Expertise Funding Program

A place for the Regal Executive Council to share and vote on confidential issues.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Expertise Funding Program

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:11 pm


I am reserving this post for tomorrow. Since I'm kinda tired I'm not gonna write a full post today. But this thread will be devoted to discussing the expertise funding program discussed during our recent guild meeting. I'll also get a public forum post made so that we can get other guild member's opinions voiced.

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Post by Arev » Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:37 am

I find your lack of updates disturbing.

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Post by Daiho » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:24 am

Arev wrote:I find your lack of updates disturbing.

Rofl !!!!!

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Post by auren » Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:10 am

Arev wrote:I find your lack of updates disturbing.

I fear the updates more than darth vader
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Post by Ramd » Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:35 pm

kind of have to agree with Arev, Lexx. I mean, Cash 4 Clunkerz is about to end! You've taken longer than the lifespan of a federal program to update the thread!

PS. While cash for clunkers may be leaving, look forward to Cash for Clunkers Part 2: Cash for Appliances!

I'm planning our Cash for Respecs program around that one, so lets get it going before *that* runs out of money too!

/end political rant


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Post by Arev » Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:40 pm

Ramd wins! Ahaha.

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Post by Ramd » Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:45 pm

Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week, and then some :)

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:34 pm

Lol, I know you can all count on my reliability.

Well uh, right now I can't type in length, but if you guys want to post some suggestions, feel free to do so and then I'll get a public post made :P

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Post by Ramd » Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:18 pm

Cash for Respecs

-Program only available to current Commandos and Jedi
-RID will pay 50% of the respec cost.
-Upon respec, another guild member is assigned to be the newly respeced player's mentor. The mentor is of the same profession and shows the member the ropes of the new profession
-If guild member stays with the new profession for more than a month, a loyalty reward of 5 million credits will be awarded. (this is negotiable, the exact price doesn't matter, it could even be an item)
-Available professions: Medic, Smuggler, Officer, Spy

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Post by auren » Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:39 am

ok i have to say i strongly disagree with this

If a player chooses a profession they do so because they want to play that profession. I took a long time looking into what i wanted to be able to do when i played star wars and i choose my profession after looking at all the options.

Also i saw ramd's ideas above

Are we serious about this ?

The program will only available to commando or jedi
:evil: are we saying commando and jedi would be more useful to the guild if they were not commando or jedi ? Im a commando you are a jedi daiho what do you think about this ? 5 million would have been useful to auren when i was selling all the heroic rewards i managed to loot to be able to afford armor and armor add ons. But because Auren is a commando she wouldn't ever be entitled to guild help under this scheme. I have to be truthful and say that I wouldnt expect the help for things like this in game but if we are offering help it should be to ALL MEMBERS not just select ones that fit in with us. Also who decides who fits in ? and how do they choose who is the most worthy of the rewards ?

RID will pay 50% of the respec cost .....why ? Why would the guild pay for things but only if i fit a certain group of people ?
I dont mind people from the same profession helping each other in the guild if a member decides to change profession, i would expect that, what i wouldn't expect is a guild to fund my profession decisions or whims in game or think because i chose a certain profession. i shouldnt be entitled to guild rewards if im only of a certain profession. That isn't right at all imo

If guild member stays with the new profession for more than a month, a loyalty reward of 5 million credits will be awarded. (this is negotiable, the exact price doesn't matter, it could even be an item)
So as i understand it i can respect to a certain profession to get 5 million credits or items....How long would it take for new players to join take the money and leave the guild before the money and items ran out ?

Available profession medic smuggler officer and spy .....Why not entertainers ,combat entertainers, trader or bounty hunter's ? Are these professions not good enough for the guilds money ?

Im sorry i missed the meeting that involved all this but i strongly disagree that the guild should be funding peoples profession choices in game. Help in game is fine help with armor and crafted items is fine but if this issue is serious it isnt right and in my opinion is discriminating against certain professions and undermining the people that play those professions as not applicable for guild benefits.

Im surprised that noone else has a alternative opinion on this ?

If money is to be spent on people in the guild we could spend it on events that everyone could enjoy of all combat levels and all professions. Also using this respec scheme do people of all combat levels get rewarded ? or is it just people of level 90 that are "of use" to the guild ? that get the rewards.

Help in game is good to have advice in game is good to have but rewarding people for doing what we want them to do isn't something RID should be promoting in my opinion. By doing this you are being /rude at all commando's and jedi traders and bounty hunters in the guild and by rewarding people for doing what you want them to do you are promoting a "do as i do" attitude that isn't something i agree with whatsoever and not something i would want to remain part of. Also the fact some professions arent ones that qualify for respec help creates even more barriers.

