Apium wrote:Ri'Me wrote:It was in the GAT thread yesterday and got moved to here
no it wasn't. I would have left it in the GAT. Its from the "my gamertag" thread.
And the Wii barely outsold the 360, and this was the 360's second holiday season.
Actually, the last I heard was that the 360 sold more than the Wii (at least in the U.S.). The Wii just did so well compared to the PS3 that they think the Wii won the holiday. In fact, estimates show that Nintedo might have actually missed their Wii sales target due to supply issues. Still, there is no denying that the Wii had a good holiday. Still, I am really curious if the 360 will have sold 10 million consoles by the end of the year. I've see estimates that puts the sales figures damn close and rumor has it that MS has actually shipped well over 10 million, so it is entirely possible that MS sold 10 million.
And in response to Ri'Me, I think you underestimate the graphics argument. Yeah, a bunch of people look at the Wii and go, "Wow, those controls are cool" but there are a whole ot of other people that look at the Wii and the other next gen consoles and say, "Wow, the Wii graphics suck." I mean, if you could take the 360 hardware and pair it with the Wii controls, you would have a very killer console. I also think you are underestimating the selling potential of the Playstation brand. As much as I tend to despise the PS3's existence, the damn thing will sell just because it is a "Playstation." People could care less if it is a quality machine or not, but they'll buy it because of the name. Nintendo lost that luxory back with the N64.
Now, unless you see Nintendo take a very large and comanding lead in market share, you won't see companies develop for the Wii first and then port it to the other consoles. It just won't happen. Nintendo would have to have a commanding lead in order for this to happen. And by commanding, I mean the kind of lead they hold over Sony in the handheld market. In fact, the best thing Nintendo an do is go after the smaller, third party developers loking to make it big. Sticking with companies like EA and Capcom will really lead nowhere for the Wii simply because of the mindset of these companies. These companies will drive sales for the 360 and PS3, but they will just port games to the Wii. In order for the Wii to really excel, it will need exclusive games that aren't ports and games that continue to utilize the Wi controller and cause its use to evolve.
If the Wii can only offer ports and games never realize the Wiimote's potential, then the Wii will turn out to be just a novelty.