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Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:05 pm
by Lexx Yovel

I think we can all agree that bringing our Council up to 4 people is something that would help this guild move forward.

So I think we can take the time to list some potential candidates.

Personally, I think Chiquita would be a great choice. Members like him, he knows a lot about the game, and I believe he had past leadership experience before joining RID.

I asked Chiquita if he'd be interested. At first he said he would not have the time, which I respected -- better that he admit that now than later. Recently though, I asked again, feeling as though he would be active enough. He said he would give it a shot, but that he is on a business trip, and new work may potentially limit playtime. So if we're to appoint Chiquita, we should at least do so until after he returns from his business trip, and take his potential lack of activity in the future into consideration.

Aside from him, I am unsure of any other potential candidates. Cru'ka has been playing more actively, but I'm not sure if he'd be able/willing to accept a Council position.

As for the recruitment mail, Osar mentioned that it needs an update -- and I agree. I will likely post a new one here so that you can look over it.

Anyways, talk to ya all later!

*puff puff* (cigar btw)

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:12 pm
by Arev
Funny you mention that because about an hour ago I recommend Chitquita as well.

As for the recruitment mailing, anyone have the old copies around? I like the layout and colors.

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:51 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I still have it, but it's probably a little different from last time you saw it.

I'll get it posted (with colors) when I get the chance ;)

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:44 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I'll clean this up later, but for now here is the current info mail. I also sent it to you in-game as well.

FFF00\The following encrypted Imperial Transmission has been transmitted to you via Intelligence relay 55101-X-103:
> WARNING: Misuse of this communication is a violation of Imperial Law, Directive 3072-842-M,Subsection 423, Paragraph 11, Article (e) through (h) of Regulation 3321, and subject to immediate imprisonment.
> \#ffffffIn the name of His Glorious Majesty; Greetings,
> The \#ff0000Regal Imperial Defenders\#ffffff are now actively recruiting, and we believe you may have what it takes to join one of Starsider's oldest Imperial Player Associations!
> \#FFFFFF--RID is baed out of Fort Oasis, Tatooine. This city is our Capital, and one of the oldest cities on Starsider! We also affiliate with countless other cities, including the Nar Shadda Trading Post on Dantooine. So if the desert is not your sort of place, we have other pieces of real estate there for you!
> --RID remains an active part of the Starsider community, with close to 30 active members.
> --RID welcomes PvP, PvE, Roleplay, and Space. Whatever your interests are, you can pursue them in a fun, friendly, and factionally-motivated setting.
> \#fff000HOW TO APPLY
> \#ffffffApplicants may apply at \\#ffffff in the RID Applications board. All applications are followed up with an interview. If all goes well, you can be a Defender too!
> For over six and a half years, RID strives to maintain the highest standards. We expect our applicants to also adhere to these policies. Our standards are outlined in the \#ff0000REGAL CONSTITUTION\#ffffff (found on our website). We do not tolerate drama and while we do not have an age requirement, we expect all members to behave at an adult level; although we are known to be very fun.
> \#fff000QUESTIONS?
> \#FfffffPlease contact the RID Leader \#ff0000Lexx Yovel\#ffffff, his alt Hel'mut, the RID Executive Chairman, or any of the RID Executive Councilmen for further information.
> Thank you,
> \#00ccff"RID that Rebel scum!"
> \#fff000Updated:

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:16 pm
by Osar
> \#fff000HOW TO APPLY
> \#ffffffApplicants may apply at \[/color]/\#ffffff in the RID Applications board. All applications are followed up with an interview. If all goes well, you can be a Defender too!

This right here definately needs to be changed for the ingame mail. Just thought I would point it out since it caused me some heartache.

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 6:57 am
by Arev
I wish we still had 30 active members. XD

Before we work on what we want the mailing to say, we need to agree on what direction RID should go first. For example, should we consider space a possibility? Something about RID RP should be included as well. In fact, reading over that again, it doesn't actually mention much about the PA at all, "We do the same things everyone else does, so you should join us". But why?

And remove any references to FNS before that filth taints us. :D

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:50 am
by Lexx Yovel
Yeah I agree with Osar in that we need to put in our new forum address.

We also used to have an RP segment, but I removed it after Farik and the others left, because the RP part wasn't exactly in good shape.

I will also remove the FNS segment, not so much because I myself don't like the city, but because it wouldn't really be accurate to say it's RID operated.

Anyways, when I get the chance I'll offer more input.

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:17 pm
by Arev
Okie dokie, I still support reanalyzing the direction of the PA first, before we start hashing out this mailing.

Likewise, I support one new council appointment first, before we consider a second. I do like Cru'ka, but he seems a bit...rough around the edges at this point. For now, let's stick with Chitquita, a few weeks down the road, we can approve Cru'ka if we're still considering him.

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:11 pm
by Lexx Yovel
And another thing, after all the Farik leaving stuff, I wrote up a new Recruitment message on the Starsider forums, you can find it here ... &#12305970

While I'm not a big fan of the Starsider forums, as they're usually filled with trolls, I figured we may as well have one there. So since it is a few months old, feel free to offer input on how to change it, if at all.

As for the in-game mail, I wrote up a slightly new one which I will forward to you guys later. Basically I corrected the forum link, and changed "RID remains an active part of the Starsider community, with close to 30 active members" to "RID remains an active part of the Starsider community, with a close knit group of active members.

I also rephrased some other things, but there's still room to add mention of Fort Keen and other guild aspects.

Also, when should we meet Friday? What time works best for you two?

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:53 pm
by Osar
I can meet when ever you need, I don't work at all that day. I am looking forward to chatting and finally getting a plan started on what we should really do. I just want this to take off and sail out as smoothly as possible. Just give me a time and place and I will be there.

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:08 am
by Arev
Yeah, let's have that one die and we can work on a more thorough posting. Again, I'm vehement that whatever we post should be about us not solely focused on recruitment. Hopefully I'll get something typed up tonight.

Get in game and check out the Year 7 gift too, FYI.

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:24 pm
by Lexx Yovel
If it's ok with the two of you, we can meet tomorrow around 9 PM Eastern?

Re: Two New Appointments & New Recruitment Mail

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:16 pm
by Osar
Yeah, that times good for me, just give me the location, say a specific one that only the 3 of us will know. We can meet on a yacht, bunker, some where private.