The guild should help and encourage members that choose any profession not just ones they pick as being the most useful. What sort of example does something like this set to new members who maybe choose a popular profession such as jedi or commando ?

Sorry to seem so negative but if you want a different opinion about this idea you now have my thoughts on it.

My question's to you all on the council is
Will RID support all professions and members in the guild equally no matter what they choose as their profession or not ?

Are the choices that people in RID Guild make in game their own or the guilds ?

Also are the decisions that members have made when choosing a profession only made to gain a RID reward of some kind ?

What would you think of a guild if after you started to play star wars and joined a guild you thought would help you a council or the leader from that guild said that if you delete your character and make a medic i will give you 5 million ? What would that tell you about the support of that guild ?

This subject i have to say has touched a real nerve with me in case you didn't already notice ... sorry but i needed to speak my mind.

This sort of reward scheme could alienate players of a certain profession in the guild and create frustration or arguments between guild members.
Has seen lexx's sabre and it was glowing pink............again

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Post by Ramd » Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:21 am

auren wrote:ok i have to say i strongly disagree with this

If a player chooses a profession they do so because they want to play that profession. I took a long time looking into what i wanted to be able to do when i played star wars and i choose my profession after looking at all the options.

Also i saw ramd's ideas above

Are we serious about this ?

The program will only available to commando or jedi
:evil: are we saying commando and jedi would be more useful to the guild if they were not commando or jedi ? Im a commando you are a jedi daiho what do you think about this ? 5 million would have been useful to auren when i was selling all the heroic rewards i managed to loot to be able to afford armor and armor add ons. But because Auren is a commando she wouldn't ever be entitled to guild help under this scheme. I have to be truthful and say that I wouldnt expect the help for things like this in game but if we are offering help it should be to ALL MEMBERS not just select ones that fit in with us. Also who decides who fits in ? and how do they choose who is the most worthy of the rewards ?

RID will pay 50% of the respec cost .....why ? Why would the guild pay for things but only if i fit a certain group of people ?
I dont mind people from the same profession helping each other in the guild if a member decides to change profession, i would expect that, what i wouldn't expect is a guild to fund my profession decisions or whims in game or think because i chose a certain profession. i shouldnt be entitled to guild rewards if im only of a certain profession. That isn't right at all imo

If guild member stays with the new profession for more than a month, a loyalty reward of 5 million credits will be awarded. (this is negotiable, the exact price doesn't matter, it could even be an item)
So as i understand it i can respect to a certain profession to get 5 million credits or items....How long would it take for new players to join take the money and leave the guild before the money and items ran out ?

Available profession medic smuggler officer and spy .....Why not entertainers ,combat entertainers, trader or bounty hunter's ? Are these professions not good enough for the guilds money ?

Im sorry i missed the meeting that involved all this but i strongly disagree that the guild should be funding peoples profession choices in game. Help in game is fine help with armor and crafted items is fine but if this issue is serious it isnt right and in my opinion is discriminating against certain professions and undermining the people that play those professions as not applicable for guild benefits.

Im surprised that noone else has a alternative opinion on this ?

If money is to be spent on people in the guild we could spend it on events that everyone could enjoy of all combat levels and all professions. Also using this respec scheme do people of all combat levels get rewarded ? or is it just people of level 90 that are "of use" to the guild ? that get the rewards.

Help in game is good to have advice in game is good to have but rewarding people for doing what we want them to do isn't something RID should be promoting in my opinion. By doing this you are being /rude at all commando's and jedi traders and bounty hunters in the guild and by rewarding people for doing what you want them to do you are promoting a "do as i do" attitude that isn't something i agree with whatsoever and not something i would want to remain part of. Also the fact some professions arent ones that qualify for respec help creates even more barriers.

The guild should help and encourage members that choose any profession not just ones they pick as being the most useful. What sort of example does something like this set to new members who maybe choose a popular profession such as jedi or commando ?

Sorry to seem so negative but if you want a different opinion about this idea you now have my thoughts on it.

My question's to you all on the council is
Will RID support all professions and members in the guild equally no matter what they choose as their profession or not ?

Are the choices that people in RID Guild make in game their own or the guilds ?

Also are the decisions that members have made when choosing a profession only made to gain a RID reward of some kind ?

What would you think of a guild if after you started to play star wars and joined a guild you thought would help you a council or the leader from that guild said that if you delete your character and make a medic i will give you 5 million ? What would that tell you about the support of that guild ?

