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Arev still going

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:00 pm
by Farik
This was posted on the boards for Undesirable Solutions this morning at 7AM. By the way <US> is currently laughing at Arev on their ventrillo server over this. He has his own guild now, he has fort keen, he needs to STFU already and so do his cheerleaders in RID. Lexx leads this guild, if he don't want RPers as I've said I will be happy to go my own way. I'm tired of his bullshit though and he's persona non grata in RP from here on out.

By now most of you know what has transpired in RID, my removal, blacklisting, and RID-attempted coup and withdrawal of Fort Keen, but now I am at a crossroads. Farik, my replacement, accused me of a laundry list of charges, most of which were untrue, and the ones that were true were grossly exaggerated or only half-truth. But I am curious as to what I should do I know, do I respond to these accusations, which will inevitably create more drama because several RID members will have to be called out publicly as liars, or do I take the upper road and let them tarnish my name? Yes, I know I never had the most sterling reputation and, honestly, some of the individuals that went out of their way to ruin it visit these forums as well, but that's not the point. The point is that should be looked at as a fight or flight situation?

Farik justified my removal as a necessity to help heal RID's (and at the time, Fort Keen's) reputation. The problem is that Farik doesn't understand what exactly I did in RID--I was the RID Whipping Boy, I took the blunt for when other members effed up. I was the figurehead of Fort Keen. During the bombing of Traceryn, Apauck (Farik's right-hand) called in the bombers, yet RID, and ultimately myself, took the heat for it, while Farik made an ass of himself. During the raids of Dark Coven, some of the Imperials did stupid things (RID and non-RID), who got the blame? That's right, me. Recently, during the whole Sindato castration scenario, Farik and Victure oversaw that one, but yet it was Fort Keen that had its reputation affected, which, of course, reflected upon me. So, by following Farik's logic, by removing me from the equation, things will be great, right?

Fifteen months ago, a similar event occurred to me. I was removed from RID because I didn't get along with one member, another Councilman, and his buddies. They left RID and Lexx removed me because I was "causing members to leave", even though the guy made a public nuisance of himself in front of the entire PA. After I was kicked, the player in question received a promotion to the newly-created "Executive Chairman" position, which is another Council seat with the addition of the /guildr ability. This player shared Farik's logic, "remove Arev and everything will be grand". Unfortunately, things didn't turn around so he left RID about two months later. Farik has moved RID RP to the backwaters of Rori (Eight-Seven's city, not far from where Rorana, Rori and the PvP Battlefield used to be). I'm not holding my breath that things will have this grand improvement, like Farik is predicting. In fact, as I told someone, I'm giving it two to four months before RID starts to lose more members than it gains. Of course, Farik will simply say, "Well, looks Amo's reputation cursed us and I couldn't do a thing about it".

Anyways, sorry for ranting, but I've been dying to get this off my chest for a few days. The only reason why I named names here is because of Rieme's policy of what is posted on these forums stays on these forums. So, do I tell people what really happened (the whole story is much longer than what I posted here) or do I attempt to walk away? But, if I walk away, I may have my integrity, but my reputation is tarnished. At least if I refute the disinformation, I can salvage my reputation at the cost of my integrity. I'm stumped. I know that I could simply take a break from the game, but then by that point what remains of RID RP may still be located at Omerta, and it'll be tough to bring them back. Farik could basically 'command' RID RPers around because he had the complete support of the Council and Lexx, because of his on-going crusade of purging RID of any association with me/Fort Keen.

Interestingly, both removals from RID cost me friendships. They believed the rumors and lies based on the so-called "evidence" (which, in both cases, was nothing more than hearsay and theories). But, if ten people all say one thing and one man says another, who are people going to believe?

This whole thing sucks. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Again, I'm sorry for ranting, I had to get this off my chest.

Re: Arev still going

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:12 pm
by Ramd
He's delusional, but then again, we already knew that.

