Daiho received a very bad news. His father was killed by a friendly rebel fire. He decided to give up and seek vengeance for his father death.

The learning
Daiho meet a female human named Mailia. She was a dark side force user. She used the anger of Daiho to teach him the way to handle a lightsaber and develop his force sensitive power.
At the age of 15, Daiho killed her master to get free and accomplish his will.

The Empire wants you.

A new war is coming up and Daiho choose to get in the Empire to serve and find contact who can help him to get his duty done. Within the first four years of serving, Daiho got the General title. He lead a squadron to many victories against the Rebels who killed his father but his apetite for vengeance wasn’t filled.

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Post by Arev » Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:30 pm

Which war are you citing? If it's the Clone Wars, you may need to adjust his age a bit. Five at the start of the Clone Wars (22 BBY), would put it approximately at 29 currently. (Born 27 BBY.)

Where did he meet Mailia?

When you say "fifth anniversary" are you referring to his fifth birthday?

Why the Empire make him a General giving their xenophobic stance?

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Post by Carlus » Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:00 pm

Realistically within SW Canon your toon is not and will not be a general.

Being an alien is bad as it is (the Empire and COMPNOR had a pro-human high culture policy) - and Mon Calamari is worse.
Why? Because they were all seen as insurgents because they more or less fully supported the Alliance.

Oh and, I forgot to mention Dac was supposed to be the first test for the Death Star.

While you can do what you please, I know many more "serious" Imperial RPers do look upon self-titled higher officers who break protocol repeatedly.

Do you stay in uniform? Too often I see these 19 year old girls with hotpants claiming to be generals of the Empire. An officer of the Empire does not wear a necklace. And by Palpatine he doesn't have long hair. And most often he's a he too.

I know for a fact I shun people who claim they're persons of authority within the Empire when they break all forms of protocol. So many do it to be cool, get power, et cetera.

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Post by Ramd » Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:51 pm

Carlus wrote:Realistically within SW Canon your toon is not and will not be a general.

Being an alien is bad as it is (the Empire and COMPNOR had a pro-human high culture policy) - and Mon Calamari is worse.
Why? Because they were all seen as insurgents because they more or less fully supported the Alliance.

Oh and, I forgot to mention Dac was supposed to be the first test for the Death Star.

While you can do what you please, I know many more "serious" Imperial RPers do look upon self-titled higher officers who break protocol repeatedly.

Do you stay in uniform? Too often I see these 19 year old girls with hotpants claiming to be generals of the Empire. An officer of the Empire does not wear a necklace. And by Palpatine he doesn't have long hair. And most often he's a he too.

I know for a fact I shun people who claim they're persons of authority within the Empire when they break all forms of protocol. So many do it to be cool, get power, et cetera.

Lol, I do have a "yeah, right" reaction when I see a "general" in pink hotpants too.

Daiho can RP how he wants, not everyone is a hardcore rp'er, and everyone has a different style. I say, if you're having fun, keep it up.

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Post by Carlus » Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:07 am

Ramd wrote:
Carlus wrote:Realistically within SW Canon your toon is not and will not be a general.

Being an alien is bad as it is (the Empire and COMPNOR had a pro-human high culture policy) - and Mon Calamari is worse.
Why? Because they were all seen as insurgents because they more or less fully supported the Alliance.

Oh and, I forgot to mention Dac was supposed to be the first test for the Death Star.

While you can do what you please, I know many more "serious" Imperial RPers do look upon self-titled higher officers who break protocol repeatedly.

Do you stay in uniform? Too often I see these 19 year old girls with hotpants claiming to be generals of the Empire. An officer of the Empire does not wear a necklace. And by Palpatine he doesn't have long hair. And most often he's a he too.

I know for a fact I shun people who claim they're persons of authority within the Empire when they break all forms of protocol. So many do it to be cool, get power, et cetera.

Lol, I do have a "yeah, right" reaction when I see a "general" in pink hotpants too.

Daiho can RP how he wants, not everyone is a hardcore rp'er, and everyone has a different style. I say, if you're having fun, keep it up.

Aye perfectly agreed. I was just giving the pointers he wanted according to topic. /shrug

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Post by Daiho » Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:35 am

Maybe I should develop my RP around my look. I'm always wearing that. Maybe I can use different color but mainly there's my look


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Post by Arev » Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:24 am

That's not a bad option. Could pull an Aragorn and take the bracers off a dead man, or for some valiant effort, you received them. This was not unheard of as Dengar was given Imperial armor for his service as an Imperial Bounty Hunter. I would argue that because Daiho's a non-Human/Zabrak, he received less armor.