This subject i have to say has touched a real nerve with me in case you didn't already notice ... sorry but i needed to speak my mind.

This sort of reward scheme could alienate players of a certain profession in the guild and create frustration or arguments between guild members.

I'm a commando too, auren, and I'm saving up for a possible respec.

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Post by Ramd » Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:23 am

Fine, scrap the idea, if its so controversial.

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Post by Arev » Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:51 pm

Ramd wrote:Fine, scrap the idea, if its so controversial.

Hardly. Ramd gave a proposal and Auren offered a rebuttal, that's how debate works. Now, Ramd must offer a counter-rebuttal.

I agree with Ramd's proposal, and thanks to Auren's criticism, we can fine tune it. First, I would suggest limiting it to CL70 or 80 Jedi and Commandos, because by then they'll have some experience at how the other professions work to get a better idea of what they're respecing into. I wouldn't mind entertaining a CL90 requirement either. But, we shouldn't force people to feel like they have to grind up in order to respec.

I also wouldn't mind bumping up it up 75% either.

To address Auren's concerns, I think there were a few misunderstandings. The purpose of the program is to offer incentives to Jedi and Commandos (which are overwhelmingly popular in RID) to branch out and play other professions, in particular support professions. It's nothing personal anyone, merely at attempt to diversify our professions, especially when we attempt to run PA activities like Heroics or Battlefields. This will make us more self-reliant. I can't count the number of times I've been in and RID Heroic group with a non-RID Medic (this isn't pointed at you, as you're usually in bed when we sometimes do Heroics).

Also, the reason why it's limited to Medic, Officer, Smuggler, and Spy is because they are either the least played or a support profession--great for Heroics or BFs. Bounty Hunter falls in the middle. There aren't near as many of them as Jedi or Commandos, but compared to Smuggler and Spy for instance, they're more common. The reason why it isn't open to other professions is because, frankly, there's no need for those professions. Combat characters can fund trader alts, and RID hasn't had 'full-time' crafters in the PA in quite a long time. So, the chance of them respecing to Trader is slim to none. Same with Entertainer.

That's ultimately our job as Councilmen is to assess what the PA needs and bring our recommendations to Lexx. So, the purpose of this program is to determine the professions RID needs to do regular activities effectively without having to wait/hope for other professions from other PAs.

I hope this makes sense.

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Post by Ramd » Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:24 pm

Arev wrote:
Ramd wrote:Fine, scrap the idea, if its so controversial.

Hardly. Ramd gave a proposal and Auren offered a rebuttal, that's how debate works. Now, Ramd must offer a counter-rebuttal.

I agree with Ramd's proposal, and thanks to Auren's criticism, we can fine tune it. First, I would suggest limiting it to CL70 or 80 Jedi and Commandos, because by then they'll have some experience at how the other professions work to get a better idea of what they're respecing into. I wouldn't mind entertaining a CL90 requirement either. But, we shouldn't force people to feel like they have to grind up in order to respec.

I also wouldn't mind bumping up it up 75% either.

To address Auren's concerns, I think there were a few misunderstandings. The purpose of the program is to offer incentives to Jedi and Commandos (which are overwhelmingly popular in RID) to branch out and play other professions, in particular support professions. It's nothing personal anyone, merely at attempt to diversify our professions, especially when we attempt to run PA activities like Heroics or Battlefields. This will make us more self-reliant. I can't count the number of times I've been in and RID Heroic group with a non-RID Medic (this isn't pointed at you, as you're usually in bed when we sometimes do Heroics).

Also, the reason why it's limited to Medic, Officer, Smuggler, and Spy is because they are either the least played or a support profession--great for Heroics or BFs. Bounty Hunter falls in the middle. There aren't near as many of them as Jedi or Commandos, but compared to Smuggler and Spy for instance, they're more common. The reason why it isn't open to other professions is because, frankly, there's no need for those professions. Combat characters can fund trader alts, and RID hasn't had 'full-time' crafters in the PA in quite a long time. So, the chance of them respecing to Trader is slim to none. Same with Entertainer.

That's ultimately our job as Councilmen is to assess what the PA needs and bring our recommendations to Lexx. So, the purpose of this program is to determine the professions RID needs to do regular activities effectively without having to wait/hope for other professions from other PAs.

I hope this makes sense.


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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:14 pm

Yeah, there's no need to give up an entire idea just because everyone doesn't agree with it. That's the whole point of this forum, to provide a place for Council members to debate things in a constructive fashion -- without feeling afraid to offer their opinion.

I'll offer some more input about the overall idea later on.
