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Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:46 am
by Lexx Yovel
Issozzin, one of our members (with alts named Esnedo, Esosin, and Isssozzin), has show an interest in the space aspect of RID, and wises to offer some input on how to create a squadron (or squadrons) in RID.

He sent me a mail with some ideas on how to do things, and I promised him I'd post it here for some further input from the Council.

While some of his ideas may benefit from further simplifications, now might be the right time to seriously consider organizing some sort of Regal Squadron. We have a sizable number of Ace Pilots, and perhaps even an equally sizable number of aspiring pilots or gunners. So much of this potential can be used during weekly space PvP events, space piracy activities, or other space quests.

Anyways, without further ado, here is the mail Issozzin sent me, without any further commentary on my part (until after the mail).

(Leadership Ranks)
-Vice Admiral
-Rear admiral

Leadership shall be selected by those whom the admiral selects out of the plausible cannidates. This is not a contest of favoritism its whoever proves themselfs and takes the intiative of leadership. There will be a few requirements for an admiral position

1. Must have a Gunship at your command
2. has proven themselves worthy of commanding RID in war.

There will be seperate divisions that the admirals may command
1. Recon
2. assault
but the Admiral himself gets command of the main fleet.

The main fleet will be composed
The gunships, POB's and the select individual fighters that stay with the fleet as a defense.

Every squadren in these divisions will have captains or leaders because admirals may not be able direct orders on every single move you do so the captains must make the right choice in battle. You are not just mindless drones. I trust you can make the right decision as long as it does not intervien with a standing order or direct order from an admiral

Traders are nessasary here! structure/shipwright traders we will need you for RE parts and ship assembly and of course to participate in battle.

my final note I must say this, this is only a prepatory for when we have war. Feel free to add anything you wish to this proposal

While a decent proposal, as I said earlier, it may benefit from some simplifications. Sometimes proposals that that have too many leadership roles (such as the 3 Admirals, and several Squadron captains in this case), can be rather unweildy to manage.

But we can use this thread to propose modifying this proposal, implementing this exact proposal, or perhaps proposing new ideas on how the pilots in RID should be organized and used.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 2:57 pm
by Osar
LexxYovel wrote:
(Leadership Ranks)
-Vice Admiral
-Rear admiral

Leadership shall be selected by those whom the admiral selects out of the plausible cannidates. This is not a contest of favoritism its whoever proves themselves and takes the intiative of leadership. There will be a few requirements for an admiral position

1. Must have a Gunship at your command
2. Has proven themselves worthy of commanding RID in war.

There will be seperate divisions that the admirals may command
1. Recon
2. assault
but the Admiral himself gets command of the main fleet.

The main fleet will be composed
The gunships, POB's and the select individual fighters that stay with the fleet as a defense.

Every squadren in these divisions will have captains or leaders because admirals may not be able direct orders on every single move you do so the captains must make the right choice in battle. You are not just mindless drones. I trust you can make the right decision as long as it does not intervien with a standing order or direct order from an admiral

Traders are nessasary here! structure/shipwright traders we will need you for RE parts and ship assembly and of course to participate in battle.
My final note I must say this, this is only a prepatory for when we have war. Feel free to add anything you wish to this proposal

My input and ideas:
Red = Remove
Amber/Yellow = Revise
Blue = Simplify
Purple = Change completely
Green = Need further review, or re-evaluation
Any questions?
I will answer anything you guys ask, and I would suggest that you use a similar color code to help bring out what you think needs changing.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:35 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Good suggestions :)

Anyone elses input is welcomed as well.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:34 pm
by Soshu
I too am in favor of the ideas in general but beleive a simplification is needed. for note I am ace pilot and have a pretty good handle on my Red Interceptor. I also have a Y-8 fully decked out with POB equipment and ready for PVP...if I get enough crew members.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 1:37 am
by Osar
Soshu wrote:I too am in favor of the ideas in general but beleive a simplification is needed. for note I am ace pilot and have a pretty good handle on my Red Interceptor. I also have a Y-8 fully decked out with POB equipment and ready for PVP...if I get enough crew members.

Can you be a bit more specific? I know what you are saying here, but I would love to bounce more ideas off you guys before this goes through if it does go through.

Lexx and I did decide on one thing is for sure though, who ever this Admiral is, they answer to Lexx and the Council. And we are the ones who decide who is and is not Admiral no one else.

