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That Bitch

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:32 am
by Arev
My thread

Bitch's thread

And did you notice who posted immediately in her thread? Navy, Navy, SixT, ISC, XLI (apparently they're hanging out with Navy too).

Re: That Bitch

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:51 am
by Arev
A PM I sent:

I'm referring to Laryssa's Hoth thread. I'm half-surprised she didn't bother to make it at the same time as my run. You're probably thinking, "It's coincidental". No, it's not. She hates me and managed to convince other Imperials to dislike RID as well. I'm not going to go into details, but she's worse than Gilie when it comes to attention-whoring. It's not a coincidence when she posted that thread and her minions posted after. Publicly. Why would your own guildies post in a public thread like that? To send a message. SSG operates on group-think. If three people say, "Let's do this," but ten people say, "Let's do this instead," the undecided 20 will side with the ten. Laryssa knows this, so she gets her guildies to 'support' her thread, then convinces her Imperial friends to do the same.

Laryssa is, without question, a self-absorbed, attention-whoring slut. We had one misunderstanding, nearly a year ago, and despite my best attempts to explain the situation, she convinced herself that RID was out to get her.

I hate the drama.

Re: That Bitch

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:53 am
by Lexx Yovel
It's definitely passive aggressiveness at its best. The problem is if we called her out, they'd just call us paranoid. Had she made it Friday instead, it would have even been more obvious.

However, there's no doubt that by posting it immediately after your thread and making the event a day later is an in-your-face attempt to steal participants from ours.

She's absolutely out to get us, and she's pathetic for doing so. The fact she can't let go of the past is even more sad.

However, perhaps the people posting in her thread won't even make it. Perhaps they're just posting to feign participation in support of Laryssa.

Re: That Bitch

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:54 pm
by Jathox
That is crazy and creepy. Of it doesn't help that I sent a tell to Saieul last night asking him to confirm or deny Laryssa wearing pants. (Hah!)

Don't know why she'd do that. That's just cold really.

Re: That Bitch

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:13 pm
by Arev
Ahaha. What'd Saieul say to that?

Re: That Bitch

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:35 pm
by Jathox

Re: That Bitch

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:24 pm
by Arev
Did he ask how you knew?

Re: That Bitch

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:50 pm
by Jathox

Why harrass our PA though? We have pretty much no RPers, so how is that even a win in her eyes? How are we even a threat to Navy? It's not like most of Navy actually RPs anyway. They just stand behind terminals on Thursday nights for three hours.

Re: That Bitch

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:22 pm
by Arev
Well, you have to remember that RID came out nowhere before. Our numbers were roughly the same as they are now in Decemeber 2009 (except our RPers used to log on at more regular times, our current group logs on at various times of the day, making it hard to RP). However, after January, things started to pick up very quickly. We grew faster than any other PA, but also fell the hardest on Memorial Day.

I have no answer for you.

Re: That Bitch

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:09 pm
by Jathox
Right. Well, we just keep on rolling with what we have. My idea is that by the time we have an influx of activity, we'll have some impressive IC fluff and documentation for players to use as resources. And we don't compromise on quality, no matter how badly we might need numbers.

Re: That Bitch

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:49 pm
by Jathox
Jathox wrote:Right. Well, we just keep on rolling with what we have. My idea is that by the time we have an influx of activity, we'll have some impressive IC fluff and documentation for players to use as resources. And we don't compromise on quality, no matter how badly we might need numbers.

What I said. While we need to care that we're quality, at the same point we have to not care what others think. Laryssa is going to take a long, snake-like turd on anything she doesn't like. That's just how it is.