
A place for the Regal Executive Council to share and vote on confidential issues.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel



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Post by Osar » Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:17 am

Last guild meeting I was able to attend Lexx had made uniforms for the guild. Needless to say the server goofed and we lost the uniforms. If we hold anymore meetings would it be wise to create uniforms so that Leader, Chairman, Counsil members, and other leaders might stand out? I have a trader and can make the uniforms if nesessary. Just a thought.

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Lexx Yovel
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Re: Uniforms?

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:30 am

Hey Osar, welcome to the Executive Lounge!

Yeah, I remember that meeting. Just our luck that the server would go out right after I issued the uniforms.

Anyways, I agree that we can work on issuing those out again, potentially at another guild meeting (which I think would be nice since we haven't had one lately). I could also set up a uniform vendor that RID members could purchase from.

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Re: Uniforms?

Post by Osar » Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:37 pm

Thank you Lexx. Bye the way that sounds great. I do think we should destinguish the officers in the guild from the regular memebers so they will know who they can approach for issues with in the guild. Like mine and Arev's would have a blue to it signifing we are counsil memebers, you would have white saying you are the over all command, ect....

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Re: Uniforms?

Post by Arev » Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:13 pm

Na, Lexx should wear pink because it's the brightest variation of red we can make. :)

I honestly don't believe uniforms can achieve something that a quick title change or /guildshow can't. We've had uniforms ever since I joined RID and only a few times can I remember going to events in which we all wore them. Sure it's a nice symbol to 'dress up' for meetings, and then what?

There was an effort a few months ago to update the uniforms. I created some examples, those were shelved. I found one of my prototypes on Chiquita's vendors. I did lol a bit.

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Re: Uniforms?

Post by Osar » Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:07 pm

Well, I am kinda impartial to uniforms cause of my military back ground. I would say any uniform would be for meeting purposes only anyways. It's just so we can keep the PVP, PVE, and RP looking the same.

Again, this is just an idea that might help with meetings, and some RP stuff as well.
