RID and the Imperial Enclave

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RID and the Imperial Enclave

Post by Guest » Sun Aug 22, 2004 1:26 am

Greetings members of the Regal Imperial Defenders. Eurami Mordecino here, I am transmitting to you from the surface of Dantooine. As most of you know, things have happened in the past to RID that have made some question the leadership, and the guild as a whole. I have come to reassure you all that RID has some fine leaders, such as Lexx, Zetagala, and Kurke, all of whom I trust. Every guild has its flaws and problems, as a friend once told me, and I realize that now.

However, there were many of us who weren't satisfied with the way things were turning, despite our pleas for help which Lexx did try and work out, things just didn't change. Thus we left and formed the Imperial Enclave. An Imperial/Neutral guild based to the Southeast of the Mining Outpost on Dantooine. Our city is growing with each passing day, and we will soon be a Level 2 city. None of us are bitter, we still wish only the best things for RID and Fort Oasis. I know Lexx is doing his best, and I wish him all the luck in the world. But I ask you all to consider, what is in the best interests of the Regal Imperial Defenders?

I know what is. An alliance. The Imperial Enclave is small, but a focused and dedicate group of individuals. We do not tolerate bickering, power struggles of any kind. When I was in RID I mentioned to the leadership a plan of mentoring. Helping out guildmembers in order to further the guild as a whole. I still think it's a great idea for RID to enact, and I hope they do for the sake of their members. I can say first hand, it has worked for TIE, and there's nothing I like more than being a Master Doctor, and buffing my guildmates for free, with the knowledge they will go out and improve themselves, thereby improving our guild. Now, what's even better is the thought of forming into an alliance with RID. I know RID is a part of EC, and Lexx has told me that he is working with the other members of EC to improve communication among guilds. I think that is very important. The Imperial Enclave is interested in maintaining a positive relationship with the Regal Imperial Defenders, and I still consider Lexx a good friend. And one can never have enough friends.

Please, come visit your friends at the Imperial Enclave, I invite you personally Lexx, and anyone else who wishes to come. We have much to discuss. Our waypoint is 1783,1278, and again we are located southeast of the Mining Outpost on Dantooine.

Long live the Empire!

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Aug 22, 2004 1:37 am

Thank you for your offer to ally our guild together in our fight against the rebels. We need as many allies as we can get if we ever espect to overcome those worthless rebels. While I know members of our guilds may have some personal differences, I hope that will not stand in the way of our guilds one day becomming allies.

As for RID itself... Well, there are many things on the drawing board which will be planned out and implemented once Lexx returns from vacation. We are currently cleaning house on inactive and insubordinate members. Plans for a mentoring program are in the works as well as other ways to make the guild and other things more accessible to new members. It is the vision of RID's leadership that we can solve our problems in a logical and efficient way so that we can move on and advance into a mature and well respected guild on the Starsider Galaxy.

As one of the commanders in RID, I look forward to a wonderful relationship with the Imperial Enclave. Good luck to you in your travels.


Post by Xan » Sun Aug 22, 2004 10:44 am

I could have sworn they player city amount was maxed on dantooine. Anyone know if there are any spots left? We really need to find out if their are any more spots left on Dantooine. It would be a much better location to Relocate to than Lok.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:52 am

Wish there was a web site that displayed what planets have room for new cities and what levels of city advancement are left for planets with the max number of cities.


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:36 am


-- ... --

<-- Location: Dantooine -->

Greetings and salutations to the citizens of the Galactic Empire and the Regal Imperial Defenders. This is Eurami Mordecino, Council Member of The Imperial Enclave. I bring good news from the surface of Dantooine. Our Outpost has been growing since the time I sent my last transmission. The will of the Emperor has been done. We have now reached 20 citizens who reside within our protective borders. By the end of this week we shall become a Village, and place our Hospital along with our Cantina.

We are undergoing preparations for the Jump to Lightspeed. We have also received orders from Coruscant to begin investigations on the levels of symbiotic organisms known as midichlororians. High levels of these organisms are showing up on scans in the Dathomir region, in an entire village.

Despite tensions between our two organizations, the Emperor has demanded cooperation as we are both under orders from the Empire. I invite you all to visit us at http://www.imperialenclave.com and direct your communications to the Enclave Cantina. There is much that needs to be discussed.

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 10:26 am
Location:Fort Oasis, Tatooine

Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Aug 30, 2004 11:02 am

Very nice web site, and good job with your city.
