Lets sort this out

A place for members to discuss general information about RID.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Lexx Yovel
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Lets sort this out

Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:53 pm

Hello all. I read all the mails in-game, and read all the messages here. Now, lets just sort everything out.

RID has 40 members, and 39 citizens in Fort Oasis. Fort Oasis is a level 3 city. We have a med center, cloner, bank, garage, terminals, and some trainers.

Now, our Cantina. Our Cantina apparently dissapeared due to maintenance troubles. With the money I have, and with the help of RID, contributions can be made for new furniture, a new deed, and a search for a Master Dancer, Entertainer, and/or Chef. I request everyone to help out on this.

Next come organization of our city. Now, it always feels like an ache to have city with scattered houses. We have no real remedy, and its an absolute pain, but we got to reorganize now, before it gets any harder. As it stands, we organize first. We cant jump ahead. I wont lie to RID... it may be impossible for us to obtain a shuttle port due to the city cap, but then again, we still might be able to obtain one. I wont make any promises, and the last thing we want to do is rush it.

I will tell you right now. I am absolutely happy with the population of Fort Oasis now. I wouldnt mind if it stays a level 3 city. A 250 meter, 1 minute drive from Espa is my last concern. My only concern about Fort Oasis is organization. Imagine how much more appealing our city would be with the houses in nice rows. Once we get that down, we can concentrate on other city issues.

Now, there are some people who think we are moving our city. Others think we are getting new cities. Now, I will tell you right now, Fort Oasis will be here forever. Its never leaving. As for getting *more* cities, this may become a possibilty. But can we rush it? We hardly have enough maintenance, and people to keep one city alive, the last thing we want is to have the stress of two cities. Dont get me wrong, once we get Fort Oasis in tip top shape, we will consider the opening and founding of new cities, so that we expand to be the guild we wanted to be.

Next is recruitment. We stand by the system it is now. Members must be Imperials with *at least* one full branch in a starter proffesion, and at least a decent ammount of knowledge of game mechanics. I dont want anyone asking what a Dantooine is... or beggers who scream for 5k in guild chat. Has anyone heard of missions? Also, everyone we recruit must have a good additude. I dont want any obnoxious Skaarj's. Those who dont know who Skaarj was, he was a real annoying member.

Now, the divisions. We are revamping... again, the division system. Now, I looked at Kurke's system and while it seemed pretty good, there are technical troubles. more than 10 people would need to give up their earned ranks, and the squad system would be difficult to use. So I have this. (Look Below)

Leader- Lexx
General- Zetagala

Royal Guard- (This I am thinking about removing... I really might let the guild chose. Those who are already guards may not be willing to give up this title.)

Long Range Division- Commander Ty'e
Sub Divisions: Spec Ops, and Infantry.

Close Range Division- Commander N/A
Sub Divisions: Black Sword, Berserker

Intellegence Division- Commander Telemchus
Sub Divisions: ISB

Combat Support Division- Commander Totzo
Sub Divisions: Creature Support, Medical

Recreational Services Division- Commander Kurke
Sub Divisions: Crafting, Entertainment

We got 5 solid divisions. I feel this system would work better, but keep reading. There are more details. I just figured we dont have enough people as of now for squads. Now, here is the example for Long Range Division I have.

Long Range Division: Commander
First Officer
Second Officer

Spec Ops Sub Division: Captain

1.) Member
2.) Member
3.) Member
4.) Member

Infantry Sub Division: Captain

1.) Member
2.) Member
3.) Member
4.) Member

If you look above, the Commanders are in charge of Officers and Captains. The Officers are lead by the Commander and can give orders to the Captains. Each Sub Division has one Captain, and he over looks his members. If things in this system dont work, as in getting too complicated, then we issue squads. So if so many members are in a certain Division, or should I say Sub Division, that Sub Division will have Squads lead by "Operatives," or somthing. This way, it would work like this.

Long Range Division: Commander
First Officer
Second Officer

Spec Ops Sub Division: Captain

Operative 1
1.) Member
2.) Member
3.) Member
4.) Member
5.) Member
6.) Member

Operative 2
7.) Member
8.) Member
9.) Member
10.) Member
11.) Member

If you look above, Spec Ops has a lot of members. More than one Captain can control. Once this happens, we have an Operative who is lead by the Captain. Captains and Operatives would have no guild powers as in recruitment and such. What Captains would do is record a list of the members, and send them mails about training sessions, or commands in battles. Operatives do the same thing, but make the job of a Captain easier.

