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New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:34 am
by Arev
...because it's much easier to have one specific thread than discussing it in several. :)

I'm not very hot about Cru'ka when I found he doesn't use forums, and was quite adamant about that. Still, I don't think he's beyond hope if Lexx was willing to work with him. I'm giving him some leadership guidance with some tasks with RID RP.

Regardless, I don't think there is a 'rush' per se to fill the open seats. Better to keep the seats open and fill them with experienced individuals, than get some bench-warmers that don't do shit. (And I think we can all think of some people that fit that description.)

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:28 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Well the good news is Chiquita returned and is willing to take up the spot still, so I will make an announcment regarding his appointment tonight.

As for Cru'ka, I too am skeptical. He needs to use these forums, and if he gets involved more that's good too. Khaeden thinks Porch- (which I think is Mytur/Jaysont) would be a better candidate. I don't know, but what are your thoughts on that? Could you get along with Porch on the Council?

Khaeden thinks Cru'ka could be a little to impulsive -- which may true because I get the impression that Cru'ka is rather young.

For now, I agree with keeping it open while we weight these considerations. Three filled seats is sufficient for the time being. I'd also like to allow each member to send me a mail saying who they'd like to be on the Council. These can be weighed into consideration when making our decision as well.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:54 pm
by Osar
Well, for right now, Chiquita is a good add on as far as I am concerned. I am not sure if you agree, but I have heard from some others that -Porch (Mytur/Jaysont) is a decent leader. I for one just want to look at who the guild would follow and then see if he/she is qualified from there. By the way it is confrimed from last night that -Porch is Jaysont.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:00 am
by Arev
No, absolutely 'no' to Jaysont. He's immature and a general ass to anyone. He and I were online Monday morning and he said, "I'm bored. Entertain me." Not to mention, he's a lolPvPer, who's not afraid to calling people "noobs" and, in my experience, he tends not to think highly of RP. So, again, no.

No offense, but why are you asking a new member for Council recommendations? He hasn't been in RID long enough to make proper assessments. Which is probably why I'm still confused as to why we are even considering Jaysont given his history and, as proven, evidence he hasn't changed.

I would still throw my support behind Cru'ka *if* he could be convinced to use forums. Cru'ka has untapped potential, which I plan to exploit within RID RP, and would like to see utilized on the Council.

I still can't get over seriously discussing Jaysont... /shudder

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:11 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I never asked new members anything. During the guild meeting, I simply stated that a new appointment needed to be made, and Khaeden vouced for Porch-. He does admit that he's new to the guild however, and that his opinion may not have been fully researched.

Honestly, I've reached the conclusion that Jaysont should not be on this Council. Some of the reasons you've included. Mostly, he would not fit in well with the Council, plus he can be rather immature at times, and those kind of people won't work on this Council. The one benefit he has is he can teach PvP to those interested in doing so.

Even Cru'ka I'm skeptical about, but if you want to work with him, and he has potential, he can be a serious possibility.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:46 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Orvil/P'nub has expressed interest in serving on the Council.

He claims to have past leadership experience. He's also quite mature, and is online during good hours.

He also has an interest in RP, and good knowledge of the game overall.

Personally, I think he should be the fourth choice, but I will refrain from making a final decision before hearing you guys. I will also be on away tomorrow, so I'd rather decide Sunday or Monday.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:10 pm
by Arev
Is P'nub on regularly? In my previous experiences with him, he tends to be on at odd hours (like me), but less frequently, as well as tending to stick to himself.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:35 pm
by Osar
Well I see him online a little bit on Orvil every other day. Not sure that I would say him, he doesn't communicate with me enough for me to say either yeah or nah. I believe if we hold out a bit and wait some, Khaeden would be a good choice. He is online alot and is a very mature player. Then again I am the newest one in RID to be on the council, I have no clue how you chose others in the past.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:14 am
by Arev
We played Roshambo to determine Council positions. Lexx always allowed me to go first, that gentleman. Needless to say, that's why the Council was stacked with Fort Keen personnel. :D

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:30 pm
by Osar
Arev wrote:We played Roshambo to determine Council positions. Lexx always allowed me to go first, that gentleman. Needless to say, that's why the Council was stacked with Fort Keen personnel. :D

LOL, well at-least you had the opportunity then. Now it's like finding a needle in a hay stack with no needle and 1/3 a stack.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:54 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Lol, quite true Amodeus :P

As for Khaeden, I do firmly believe he has what it takes to be a Council member. There are basically two main problems with appointing Khaeden however. The first is that he is a relatively new member. This doesn't really matter that much, but it's a point to take into consideration. More importantly is that Khaeden has made it clear to me that he is not really willing to take up a leadership role right now. So that sort of eliminates that option.

However, Khaeden and I have already sat down to talk about several guild issues. He has the right idea on how to point this guild in the right direction, so I do want to continue working closely with him.

I do have faith in Orvil though, because he does actively play. He's not the most talkative one in guild chat, but he does monitor it and talk occassionally. I even made him militia in Fort Oasis, and hope to get him involved with overseeing some weekly activities for RID.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:39 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Also, Khaden/Vandarr as well as -Porch (aka Jaysont) have both removed themselves from RID -- so their consideration for the Councilship is void.

Dissapointing, but nothing that will impede RID's future plans.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:26 am
by Arev
Any reason as to why?

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:28 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Well they didn't go into great detail.

Khaeden said that his play hours simply didn't match with the play hours of other members -- that it was a time zone factor. More important, he said RID wasn't a right fit for him. -Porch said the same thing, but also cited membership activity.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:01 pm
by Osar
I chatted with Khaeden, he just wanted alot more RP than what we have now as well as what was told to Lexx. I don't know anything about RP in this guild or RP in general so I can't judge.

I do have 2 suggestions with this new devolpement:
1. We need to work on getting Chiquita involved with these discussions here on the forums as well as in game.
2. We should put finding the 4th Council member on hold until after Christmas.

I am not saying if a player presents themselves as a canidate to join the Council not to accept them, but rather we put all efforts into recruiting instead. I am not sure, I could be wrong in my way of thinking here.