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Hi everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:06 am
by auren
Sorry for my extended absense i have been quite poorly and also extremely busy at work.

I am sorry to hear you have lost a city to another guild what happened there seems to have been quite underhanded.

I prepared a huge email/message to you all which i guess i could copy
and paste here about my findings for swg through my relation with sony uk work. It might be easier to just go over quickly what i have found out with you. It has been banded about at work that star wars galaxies is in its sunset stage of development. From what i have been able to gather content will continue to be rolled out via the trading card system to try to generate money from lesser subscription figures. Microtransactions seem to be the new popular and for some reason continues to be the buzz word here with sony regarding online gaming, i would love to meet the person pioneering it and give them a piece of my mind. To give you a example free realms another sony title is completely free to play and you can play via your web browser exists via the sole use of microtransactions - basically all the goodie items are bought with real life money.

Im disheartened right now not with the game but with the people developing the game. I hear whisperings all the time through work via newsletters and so on but im not hearing about new development expansions or planets at the moment for swg. Its a shame because planetside (another sci fi FPS MMO) is being developed right now into planetside 2 after a lot of fan interest this is featuring heavily in newsletters at work.

Time to put in a line break :P
im sorry for my lack of time in the council if you all want or need to consider another applicant to fill my place i really dont mind i feel very guilty for my lack of play time right now. Im really sorry for that.

I hope to see you all soon in game and im really sorry for my absense

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 2:21 pm
by Arev

Glad to see that you're still alive and doing well. Kind of poopy news about Galaxies, but TCG is quasi-microtransactions. You're not paying for the loot directly, rather a chance to attain the loot. Personally, I'd much prefer the change to a real microtransaction system rather the TCG and be done with it.

Do you know the current subscription rates? Any word on upcoming development for 2010?

Hope to see you in-game soon! ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:31 pm
by Daiho
Hey honey!

Welcome back!

I'm glad to read that you look likes to love your new job. I've been away too since a month or two. I'm planning some game time between Christmas and the New Year. I hope to see you then :)


Daiho :)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:09 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Glad to hear from you again Auren!