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The -AI- Situation

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:37 am
by Lexx Yovel
So, I figured it'd be a good idea to talk about this here as well, in case there are any new developments.

Most of us know at least a little bit about what's been going on between the Imperial guild -AI- (Alpha Imperium), and the Imperial guild EE (Electronic Enemies), who are the organizers of the weekly, organized base bust events.

Essentially, we have -AI- who are against Imperial guilds using base busts to get GCW points, because they see it as an unfair way for guilds to get on the GCW leader boards. Because of this belief, -AI- has been destroying the Rebel bases hours before the organized base busts, so that the others may not benefit from the GCW points.

Whether or not -AI-'s viewpoints are valid or not is not so much the point. I contend that organized base busts will probably continue for as long as the Developers keep the current system intact, and that any efforts on -AI-'s part to continually disrupt them would be a futile waste of time and energy.

Nonetheless, we cannot ignore that -AI-'s actions are unifying a large amount of Imperial guilds against them, and its starting to throw RID in the middle in the process. Some members are wondering why we're staying mostly neutral in this fight.

While I do prefer neutrality, I must admit that the continued actions of -AI- will force RID to somewhat pick a side. That side will be with the majority -- EE and the other Imperial guilds.

However, -AI- is a very large guild, with close to 500 members, many of them active. It would not be wise to brand them all enemies of the Empire for their recent actions against EE and the other Imperials. Just the other day, I came in contact with a person who happened to be in -AI-. A long time ago I had helped him start a business on Tatooine. Many months later, he came back to thank me, paying me 3 million credits for helping him. He did not seem to be the type of person to know about, or even care about what was going on between -AI- and EE. Therefore, most of our energy should be directed against Rebels, and not some large Imperial guild, no matter how unscrupulous their leaders may be.

Nonetheless, we will provide whatever assistance to EE and the other Imperials we can. This may include banning certain -AI- members from shops, or assisting EE in funding the base busts. I already talked to Goji-phen, informing him he can count on RID for support. I also asked him if SF PvP bases would be better for this sort of thing (due to their limited vulnerability times), and he said no. He said he tried using those bases before, but that it was too difficult to match the vulnerability times with the scheduled times of the base busts.

It seems the only solution to ensure secure base busts would be if Goji-phen could put down place-holder bases, to be pulled up and replaced by Rebel bases right at the time of the base busts. However, this does not work anymore, because their seems to be a bug which prevents owners of bases from destroying their own bases.

Indeed, it is very possible that base busts may be marginalized or even made useless altogether in the upcoming GCW 2 update. The Developers seemed to imply that this could be the case, though nothing is certain.

For now though, we should show as much support to EE and the other Imperials as we can, without getting into any direct squabbles with -AI-. I don't want to make an already fragile situation worse.

However, if there's one thing I've learned during my short time on earth, its that a crisis is always an opportunity. This "crisis" so to speak, could be an opportunity to further unite the Imperials together. Perhaps if this energy is taken advantage of, we could form a more solid coalition of Imperial guilds that can be better used to fight the Rebels.

Anyways, thats all for my "too long to read" post right now. Feel free to offer any input if anyone so desires ;)

Re: The -AI- Situation

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:43 pm
by Soshu
I am all in favor of uniting the Imperial guilds of the server! This being said, I am totally in favor of remaining neutral. EE and AI should be able to work out thier own diffences. I would like to sit back and see how far either side is willng to take it. If one of them crosses a line we are not willing to then they have chosen our stance on the situation for us.

Re: The -AI- Situation

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 1:45 am
by Osar
Well IMO, I know that -AI- believes in what they are doing is right, and EE says that they are wrong for it. My question is how can both be right? I have on numberous occasions seen members of -AI- attend the base busts, so my question is, where and how does -AI- get it's purpose? If the huge groups is a mix of a large amount of different guilds, that means a lot of guilds getting little points. And if they show up there too, they get those points as well, so where is their arguement? I am not trying persude you into one side or the other. I am just wanting to see where is the stance that -AI- is claiming is all.

Re: The -AI- Situation

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:03 am
by Lexx Yovel
You're absolutely right Osar, and I was even going to bring that up myself.

It's not like -AI- members don't attend this base busts themselves, so it is rather hypocritical of them to go on a supposed crusade to stop all Imperials from benefiting from the GCW points.