What does everyone think?

Next problem is people are complaining about not being able to recruit completely, or grant zoning rights while I am gone. I cant really make anyone a militia member, because they dont have a city layout plan to follow, and there is always the risk of a militia member forgetting to revoke zoning rights, or granting them to a bad person. Once we have a solid city plan, and absoulute reason for militia members, we will consider that.

Now, I may do somthing like this. Officers have sponsoring rights, but not absolute recruitment rights. Only Commanders would have absolute recruiting rights. But the thing is you must stick by the Recruitment Laws, whatever you do.

1.) Imperial
2.) At least one full branch in a starter proffesion.
3.) Understanding of game mechanics.
4.) Good additude.

Also, once you do that, you must send out the Application Form to them, which has now gone from 4 questions, to about 30, and you must tell them to fill out at least the required sections.

Also, upon recruiting, a small house is normally supplied. But instead, just ask them to join our forums, and also, send them the Propoganda Message to entice people to join RID, while supplying simple info.

Next, respect. Kurke wrote up a message about it. I read it, and thought, well at least we may not be alone. Believe it or not, other guilds are in the same troubles we are in, and others avoided it. The problem we have are these constantly annoying "Civil Wars" as we call them. Most of which include bickerings, disrespecting your leading officer or lower member for that matter. Things are quite simple, you respect everyone, whether you like that person are not. If you have a problem with him, the last thing you should do is stirr up trouble in guild chat or mail. Do that, you just got a nifty looking ticket out of RID my friend.

There are two easy steps.
1.) Dont stirr trouble.
2.) Inform me or any other leading officer if you have a problem.

Dont do anything you will regret people.

Also, people are confused about who they are permitted to listen to. It's sort of like a formula. I am going to try and right one down.

1.) My commands override any other in command :P
So if I say turn left, and your Commander says turn right, you turn left.

2.) I override the Generals orders, but the Generals orders override anyone elses orders.

3.) Commanders override First Officers, and Second Officers orders, in that certain division. A Commander in one certain division, cant command a First Officer in a lower Division. Only First Officers or Second Officers can be commanded by *their* Commander, or the General, and I.

4.) First Officers override the orders of a Second Officer in that certain division. Its similar to the above.

5.) If I or the General is not available, you are only to follow the orders of your division Commanders or Officers. If your Commander or Officers are not available, and the General or I are not on, then you are to follow the orders of the highest Commander or Officer of the highest Division. If your in the highest division with no one above you, then you follow the orders of the Commander or Officer in the next Division. If no Commander, First Officer, Second Officer, Captain, Operative, General, or Leader is there to lead... then um... you can do whatever you want I geuss.

6.) If my new division revamp changes go through, the First Officer overrides the Second Officer's orders, and the Second Officer's orders override the Captains orders, while the Captain overrides any Operative in that certain division. A Captain can only lead the Operative of his Sub Division. Operatives can only command standard members of his squad.

7.) If a certain squad doesnt have an operative to look up to, then they can follow the orders of the Captain, or in some cases work with another squad.

Okay, this isn't a simple formula. And I didnt even sort out every detail. But in the long run it really is self explanatory... let me make a chart.

Leader of RID- Overrides all other orders
General of RID- Overrides all other orders excluding the Leaders.
Commander of Long Range Division- Overrides all the orders of the below, in this certain division.
First Officer- Overrides all of the below, in this certain division.
Second Officer- Overrides all of the below, in this certain division.

Captain of Spec Ops- Overrides all the Operatives orders of this Sub Division
Operative 1- Can lead only his squad
Operative 2- Can lead only his squad

Captain of Infantry- Overrides all the Operatives orders of this Sub Division
Operative 1- Can lead only his squad
Operative 2- Can lead only his squad
Commander of Close Range Division First Officer (The exact same system works here)
Second Officer

Captain of Black Sword
Operative 1
Operative 2

Captain of Berserker
Operative 1
Operative 2

My hands are tired, I will probobly think of more things to add later. Thanks for reading :)


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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:38 pm

Lexx, your naming sub-divisions again!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! Hehe :P

Now, I'm not yelling at you Lexx, but I am just going to let you know, naming the subdivisions is going to make things extra confusing again. I stand by the thought that it is almost impossible to decypher which named subdivision goes in what division. Now, I understnad it is cool and all to give names to subdivisions, but it is confusing. A simple number is easier to understand.

