Internal Drama Starting over OWNZ Situation

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Internal Drama Starting over OWNZ Situation

Post by Arev » Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:03 am

We need to be careful how we present the information with OWNZ to members. Two members were dramatically affected by it that I know of. Xoseh wanted to start information digging, stating, that would he take up his old position in the Intel Division.

The second, and more startling, is Illiack who threatened to leave because he doesn't want RID to get involved with the "OWNZ BS". He said he doesn't want "RID to get all political". I understand what he means. No offense to anyone, but Fort Legacy has little to no effect on most of RID. You don't hear about it, so members are asking, "Why are we doing this to this po-dunk town?"

Food for thought.

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Post by Arev » Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:10 am

Oh, and Red, Illiack suggested not to spam mail with the "on duty" messages. He said it wouldn't be bad if he only had one account, but it's bad enough he has two more. :)

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:46 pm

I don't see why we always have to act like we're the malicious group here, going out of our ways to inconvenience OWNZ. Lets not forget that they destroyed TWO of our freaking cities, not one. Yes, Fort Endeavour was more of a personal endevor on my part, but NOT Fort Legacy. Much joint-effort was spent between me and Osar over the past years to get a shuttleport, and the whole place was stolen from us because of some idiotic loophole in the system.

Illiack can take a hike for all I care. For some time he kept blabbing to me that he does a lot of stuff with OWNZ, they're a great guild, and wouldn't mind joining them. So for all I care he can do it. I will keep this whole situation on the downlow though with most of the members.

You may think Fort Legacy is not important, but what would you say if Fort Keen was destroyed by some guy who registered right before the third election week while you're away on break? I would hope we would go to great lengths to rebuild the city, and that's exactly what we're going to do with Fort Legacy.

Besides, things have been a bit quiet lately and we could use some politics if you ask me. SOE put the election systems in the game for a reason, so there's no reason we shouldn't play OWNZ at their own game.

As for the mass-number of RID's, I will, as I said keep this situation on the down-low and only work with key officials in this operation. We have a guild meeting tonight, and I won't bring up Fort Legacy. We'll discuss perfectly innocent activities for the rest of the guild, including an additional guild war with another Rebel guild. This will distract mostly everyone of the drama that transpired yesterday.

PS: With the support of the Council, I'm thinking of granted Xoseh access to these forums so that he can closely work with the Council.

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Post by Arev » Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:37 pm

I don't know. It's not Fort Legacy isn't important to some of us, but let's face it, if you asked most of our active members where they lived, they'd say the Big Three, Oasis, NS, and Keen. Ysiermo lives in StarForge-Station, Talus with one other RID (although it may be his alt), and if that city were overtaken and a crusade to take it back, most of us would wonder why.

My point is that we worry about consolidation. Urkam raised a good point about, in his eyes, lack of recruitment. With the 90 day inactive policy, we'll need an active recruitment to maintain the Big Three. Let's worry about those for now.

Having said that, I don't have a problem with Xoseh having access to the forums.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:54 pm

Well I suppose your right. It's for those reason that I was actually kind of "relieved" to see Fort Endeavour go (doesn't mean I wanted it gone though). Was I upset about? Yeah, especially since I spent so much time and credits on it, but it gave me more time to focus on Fort Oasis which is a good thing.

Maybe I'm just getting too heated up over nothing, I don't know. Still, it doesn't hurt to take advantage of some opportunities. If a city-slot conveniently opens up on Tatooine, and Osar still wants to run a city, then I see no harm in it.

Fortunately he didn't have to rely on lots of RID's to maintain his city, he has lots of friends in RMNTS who inhabited it. I guess I just feel a certain obligation to Osar. We worked together so much on the city early on, got him the shuttle, and that eventually paved way for him to joining RID.

Oh well, I guess we should just sit back and see how things go. We have lots of other things to keep us occupied.

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Post by Arev » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:55 pm

Yeah, I'll try as well. For whatever reason, I have a spare Tat City Hall lying around. So, I'll try to throw it down if there's an opening as well.

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Post by Daiho » Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:23 am

Why are we infiltrating this PA?

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Post by Xoseh » Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:44 am

Daiho wrote:Why are we infiltrating this PA?

We have reason to believe they were behind Fort Legacy's destruction. However, new intel arose saying 'Imp was in AI according to Osar.

I'm not really sure what to do now, if it was in fact OWNz, then I will keep my current mission. I'm awaiting orders from Lexx at this point.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:30 am

Osar initially told me 'Imp was in -AI-, but I looked into this, and it seems to be false for a number of reasons:

1.) The leader of -AI- told me 'Imp was not on their guild roster whatsoever
2.) 'Imp is clearly mayor of OWNZ Outpost according to the ballot box

I suppose another way to clear this misconception would be to do /guildshow again, and see if 'Imp is listed.

So anyways, this seems to clearly indicate that OWNZ had a hand in destroying Fort Endeavour (to be able to place a city hall) and then destroy Fort Legacy (to advance to township status). I wouldn't be surprised if their next objective is to destroy another city with a shuttle, so that their city will be allowed to advance to rank 4 and 5 status, but time will tell.

One thing is for sure though. If they plan on getting a shuttle, they won't get it by destroying Fort Oasis. They'll need to destroy another unsuspecting city with a shuttleport, and I would imagine they'd create more enemies by doing so.

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Post by Xoseh » Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:06 am

Alas, we have the right guild then. 'Imp is on the OWNz Guild Roster. I apologize for not checking for that specific name sooner.

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Post by Arev » Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:15 am

Perhaps we should search Tatooine for Rank 4 cities then?

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Post by Xoseh » Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:54 pm

I think we should warn all mayors in general. Sure they are focused on Tatooine right now, but who says they wont make another city on another planet?

There is a lot that can go wrong with this situation unfortunatly.

I think the best thing we can do is post this on whatever Starsider forums people use, and just get the word out. However, do not mention any name specifcally (guild or otherwise) for running the risk of having a mod lock the thread for flaminig. As far as I'm concerned, they cant lock threads for warning people about false play.

Every mayor on Starsider is at risk (talk about being over-dramatic lol)

And I know I make jokes from time to time, and I probably will contiune to do so, it is only to keep tension and stress down so fights do not break out internally in RID over this. If something starts to get riled up in guild chat I will do my best to stop it (Seeing as I'm usually logged on 15-20 hours a day lol.) Please do not think I'm not taking this seriously.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:02 pm

I may personally send an in-game warning to mayors of Tatooine cities with a shuttleport. This will keep it off the forums, but it'll also give mayors adequate time to prepare.

Keep up the good work Xoseh. Maybe try to weasle your way up the ladder in the guild, and get to know their higher-up officials better. That might yield more information, since the lower-level recruits won't know much about what's going on.

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Post by Arev » Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:13 pm

Tatooine has no Rank 4 cities. All cities with shuttleports are Rank 5.

But, you're right, notifying all mayors would be a good thing.

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Post by Xoseh » Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:18 pm

On every planet? If so, we should get a mailing list of mayors on the planets. I think we should split it up though so not one person is running to every listed city in the game.

I'll take one planet, Arev another, etc. Ideas?

Also - I'm trying to get to know the people in OWNz better, but they aren't the talkitive bunch. Not letting up though.