To me this statement is a no no:
"Leadership shall be selected by those whom the admiral selects out of the plausible cannidates. This is not a contest of favoritism its whoever proves themselves and takes the intiative of leadership."

It should read more like this:
All applicats for Admiral will be decided by Lexx and the Council. All other leadership positions will be considered by the Council from the Admirals suggestions. If there is any discrepancies between the Admiral and the Council, then Lexx will have the final say.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 am
by Mr.Avatar
Well maybe even the Admiral could be a council member? Or look at it a different way, have a organiser for different parts of the game ie- space(pvp/Pve), Quests, PvP, Heroics.

Tho i wouldnt get to deep with the how and why organising parts, Just say IE; Osar is in charge of Heroics, And let Osar take charge of that area. And appointing sub commanders or admirals, captains or whatever, should be done on a learn as you go basis, Prolevik may be a medic, but he may suck at healing in heroics, so appointing him main healer just outright would be a bad idea. But sos and so who Osar doesnt know very well, is mr johny on the spot with the heals and rez's, proves he is more effective, should get the role... get what im saying? so the Leadership role seems sensible enough as is.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 12:50 pm
by Osar
Agreed, just right now I am trying to figure out how to help Lexx up start this space adventure. It would bring more ppl into the guild than the RP did and seeing as how a good majority of the rebels jumped ship as soon as the free transfer hit, rp is all but dead if you don't convert your own toons to rebels. What I mean is that most of the rebels that are left are pvp'ers, pve'ers and space pilots. Well that's as far as I can see, alot of the RP'ing community left, but there is a lot of space heads out there we need to start closing in on or will lose out in recruiting them.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 1:10 pm
by Osar
LexxYovel wrote:
(Leadership Ranks)
-Vice Admiral

Applicants for the Admiral position will be considered by Lexx and the Council. Any other leadership position will be determined by the Council with the Admiral's suggestions, if there is a dispute arises between the Counsil and the admiral the Council will then send it up to Lexx for final approval. All leadership (including the admiral) will answer to Lexx and the Council (unless Council member is appointed as admiral).

1. Must have a Gunship at your command
2. Has proven themselves worthy of commanding RID in war.

The heart of the fleet will be comprised of mainly gunboats and POB's

Each Squadron will have a squad leader to help disemenate information and organize battle fronts.

Traders are nessasary for this event. Structure/shipwright traders are needed for RE parts and ship assembly and of course the possiblity to participate in battle.

My revised version of input and ideas for this proposal:
Red = Edited
Amber/Yellow = Revised
Blue = Simplified
Purple = Changed completely
Green = Still needs further review, or re-evaluation

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 4:46 pm
by Xoseh
Sorry it took me so long to get in on this one, been really busy.

I agree, if the Admiral isn't someone on the council, it should be someone who has shown great interest in RID. I *dont think* having a gunboat or not should be a requirement. A POB can do just the same. Gunboats are harder to obtain then POB's, cost more to completely and perfectly outfit, and still require everyone in the turrents to hit their target with 50%+ accuracy.

Comparing the 50%+ accuracy of a Gunboat to a POB, the POB takes the cake in my book simply because there are so much less weapons on it. Gunboats also dont have such a fast capacitor drain when it is fully stocked with a crew.

But at the same time, we can't forget the Y-8 Mining Ship. It has just as many weapons as a Gunship does, and it is a POB, although, it is massive. That is one of it's downfalls for sure. I personally prefer the Y-8 for Combat situations over Gunships.

I think we should allow for a vote amongst the Council to decide who gets given the position of Admiral. But whoever gets it (Unless they are also on the Council) needs to remember that they still must listen to Lexx and the Council. They are not in charge of anything but the Sqaudrons. I would like to nominate myself for the Admiral position. I have taken a huge interest in RID's Navy and I would like to be able to be the one in charge of it. However, if you feel someone else is more suited for the position, please go ahead and nominate them. (If we are even voting, lol. If we aren't voting, disregard my nomination!)

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:27 pm
by Osar
Well IMO, you or Daig would get my vote, that is if Daig is or has an ace imperial pilot. I would prefer that the Admiral position be filled by council because of the decision's need to be made, even though it's space, they are still to be considered guild decisions while in space. I know that it's just pvp, rp and pve, but it's still has consquences on the planet side as well if a bad one is made by one who has no council/leadership experience.