If -AI- truly wants to "get back" at the Imperials, they could simply go to the BB's themselves and show the other Imperial guilds that they are truly better at getting total GCW points.

Though I'm not entirely sure -AI- has that much to be proud about either way. They're bound to make it on the GCW boards no matter what they do, simply due to the sheer numbers they have in their guild.

This is why the system seems kind of flawed. A small Imperial guild that does tons of GCW stuff will still be overshadowed by an extremely large guild that has members who only do a little GCW activities. Maybe the Devs will resolve this issues in the next GCW update.

In any case, don't get me wrong. I feel our allegiance should be with EE and the other Imperials, but indeed, we should maintain an outward appearance of neutrality with -AI-.

The instigators of -AI- are definitely in the wrong, but at the same time, I feel urked by the idea of RID concentrating their energy towards disrupting them completely.

Re: The -AI- Situation

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:23 am
by Mr.Avatar
AI can piss and moan about base busts all they want, they have been going on way before the NGE was a brain fart in SoE.

I can tell you i have seen many AI members afk during City GCW invasions, so whats the difference? Just sounds like they have an elitiest attitude, and because they are a large guilg, they think they can throw their weight around. If they really cared about GCW and planetary occupation, we should never see a rebel countrolled static base, and restus should be clear of rebs at all times, but it is not, something just doesnt add up here.

I sent out an email to the council about finding a way to check reb bases for vulnrability, and also a basebust team, as there are currently 3 pve bases on tat, as well as 3 pvp ones north east of FT Oasis.

Re: The -AI- Situation

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 12:44 pm
by Osar
Well I can tell you this much Prolevik, that it's the main group in -AI- that's been doing this, not the majority non-leading part. Klendist and his council are involved in this, and you are right about how there should be no trace of rebel's having anything. As Lexx said though, I agree and just show neutrality towards the guild as a whole to hopefully win over the ones that are not doing this crap.

Re: The -AI- Situation

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 9:58 pm
by Xoseh
I also agree with the neutrality. The less Imperial vs. Imperial guild action RID is involved in, the better. Our purpose here as a guild, and as part of the Empire is to battle the Rebellion and take the Star Wars Galaxies universe into Imperial control. We should not be getting into poor pathetic squables with other Imperial guilds just because they feel one way, while another guild feels a different way. They should be able to work out the differences on their own. (However, I've seen Klendest, and I've gotten the impression that he is extreamly immature.. so I doubt any treaty will be reached.)

If the time does call for the Imperial guilds to ban together and go for -AI-'s throat, I still believe RID should remain neutral. We should be focused on furthuring RID. Events, PvP, PvE, Heroics, etc. We should be focusing on recruiting members into the ranks of RID so we can become the bigger guild, the one who will have say. (We do indeed have say in some situations, simply because of how long RID has been around, however.. we deserve a lot more.) Running through Mos Eisley, Restuss, and other populated areas a couple times will uncover a lot of poetential recruits.

They will be the future backbone of RID. Not what side we chose in a quarrel between -AI- and EE.

I know, it's completely unrelated. I just believe we should remain neutral, move on, and focus on that which is RID.

Re: The -AI- Situation

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:52 pm
by Osar
Yeah, I agree with you Xoseh, but we still have to address the issue to a degree so we can keep our members out of it. There is a lot of hate towards -AI- right now because of what they are doing. And it can be real easy to have our own members influenced by other guilds as well as EE to go against -AI- simply because of, as you said, Klendest's immaturity. I have seen him do some really stupid stuff simply because of how he believes himself to be. Before I was in RID after I left RMNTS I went to Shadowfire looking around for an Imperial guild to join. I found the guild ICE, at the time they was the main focus of everybody's hate. I later found out that ICE had only became the focus of thier hate right after #2 OWNZ left and the #1 hated guild there -AI-. That right now is why I have my concerns over -AI-.

Re: The -AI- Situation

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:19 pm
by Xoseh
All we need to do is tell our members to express no open hatred towards -AI-. If they want to assist EE or any other Imperial guild against -AI- without it being leaked back to RID expressing hatred towards -AI-, then so be it.

However, RID should avoid any direct and open confrontation. Drama can tear a guild apart (as we've all seen).