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March 4th Meeting I will miss....

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:25 pm
by Osar
This is my initial assesment of some of the subjects you announced in your letter:

1. Recruitment: We already talked about that last night so just a refresh, make a small group of older guild members (time in guild, not age) and give them only Sponsorship priviledges which can be taken away if they fail to adhere to RID standards. Also give them what you called an Express Application by in game mail, so that they can also use it to give a very short interview letting the Council to make the final decision.

2. Forum Usage: Do not force usage, but rather encourage the usage of the forums here. Most will reject the idea if they are forced to do so, those who wish to be active and participate in ideas for RID activites should be heard only one here. Saying that they will be booted from guild if they don't use the forums will only cause them to leave. I would also say if they want to be apart of the of the recruiting squad, that they must participate in the forums in order to help us as council members to decide who we will allow in guild.

3. Space pvp program: I would say that if you form a squadron they must adhere to the 2nd decusion of this meeting (Forum Usage), this way we can know who will be participating and who might miss an event and so forth. Not much else to say on that from me.

4. GCW ground events: Again I refer back to number 2, you must participate in the forums so we can know how each person wants to go about getting GCW points and other events such as Heroics so we can have an idea as to how to orgainize them. I would say that I would be willing to lead an event if some one wanted to participate in it other than a RP event. I have no RP skills there for I cannot lead in that, speaking of which that leads to the next subject.

5. RP in RID: We need to find a well trained person to lead RP in RID, I am no where near qualified for the job. I can lead GCW, PVP and PVE ground events, but cannot do so for RP. I would have said Cru'ka would be a good one to chose, but he left leaving us no leadership there. I would be willing to say ask Aerrie, Aiviw, or Tofuballl to see which might be good in RP or send a letter out asking who is a constant RP'er (save 'Sander).

6. And More: Well, you left that wide open. I would only dare say that it would be in your best interest to ask then for a volunteer for a duty, not telling them the duty until you have your volunteer. I would then suggest only speaking to them in private about becoming a member of the council if you feel they are deserving of it, if they are not then I would say the duty of being the leader of the recruitment team. I would also speak on only one or two other subjects to tone down the time, from what I have just suggested to you, you can spend almost 2 hrs of discussions on that alone.

Anyways, these are my ideas for the guild and it's future. If you have any questions about my intent, please speak to me in game. I can better explain it than just leaving passing notes here.

Re: March 4th Meeting I will miss....

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:27 pm
by Lexx Yovel
All good points.

We wont force forum usage, but I'll definitely encourage it through holding puzzle games here or simply telling them that it's a great way to communicate.

Because we've lost members who would be capable as RP leaders, I'm thinking of making our RP involvement rather simple right now. Something like a freeform system which encourages Stormtrooper RP. And we'll work to make Fort Oasis more accomodating for that. It's kind of up in the air how that'll all work.

Anyways, I'll think of other things to bring up as well.

Re: March 4th Meeting I will miss....

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:43 pm
by Osar

I do how ever want to express that if they are to participate in anything like the recruitment team they must be willing to use the forums. You can add a small thread to the RID only section so that those on the team can leave names for us council members to read and get in contact with the team to get details to avoid personal mails that might not get answered because one member is not avialible to get online for a short period of time.

Things like that should be a good start for your discusions.