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Post by auren » Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:12 am

Ok my opinion

In the past i have roleplayed a little

Roleplaying is peoples idea of things so here is my idea of how Daiho fits in with Imperial ways.

Its extremely easy to say Daiho could never be a imperial general. But remember for every reason you can give for him not being one i can give a alternative reason. Im good at that :D Always two sides to a story :D

Daiho is Mon Calamari and maybe as a way of undermining the security of the mon calamari homeworld from the inside or maybe too increase favour with the mon calamari ( a rebel sympathiser race) the imperials have made a statement by promoting Daiho to a imperial rank and announced their supposed integration of alien races to increase its power and trust.

"the rebels have always tried to make public our persecution of other races but only today we promoted our first non human mon calamari to prove we are accepting of any race who embraces our imperial rule"
Freja Covell Imperial Major General

it could happen :P

It is a well known fact that the imperials employed the underworlds biggest personalities (of different races) to show their power and persuasion to others in the star wars galaxy. Boba Fett Bossk Dark Prince xisor of the black sun criminal organisation. If it was going to benefit the imperials if a mon calamari was a general in the imperial army the imperials would promote a alien to that rank.

Also inside Star wars galaxies we are led to believe we are now forward in time in the star wars universe. Maybe the imperials are now regaining their future power by gaining the "aliens" of the star wars worlds trust ?

I like reading star wars books and i can see lots of ways the imperials would make changes to become the only power in the star wars galaxy. If the imperials managed to loose two death stars who could know what they would do to regain or increase their foothold along the way ?

I agree with a lot of what you said carlus but as much as i laugh at people in hawtpants with imperial general in their biography i laugh as much at strict roleplayers. If their is one thing about the dark emperor that is certain it is that he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted and if that involves manipulating or recruiting a alien race to wipe out more rebels, that is im sure what he would do ?

Auren (human) is from a roleplay sense a mercenary who is employed by the imperials to get a job done. You will see her in imperial crusader armor, maybe given to her by her employers ? Is auren working towards joining the official imperial ranks seeing it as a way to a better life or is she making the best of a bad lot ?

(Zabrak) is a alien zabrak that has medical knowledge that can benefit the imperials : as such she has a place in the imperial ranks even if she doesn't hold a imperial rank. She knows her place and the imperials know hers (treating their troops) In roleplay events she may wear imperial armor to hide her race and blend in or be used as a mercenary or a outsider who has been brought along to increase the imperials chances of winning ?

remember General Grievous

He wasn't human he was kaleesh / cyborg who was brought into the battle as a chief antagonist by the emporers orders

The Kaleesh are a nomadic and politically neutral race from the planet Kalee. A bipedal reptilian species, the Kaleesh have reddish brown scaly skin and cover almost all their bodies to protect them from Kalee's blistering sun, usually leaving only their four-fingered claws exposed. Most wear masks carved from the skulls of their most feared creatures such as the karabac and the mumuu.

During the Huk War, the Republic sided with their enemy, destroying their economy and deepening the already hard times hurting their homeworld. The Intergalactic Banking Clan, headed by San Hill, later came in and helped them out of their depression through a deal for the Kaleesh to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS). One Kaleesh cyborg, General Grievous became the feared military leader of the CIS during The Clone Wars. Although his original form was not shown in Episode III, Grievous had statues of his former self in his home at Vassek during the Clone Wars. One statue remains unchanged, but two more have the golden arms and mask that Grievous has as a cyborg appearance

Also this was taken from wikipedia
With the dawn of the Galactic Empire, the Mon Calamari initially welcomed the Imperial forces when they entered their system. However, the Imperials saw the people of Dac—the Mon Calamari in particular—as natural slaves whose industries and resources could be used to power the Imperial war machine. The Imperial leadership may also have been suspicious because both of Dac's senators signed the Petition of 2000. Aided by the sabotage of the planetary shields by Quarren saboteurs such as Seggor Tels, the Empire swiftly conquered Mon Calamari.

There is a lot of negative things about the imperials and the mon calamari
but like the wind cant everyone change their mind ? and aren't we all pawns in the emperors game ?

Then again Carlus you might be right

Has seen lexx's sabre and it was glowing pink............again

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Post by Carlus » Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:49 am

Grievous is a bad example as high human culture spawned from COMPNOR was non-existant until the very formation of the Empire.

Apart from that I do agree. It's all about a good story and having fun - but also being modest when need be.
