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RP Section Priorities of Work

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:54 am
by Farik
This is what we have going on in the RP Section right now. It's a bit of work, but nothing that I can't handle.

Current Priorities of Work
o Establishing RID RP continuity as we transition form Fort Keen
o Establishing the history of Omerta Outpost.
o Ensuring our RP members are getting housing space in Omerta and coordinating with Kai'lek on city planning and decoration.
o Establishing clear RP policy and defining roles better so that members have an idea of what those roles entail in day to day RP.section
o Monitoring RP members to ensure drama is kept to a bare minimum
o Ensuring we have open lines of communications with other RP guilds and that the see the changes being implemented in order to improve our reputation.
o Assessing all RP section members for possible defection to FORT and monitering possible defector in place possibilities among the members in accordance with my professional tradecraft.
o Writing a new recruitment post for RPers once we are established and stable in Omerta
o Ensuring communication with Lexx and keeping him apprised of matters in the RP section throughout the process.

Re: RP Section Priorities of Work

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:45 pm
by Farik
Updated, green items are those tasks that have been completed or are sufficiantly on the way to near completion. Red are projects that still need work.

Re: RP Section Priorities of Work

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:23 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Looks great! If you need help with anything just let us know.