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Recommended Activity Schedule

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:37 am
by Arev
I wanted to discuss at our regularly postponed in-game Council meeting, but we have preliminary discussions here.

As a Council we need to agree on two things:
1. Once we have consensus on these forums, we enact it. Constant deliberation and no agreement has always been our weakness.
2. We uphold it. It is not Arev's schedule, it is not Lexx's schedule, it is RID's schedule. We all have to be diligent to maintain it.

Why do we need an Activity Schedule?
1. To promote PA unity and cooperation
2. To decrease partisanship/favoritism
3. To appear orderly and active for potential recruits

Daily Activities don't necessarily have to start at the same time. Some days they may start around 7 PM EST, other days 9 or 10 PM EST. As long as something happens, that is the important part. The schedule isn't a hard and fast rule for all members, but to simply acknowledge that certain events will take precedence on those nights.

"GCW" is vague to be defined as anything from BBs to BFs to Invasions.
"RP" is vague because it may simply be a social event around Fort Keen or a planned event. Seihra is coordinating a plotline between RID, GP, and XCV. A set schedule for us would make it easier to coordinate.

Sunday - Heroics
Monday - GCW
Tuesday - GCW
Wednesday - GCW or RP
Thursday - Heroics
Friday - RP
Saturday - Space (early evening)/RP (late evening)


Re: Recommended Activity Schedule

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:07 pm
by Farik
An Activity Schedule is a good idea, as I've said before provide options and direction where possible and incorporate the people that enjoy such activities. Also each council member has their own preferences and things they are good at. Don't expect me to drop the things council members enjoy for a set in stone Activity Schedule, not going to happen here I can tell you that much. I also think we need to consider everyone has varied work routines, etc to deal with.

I do like invasions, I do like GCW, and hell yes space PVP and arenas... but situation will dictate. Sadly physical situation too. Not very good at PVP right now and such to to swollen scar tissues. I'm typing this and other things with one functioning hand.