And speaking of leadership, if Xoseh and Daig was to take the position, I would dare say the other fill the Vice Admiral spot so this way there is always some one on the council that would be in charge.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 9:19 pm
by Lexx Yovel
As far as the structure is concerned, you're right, an Admiral and Vice Admiral would be sufficient. I'm not so sure if Issozzin implied he wanted a role in leadership. If he is, I may be comfortable giving him a Vice Admiral role, but I do agree the Admiral position should go to a Council member, if anyone would wish to carry out that role.

Then really, aside from that, I don't think we need to overcomplicate things too much. Too intricate of structuring usually doesn't work. For example, Issozzin's proposal for a recon and assault division could simply be merged. And we don't really need captains either, because I doubt we'll have much larger than a group of pilots in space at any given time.

Really as Acknar said, we can just have the Admiral in general charge over RID's space "fleet." And this Vice Admiral can take over if he isn't around. We can compile a list of our pilots, gunners, and shipwrights. That's really all we need.

And out of those pilots, we can break down what ships they have (gunship, POB, fighters, or a combination of all), so that we know who can do what.

Xoseh did a good job tallying up our pilots, which we have around 20 of (including alts).

We could work on getting names, and posting them on these forums. If we know who our active pilots are, we can better direct them how to help in the space GCW, as control over space sectors holds more influence over planetary regions.

PS: Couldn't get online last night or today. But we'll hit up DWB at some point soon Xoseh!

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:37 am
by Xoseh
LexxYovel wrote:As far as the structure is concerned, you're right, an Admiral and Vice Admiral would be sufficient. I'm not so sure if Issozzin implied he wanted a role in leadership. If he is, I may be comfortable giving him a Vice Admiral role, but I do agree the Admiral position should go to a Council member, if anyone would wish to carry out that role.

Then really, aside from that, I don't think we need to overcomplicate things too much. Too intricate of structuring usually doesn't work. For example, Issozzin's proposal for a recon and assault division could simply be merged. And we don't really need captains either, because I doubt we'll have much larger than a group of pilots in space at any given time.

Really as Acknar said, we can just have the Admiral in general charge over RID's space "fleet." And this Vice Admiral can take over if he isn't around. We can compile a list of our pilots, gunners, and shipwrights. That's really all we need.

And out of those pilots, we can break down what ships they have (gunship, POB, fighters, or a combination of all), so that we know who can do what.

Xoseh did a good job tallying up our pilots, which we have around 20 of (including alts).

We could work on getting names, and posting them on these forums. If we know who our active pilots are, we can better direct them how to help in the space GCW, as control over space sectors holds more influence over planetary regions.

PS: Couldn't get online last night or today. But we'll hit up DWB at some point soon Xoseh!

No problem Lexx, take your time man. There are a couple new guild members who are looking to set up shop in Fort Oasis as well.

I would personally be honored to take the Admiral position. I am no where near done with anything space related, and I want to be able to outfit RID's pilots with nothing but the best RE'd parts.

Unfortunately, the tally I took only included those of Ace Pilot Status so I could gauge how many members we had that were Aces for the Convoy Flight Plans. I will be taking another tally asking for all members to report their Squadron, Faction, and Tier to me tonight most likely.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:16 pm
by Osar
LexxYovel wrote:Then really, aside from that, I don't think we need to overcomplicate things too much. Too intricate of structuring usually doesn't work. For example, Issozzin's proposal for a recon and assault division could simply be merged. And we don't really need captains either, because I doubt we'll have much larger than a group of pilots in space at any given time.

That's why in my revised version I completely left it out and only embodied the fleet as a whole rather than divisions.

But other than that, give Xoseh a chance at it and if you feel comfortable enough let Issozzin take 2nd command. I honestly don't care about about holding a position in space, I only want my ace so I can fly up to ISD in a gunboat rather than having to look for an ace.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:11 pm
by Xoseh
Osar wrote:But other than that, give Xoseh a chance at it and if you feel comfortable enough let Issozzin take 2nd command. I honestly don't care about about holding a position in space, I only want my ace so I can fly up to ISD in a gunboat rather than having to look for an ace.

Why thank you! :D

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:28 am
by Osar
Xoseh wrote:
Osar wrote:But other than that, give Xoseh a chance at it and if you feel comfortable enough let Issozzin take 2nd command. I honestly don't care about about holding a position in space, I only want my ace so I can fly up to ISD in a gunboat rather than having to look for an ace.

Why thank you! :D
