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RID new mission/goal ?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:37 pm
by Red-Dawn

Due to some lost and majority of RP'ers ...

Like i said when the events with Arev hit, i think RID should destroy the RP'ing section .. Banish it ... Flush it ... :-)

I think we should simply focus on PvE/PvP

Lets debate !


Re: RID new mission/goal ?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:05 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Well I'm glad you brought this up actually.

You are right. Now is the time to establish new goals.

I think a greater focus on the GCW (this includes PvE and PvP), should be our primary focus.

At this point, salvaging the RP contigent may be impossible. It's not that I don't want to have that contigent, it's just it'd be difficult to rebuild. And Farik mentioned RID's reputation in the RP community is pretty much dead due to Arev.

So I think we should focus on the GCW activities, and community events (such as the PvP event I brought up to you Red)

Re: RID new mission/goal ?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:07 pm
by Ramd
I think I agree. However we have to be aware that after Farik and Co's departure, we are left with a severely diminished player-base. I suggest we begin actively recruiting again. Also, we need to reassure people that the loss of those members does not mean the end of RID. The guild will continue on, as it has for over six years now.

As for Farik's reasons, I'd say that the departure was more a product of external perceptions of RID rather than issues with the internal structure. His concern was that RP could not effectively continue because of the community's biased view of RID (because of Arev). From what I've seen, the RP community on Starsider is made up of some very childish people: they hold grudges easily, and don't forget past transgretions. Well, fine. If they're going to judge RID because of a member who we removed, well then frankly, fuck them.

Now for Farik's new guild and city on Rori. To put it bluntly, they won't last the summer. I've seen these little break away guilds come and go hundreds of times on Kettemoor, and they always fall apart. They split off once, and the next time something happens, they split again, and again. It gradually burns itself out and a fraction of the members return to the original guild. The same with the city of Ometra. The number of citizens will gradually shrink, and suddenly Farik will find that his city no longer exists.

On the subject of filling the council positions, I nominate Artimaes or Kioet. I think 3 is enough for now though.

UPDATE: I'd also like to ask Red to consider moving his main (Red-dawn) back to RID. Having a Councilman who plays his main in another guild could imply that the Leadership is not as committed to running the guild as it should be. Just a suggestion.

Re: RID new mission/goal ?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:25 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Thanks for your input Ramd, you bring up good points.

I would also like to note that Red-dawn actually joined RID today (as Cether's account will be cancelled). So we'll be able to benefit from having the *real* Red-dawn in RID :P

Now, as for the RP community is concerned, you are right -- they ARE childish. Now I don't like to judge all RP'ers as childish, but I think the Starsider community in general consists of unforgiving cliques. There's no use being involved with the RP community if they're not going to give us a chance. I won't write off RP for this guild, but it won't be our focus. It especially won't be our focus to beg for their forgiveness and ask for a second chance.

As for Farkus and Co, I am going to write up some future plans for RID and send it as a guild-mail. I'll make it clear we aren't going anywhere. We will also be sure to push for recruitment, but not at the sake of quality to buffer our numbers. In a way, with Farik's loss, and the loss of others, we can do things right, and build up a core base of members.

As for the Council, I do agree Artimaes is a great choice. I even suggested the position to him. It's possible he'll accept, but he also mentioned he probably won't be playing much in the next month or two. Kioet I'll consider too, though I haven't managed to see him lately.

As for Farik, it turns out he *isn't* forming his own guild as I originally believed. He was actually offered a leadership position in SixT, an RP guild that RID had been fostering close ties with lately. There was actually the possibility of them merging with us, but it looks like the opposite took place. Now Farik is essentially leading the guild on a very high capacity. Who knows, maybe SixT won't like the recent changes in their guild, and they'll face some drama too. I wouldn't be surprised. I also wouldn't be surprised if Ometra struggled either.

Re: RID new mission/goal ?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:38 pm
by Red-Dawn
I agree with you in some parts ... but, concerning the #$%#%^#$&*( RP'ers , i think we should get RID of them in the guild.
Since i'm on SS, all RP guilds i was in was drama, drama, drama and drama.

If i take example of just now .. i did a Hoth instance with SR and we had fun as hell, we chat in Ventrillo, we had fun and they were no drama at all.
What is wrong with the damn RP'ers is they take it to seriously, they dont want to play. They want to rule !

Sorry, but i will always hold my point .. RP'ing should not be mention to any members, if a member want to RP ... they RP with others. If we say that maybe RID will have a RP section, people will ask, when we will RP .. are we going to ME to RP. Damn .. we must stop that now !
RID should specialize in something .. not all. Go to hell RP hehehe.

And if they want to come back ... hell no ! Go RP somewhere else :-)

Re: RID new mission/goal ?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:28 am
by Lexx Yovel
Lol, well, we won't specialize in it no longer. Not because I personally have a personal vendetta against it, but more because it is unfeasable and impractical.

If the remaining RP'ers we do have choose to stay, they're more than free to RP in Ometra with 6T or whatnot.

However, make no mistake about it, we will be changing direction.

By the way, Red, check the new application in the Applications section of the forum. You know the guy? Apparently he wanted to join SR, but couldn't because he was too young. He seems like a promising recruit.