I'm curious though, what "proof" was shown to the Council that prompted his removal? I never saw or heard exactly what it was. I'm guessing it had to do with his cyber-sex advances, but can someone clear it up for me?

Re: Arev still going

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:37 pm
by Farik
15-6 report into the removal of Amodeus

We kept things on the back channels as to specifics but here is why Amodeus lost his council lead and RP lead position. You already know why he was thrown out of RID. Some of you don't know why he was removed form key roles on fort keen and in RID though. This is why he was removed as exec chairman. All of these issues were addressed behind closed doors time and time again, since even before I entered RID.

o Abusing his position ICly as ISB council chief exec and fort keen commander for personal gain
o Lost faith and confidence in the majority of RID RPers
o The community as a whole had lost faith and confidence in his abilities as the RP director of RID RP and as such shut members out of RP
o Sexual Harassment of an meta-gamed IC-OOC nature, same held true for community members who generally described him as creepy, or as a sexual predator.
o Stalking guild members OOC and making them uncomfortable and continuing even after asked to stop, again considered creepy by them.
o Rage logging over "cybz" or lack thereof, including with guild members.
o Misallocation of RID assets

There are more items but that is a sample of conduct going on with him since before I was ever in RID.

Recruitment was hurt because of this
People refused to interact with RID members because of this
We lost members because of this
Entire groups of decent non ND and Madrid people would not interact with our members because of this
Drama ensued because of this, drama apauck and I had to clean up time and time again.

Re: Arev still going

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:03 pm
by Farik

Keep in mind the full time RPers in RID go through apauck and I and ultimately to Lexx. Lexx wanted me back and that was one of the conditions. I in turn am keeping him apprised of every situation going on with the RPers. and will provide him with status reports etc on the goings on in the RID RP section. Cutitng Lexx of all people out of the communications loop would be monumentally stupid. As for OOCers we we share lexx as the leader. That is where the general membership of RID and the RID RPers similarity ends. They have very different issues, needs, goals, etc than the main body of RID and it was time that fact got recognized.

I'm curious though, what "proof" was shown to the Council that prompted his removal? I never saw or heard exactly what it was. I'm guessing it had to do with his cyber-sex advances, but can someone clear it up for me?

Screenshots, chat logs, documentation of apauck and I PMing things to arev only for him to ignore them, meetings with guild members who are active RPers expressing concern over arevs patterns of sex obsession, etc was some of the proof and the RPers actually don't answer to the council now. Understand this, I personally have sources in every RP guild, I keep those sources through maintaining their confidentiality. It is a fundimental of my RL profession.

Below is a sworn statement form one of our RP members. Apauck and I dealt with this incident when it happened and the response we got form Arev was /eyeroll. Hell she didn't even mention the part about when arev asked her if she had a shaved pussy OOC player to player.

Throughout my years on Starsider I have heard countless horror stories of RID and Arev and for a long while I believed them.. and I avoided the guild and cities/forts like the plague. At some point I encountered quite a few nice people in the guild and actually had a lot of good roleplay happen between them. Once this happened I decided that it was best that I overlook all of the negative I had heard in the past and make my own opinion through my own experiences.

I have enjoyed this guild quite a bit and while I think Arev -CAN- be a nice guy at times, more than often he has proven himself to be the exact opposite more of the time.
I personally have encountered his "sex-pest" sort of rp as well as constant sexual jokes that never seem to stop. It is funny to joke about on occasion but sometimes it can be too much.

Not only have -I- encountered his whole Get-naked-or-be-imprisoned roleplay, but I have heard various others who have dealt with it as well. It is disgusting and creepy and is the exact reason why I heard so many complaints in the past about the guild as well as I hear about them now. What is sad is that one person and their sexually oriented roleplay effects the opinions of the rest of the guild they reside in.
The breaking point for me was when this roleplay turned oocly in a sense. I didn't feel comfortable with my character stripping down into no clothes (especially knowing full well the other player had the nude mod in the game.) So oocly I had my character where a swim-suit sort of outfit.. sort of like what you would expect on a character if you DON'T have the nude mod. I didn't feel comfortable at the time with my character waltzing around nude in the game and also didn't like the idea of the possibility of screenshots of a nude modded shot of my character in someones house like that.