Remember: Simplicity is the key to organization. (This statement is going to come back and bite me. Hehehe. :lol: )

On that note, combine the two combat divisions. Why? Because it is simpler. (I know, I'm the one that came up with those two divisions, but I have come up with a simpler format) Having one division instead of two will function much more efficiently. Also, the best combat groups in the world are diverse. They contain individuals that specialize in different things. Now, I'm not saying diversity is key, but rather that one combat division is simpler than another.

To Royal Guard... What does the Royal Guard do? Other than a title, they don't noticeably do much. I mean, perhaps this can be fixed. But, I think for the time being it is better for us to start small and work our way up. What I am saying here, is eliminate Royal Guard and some other divisions I am about to mention and as time goes on and RID grows, we can add divisions as necessary.

Intelligence Division... To me, it would seem more efficient to have a Intelligence Squad rather than an Intelligence Division. Are that many people really going to be in Intelligence Division? How much use does Intelligence Division get? Like I said in the paragraph above, start small and work up. Have an Inelligence Squad or soemthing and once the guild grows to the point of needing a whole intelligence division, add one.

Combat Support... After having dicussed this with Bizob, it has come to my attention that this should only contain doctors and entertainers. Why entertainers? Because they really benefit combatants more than anything else. Mind buffs and relieving battle fatigue is what they do for the most part. This means they would serve a better purpose in the Combat Support Division rather than the last division.

Recreational Services Division... If we move entertainers to Combat Support, then let's just rename it the Crafting Division. Crafters and crafters only in this one.

On to squads and subdivisions.

Now, I think we need to draw a line at what we think we can work and what can't. First, having first and second officers everywhere makes things confusing. When you have that many people in a command position, the guild gets diluted. Even if we do put them in place, what do first and second officers do? Fill in for the commander when he isn't around one day? That's about it. If you are going to implement a position like that, give it a purpose.

And if we have big sqauds, split the squad. Don't give two captains. Give them two captains and you are going to have a power struggle. Also, do we need squads in Combat Support Division and Crafting Division? Let's face it, most people are going to be in a combat division. Combat Support and Crafting are going to be small divisions overall. Why complicate a small division with subdivisions?

Also, one person per division. I don't care if you are a combat prof and a doctor, pick one division based on one of the professions.

Lexx, I think what we have to remember is that we should do what is best for the guild and not worry about stepping on someone's toes. People losing or gaining ranks is something that is going to happen in a command restructure like this.

Now, I didn't mean for this post to come out negative or anything like that, just to point out what I thought were flaws in your idea. Feel free to let me know what you think the technical problems are in my theory. I encourage you to do so.

Only through pointing out errors in one system can we come up with a better one.

Ty'e X'lor

Post by Ty'e X'lor » Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:58 pm

Well Lexx, if you get rid of the Royal Guards and you need someone to guard you ...The Special Operations Forces Will always be there to guard you.

P.S. What name have we decided on Specops or longrange

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:53 pm

Regarding Tye's post, SpecOps was to be a Sub Division of Long Range. As for Kurke's post, well alright. I am starting to think that your plan might work. So what your saying is have one combat division. But would this thing have SpecOps and Infantry etc. in it, or would it just be Combat Division, plain and simple?

Also, I feel Intel is kinda important. A large percentage of RID is in Intel or Infantry. What I think we should do is give them more of a purpose. I normally use Intel to put in new recruits who have little combat skills, but are available for simple informations gatherings.

And entertainers. Recreational, or Combat Support? I can see them going in either one, but in my opinion, I would say Recreational Services, since Combat Support generally takes part in at least some rudementary combat skills. Like the medics and CH's somtimes are on the field to help out, while entertainers normalyl assist following or preceding a battle. Also, the problem is we dont have too many ent's or crafters, so it would be better to put them together.

