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Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:30 pm
by Mr.Avatar
Keep an eye on Gatoce, he asking in guild chat for credits cause he claimed he got cheated by thebigone, but he was really weird in chat, kinda set off a few alarms in me. just fyi

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:47 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Yeah thanks for the warning. Will definitely need to watch over him.

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:50 pm
by Mr.Avatar
i have screen shots, just takes too long to try and upload on my connection, was really strange

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:11 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Yeah you can post those if you like.

As discussed in-game, we'll need to keep close watch on him. I'll have no problem removing him right away if this continues for even a little bit more.

Xoseh did talk to him, and he did apologize for lying about being scammed. The fact that he lied is quite bad, but apparently he's 14. Not exactly an excuse, but it paints a clearer picture.

We just need to keep watch. We don't want him annoying any new or current members. It could also make our guild look bad to those outside RID that deal with us.

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:54 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Went ahead and removed him today.

He did send an apology mail to me, but he continued afterwards to come across as very needy, and asking for lots of stuff from Xoseh.

He's just more trouble than it's worth, so removing him was the best thing to do.

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:28 pm
by Osar
Not trying to ruffle feathers, wondering who invited him to the guild? I just want to be sure it was not me or if it was me that I scrutinize my interviews more carefully. I know we are all human and make mistakes and I am one that hates making them and not learning from them.

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:49 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I think I may have sponsored him, but Daigotsu fully accepted him? I can't remember too well.

Either way, it's better we got rid of him now, after he was only in the guild for a short while.

But yeah, we'll just let this serve as a reminder to be a bit more careful for recruitment in the future. We don't have an age restriction, but anyone who is, or seems to be younger than 18 should raise some red flags.

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 7:00 pm
by Osar
Ah ok, well I have had more than my fair share of goof ups and wanted to be sure I was not being to lenient in my interviews just because we need ppl.

I admit that I tend to be some what lenient in my interviews to help speed the process and make joining a bit less of a pain.

I think we need to bring this issue (about begging) up in the guild meeting. Not so much as to say Gatoce and what he did exactly, but rather what happened in general to keep others from following.

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 4:17 pm
by Mr.Avatar
i knew it was all lexx's fualt..... :D

anyways, i am generaly turned off by people wanting stuff to get into a guild, or soon after they join. I dont mind showingthem where to acheive certain items.

During the initial incident the vibe i got from those online didnt like what was going on one bit, so i think generaly we have a simular minded core group, and i wouldnt change that one bit. I'd like to avoid the gifting type deal that other guilds use to inflaite there numbers. We keep getting the people who stick with us, we'll just attract more of the same, we might not be the biggest guild, but we'll probably be closer knit group, and more the better for it.

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 4:20 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Yeah we need to be careful not to over-expand. In the end that could destroy the core of people we do have.

Right now we got a good close-knit group of people, and we can sort of methodically build upon that. Obviously we shouldn't be too cumbersome and limiting in our recruitment policies (like we were in the past), but gauging whether or not potential recruits are only in it for the perks is pretty important.

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:53 pm
by Osar
One thing we do need to do is get Daigotsu in here and start making comments, cause this concerns us all.

As Lexx said we don't want to be lax about this and just let anyone come in, but right now if I had to do an interview I really would dread the LONG process. I would say we need to come up with a version/format in which would make the process a little less painless than it is now. No offense, but the last interview I did, going over all the questions here on the forums, I thought it was never going to end. So I weeded out some of it.

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:40 am
by Mr.Avatar
As in other guilds, we Instituted a 30 and 60 day grace period, For first 30 days a new member is considered a recruit, and can be let go for any reason within those 30 days. After those 30 days, another 30 timer would start, they would now be considered a temporary member, tho they would not know this, this is more of a double check, to ensure the person doesnt decide to flip the script after the 30days.

and yes i would like Daigotsu to get in here, as i would like his/her take on the matter:P

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:44 pm
by Osar
Only way we can get Daigotsu in here now, cause of the game down time, is if he/she reads their pm when one of us sends one.

I do want to take this time and say lets make a policy like MR. Avatar said with the 30 to 60 grace periods. This way we can assert more authority behind the scenes, to keep intimidation down but let them know we are watching like...Monority Report, what ever movie that Tom Cruise was in where he was always being watched.

I am not trying to be a bummer here, I am bored and think that this down time would be a good time for us to discuss things like this.

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:02 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Yeah we may as well make use of this downtime.

I've basically been putting some effort towards updating some forum stickies.

May also write up a revised "How to Join RID" section, which allows filling out the application *after* joining, so long as you submit a join request in-game.

I actually think a 30 day grace period is a good idea. It reduces the awkwardness of removing someone we just recruited, if they do not work out.

That's why I kind of snuck Gatoce in the guild membership purge, because members might think it was weird to recruit, and then remove him -- sort of like we're wishy washy. If we announce we have a grace period, people will be more understanding.

On a side note, count on Xoseh being granted access here soon! Do to his past commitment to RID, he will become the fourth member of our Council. Tomorrow he'll be granted access here. He has been a Council member before, so this shouldn't be too new to him :P

Re: Gatoce

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:05 pm
by Osar
Yay, this is finally starting to look like the real deal of a guild like it was when I first joined over a year ago.

LOL, but on a serious note: I am thinking we could be a real community and eventually spread out to other planets again like we once did. We have grown and matured a bit as a guild recently and policies like the 30 day grace period would help us out alot in making us stronger IMO.

Anyways, I am also hoping that with Xoseh on the council that this will be the best council in RID history.