My reasons aside, Amodeus was not happy with this. He constantly asked me to take her clothes off so he could enjoy his nude mod and when I refused he stopped the rp claiming he couldn't get into it without the nudity.
I personally was offended and upset by this. Not only was it creepy as fuck but I feel he should have stopped immediately when I said no. NO MEANS NO. How fucking hard is it to respect a fellow roleplayers boundaries?? Don't keep pushing the issue. The more you push the more you are just pushing those people away.

This has been a specific instance that happened to myself that has bothered me ever since. I went to the councilors about this and spoke my mind. I decided it was a last straw especially after attempting to encourage more RP within the fort yet finding it increasingly harder to do so with responses from other guilds and other players who did not like the idea of coming to a fort where they might be arrested for not getting naked.. among other things.

I can guarantee you that this is NOT the only time something creepy and messed up like this has happened. I feel the decisions made were the best for this guild and the improvement of roleplay in the guild as well as Fort Keen. It is sad that Amodeus feels he must "retaliate" in some fashion and claim a "coup" has happened when the leaders simply wished to step him down in power within RID and the city so we can try to fix all that has been ruined with everyone's opinions of the guild.

I hope we can still keep hold of the Fort and further encourage -good- non-creepy roleplay there


Before I was on the council I was stalked harrased and pissed all over because a player named arev had jelousy issues on an OOC level. Whenever I was RPing with Kai'lek the creep would come around on esitoo and be a jackass. Or he would be on amoudeus and ordr me OOCly to stop RPing with Kai'lek and others only to have me stand in fort keens city hall waiting or him for 1-4 hours. He would also send me fucked up tells and do the same to kai'lek.

This is one of our others members experiances. He has another character out of RID and he's seen and heard the great Arev in action before.


This is the reputation he has gotten, this is what we are fighting to get off of RID. So far, with this city bullshit, he’s only served to reinforce his reputation and obviously lacks the mental capacity of a 12 year old. I really didn’t give two flying fucks about Amo until all this stuff, when his true nature made itself apparent, and I must say, I’m –very- glad he’s gone. We should’ve done it –earlier-.

Honestly, I would not put it past Amo to steal the items and resell them on the IG market or deco them or just use them to create a virtual girl made out of clothing components and jack off to "her" pixels. I don't trust him, him removing admin rights only makes me trust him less.

This member is talking of groups like the Glastons, who are one of the more respected RP guilds on the server.
I only experienced the sexual perversion of Amodeus IC, but I have also heard what he has done to others. I am not judging him based on rumors, but on actual feelings he created in friends of mine. Players I trust oocly won't even let female guild members of theirs come to Ft. Keen alone and this speaks volumes.

This is the last time I will respond to anyone on why Arev was removed, even council members.

Re: Arev still going

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:22 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I agree that from this point on, discussions about Amodeus should end. Though with that said, I'd just like to quickly throw in my two cents.

It's clear, judging from Amodeus' thread, that he *is* delusional. He genuinely feels confused when things dont go his way or he doesnt have the upper hand... so when actions are taken against him, it's probably too much for his ego to bear. So he continues playing victim, again and again. I think the only frightening aspect is that if Amodeus keeps spewing the same stuff over and over again, people may start to believe him. But at this point, it doesn't matter.

Lets just prove Amodeus wrong. Build up Ometra, make it a hub for commerce and roleplay activities. It may be Rori, but it's not like Talus is that much more grand either. With the right amount of dedication, the city can be put on the map (not literally, but figuratively I mean).