Also, Chef's and Image Designers would be needed in Rec Services.

Royal Guard can be removed for now. And as for the issue of sub divisions, we could simplify them. Like instead of "Long Range Division, Standard Infantry Squad II," we have somthing like, "LR Infantry," which stands for Long Range, Infantry for example. More details will need to be sorted out. But one thing I want to make sure is there is no confusion.

I feel we should execute this much more efficiently, perhaps by sending numerous details and charts. RID has some problems understanding ranking systems, but we can also clear that out. And another thing we need to do is simplify titles, so that you can make your web site easily.

Keep up the ideas!

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:24 pm

Lexx, you're still giving squads and subdivisions names. For the sake of simplicity, STOP. :P I know names are cool, but trust me, a numbering system will be much much easier to understand.

As far as intel goes, I think it would be best right now to stick in the Combat Division. First off, with active members low at the moment, we can't really afford to have people spread across divisions. Just make one squad in combat division named Intelligence. Anyone who wants to be a spy can be put there for now.

Oh, and it would be just a combat division, plain and simple. Anyone who wants to participate in combat goes here. Anyone who wants to be a doc, ID, CH, crafter, dancer, etc. goes in the other divisions. The combat division should really be the only division with squads because it is really the only one with enough people to warrant the squads. Squads would be numbered or we can call them by color. No complicated names. Squads would start with 5 infantry soldiers and then a squad captain. (here is something new) We would have only up to 6 squads. After we reach 6 squads, we just start adding onto the existing 5 player squads. Why should we keep it at 6 squads? Just to keep it simple basically.

You mentioned putting new members (unexperienced members) in the intelligence division because of their inexperience. I think this is a mistake. If you put them in the combat division you give them a chance to group with people better. It also allows for a mentoring program to be integrated easier if new members are put in with the seasoned veterans.

Just a few things to ponder. Catch you all tomorrow.


Post by Guest » Sat Aug 28, 2004 5:56 am

When there's 10 people with Krayt Jawas,
I guarantee you this organisation will go out of the window.


Post by Xan » Sun Aug 29, 2004 9:46 am

Lexx im all for making this guild organized but we need to keep it simple. no one knows whats what.



Post by Guest » Sun Aug 29, 2004 11:12 am

Lol, what happened to the Standard Infantry? Am I now a fake commander?

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:00 pm

*cough, cough* Bump *cough, cough*

Lexx, reply to Oraf already. :P

Seriously, we really need to *points to thread subject* sort this out.

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Post by Santos » Wed Sep 01, 2004 7:33 am

thanks alot lexx u started another one of kurkes speeches lol

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Sep 01, 2004 7:36 am

Okay lol, the way it is now is Oraf is Commander of Standard Weaponry, *not* Infantry. Infantry is currently just a sub division of Standard Weaponry. I geuss we could do it Kurke's way, but we need more details, and ways to improve upon it to make it more efficient.

For example:

-End power struggles

-Enforce respect with RID

-Enforce order for those who are in charge

-Make it simple, efficient, and actually work.

Kurke has made some good points... why seperate several divisions that do the same thing? Just make one full Combat Division. Combat Support consists of CH's, Medics, and spies. Recreational Services, crafters, entertainers, ID's, or other none combat related proffesions.

There are some people who feel we should have no divisions. While I can understand the reason is to end power struggles, we would still need a way to seperate that Crafter from the Commando.

If we do this change, many people would lose ranks, and trust me, most of the people who have a Commando or Officer title earned it. But no matter what rank anyone is, respect will still be given, and whats the loss for making this guild better?

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:02 am

I'll post some details when I get home from class. Now now Tele, I haven't written a speech for like a week now. Give me some credit. Hehehe. :P



Post by Guest » Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:31 pm

Lol, I've been saying the name wrong this whole time... I sure feel smart! :lol:

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Post by Santos » Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:04 pm

i should be a commander after all as it stands im the 4th oldest member of RID (w00t) jk i dont really care (make tele commander) just so yall know and dont worry (make tele commander) about it.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:05 pm

sheesh, how old of a member am i then???? hell, i dont even know when i joined.... Lexx when did i join??? it was the latter aprt of 2003 i know that...

where'd my ginko go to....
