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Decra and Vahdreas

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:07 am
by Lexx Yovel
Hey guys.

First order of business. What's your guys take on re-recruiting Decra? You see, Decra really does like RID, but he's a total badge freak. He decided to leave RID temporarily, so that he could go Rebel to get the Rebel badges. However, Decra has been saying that he misses RID, and would like to return. The problem is he's still Rebel, and it may take a bit of time before he gets all the badges. I personally have nothing against Decra as a person, he's certainly friendly. But would you guys be confortable with letting him back in while he's a Rebel? I'm not sure how other Imperial guilds will look upon it, especially operators of the buff houses. Maybe they'll understand it's not a big deal.

Anyways, there's this other guy named Vahdreas who would like to rejoin RID. He was in RID exactly a year ago, but left. As you can see in these post, he would often come across as a bit over-zealous and rude: ... t=vahdreas

Given his past history, it's hard to say whether he'd be right for RID, unless he matured significantly in a year. He is currently in the guild AI (Alpha Imperium). He has grown disenchanted with their guild, saying that they just recruit noobs, and that they don't do anything at all as a guild.

Anyways, just wanted to har all of your takes on both of em!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:07 pm
by Daiho

For Decra, I don't think he can comeback until he turns back Imperial. I don't see an Imperial guild accepting Rebels. Do you want RID become the next IMPHL? I don't. lol

I don't support the return of Decra as a Rebel.

For Vahdreas, "Kiss my ass RID" and "Fuck the Empire" don't show me he have any interests in common with us. I understand he MIGHT have matured but what is done is done.

I don't support the return of Vahdreas.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:01 pm
by Arev
Absolutely not when Decra is still a Rebel. Neutral, maybe, but definitely not as a Rebel.

Two thumbs down for Vahdreas. He hasn't matured. I ran TK with him on my Rebel BH recently, and afterward, he insisted on running AM. I said I would prefer not because my character wasn't keyed. He threw a fit and left. When I asked why he left (in group chat), the leader said, "Maybe you shouldn't have been so rude." When I asked how, I was kicked. Long story short, I don't run instances with WILD' or Vahdreas anymore.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:52 am
by Lexx Yovel
I think Vahdreas is definitely a no-go then. I'll reserve my judgment for Decra once I hear more input though. However, it's likely I'll wait until he's at least neutral before letting him in.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:30 am
by auren
i do feel decra should be allowed back into the guild but its hard to give a definite answer for me. I like decra a lot he always has lots of good things to say about all of you and he always tries to say hello and be jovial when im online.

I know that Decra only wants to gain the rebel badges so its hard for me to not answer as a friend. I think decra is a lovely person but the decision must be if rid can allow a rebel in the guild fullstop to allow a guild member to get the badges.

I think decra is a great guild member and person. He is kind funny and respectful of all members in the guild. He even asked me what i thought you would all say to him returning to the guild . I told him to respectfully contact lexx and he has.

Will we risk losing a great person member by not allowing him to increase his badge collection and return ?

Im stuck but if i was to put it down to a yes or no i would say yes because i know how much he worried about contacting you and all of your opinions when he spoke to me about returning. I think he also misses the guild like i did when i left.

Its a tough decision i know because rid are a well known imperial guild

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:20 pm
by Arev
Auren contacted me earlier in-game about Decra, and apparently, he is literally begging to get back in. Now, he's still a Rebel. I encouraged her to remind him that we are the Regal Imperial Defenders. We can't have Rebels running around with an RID tag on. If anything, it gives him incentive to finish up his Rebel business and become an Imperial again.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:39 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I do feel for Decra. I'll stress to him that we promise he can return once he resigns from the Rebellion.

But you're all pretty much right, we have an image to maintain as an Imperial guild. There are so many times in the past where a member has gone Rebel for a short time, only to have us being accused of "defecting" or whatever.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:34 am
by auren
Arev wrote:Auren contacted me earlier in-game about Decra, and apparently, he is literally begging to get back in. Now, he's still a Rebel. I encouraged her to remind him that we are the Regal Imperial Defenders. We can't have Rebels running around with an RID tag on. If anything, it gives him incentive to finish up his Rebel business and become an Imperial again.

Decra isnt "begging" :( he has asked about returning respectfully in tells to myself ( with myself acting as a bit of a go between i think) i in turn have asked him to speak to lexx and i spoke to you (arev) about him last night, he was worried what you all thought because he left only to gain badges not to become anyone's enemy or because he didnt like RID. I personallydon't collect badges so i dont really understand why people collect them but that's my feelings.

Decra misses being in the guild and last night said he regrets leaving at all. Arev you need to understand that decra is a really nice person when you get to know him , he's also a mature player that has children he's bringing up. I know he deleted his other level 90 character to let the children make and play a jedi in the game.

Sometimes there is a lot more to a situation than you can see from the outside. The fact decra was so worried about re-applying to the guild shows how much he cares about what you all think.

I miss decra and i understand rid is imperial but can i ask lexx that you drop him a email in game so he can at least know he isnt a permanent outcast.
Also Arev i think we should avoid thinking that decra is begging to be back. If decra finds out anyone in rid thinks he is begging to be back i know as a close friend of his the way he would react and i dont think he would like it at all.

Sorry for posting my negative feelings but i don't like to see someone worry about asking to be back in the guild from the guilds leader and council and then maybe find out off someone by accident that he is begging to be back in the guild. I hope we can all understand how decra feels and not make him feel any worse than he already does for leaving the guild.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:43 pm
by Lexx Yovel
No need to worry. I'll assure Decra that we absolutely hold no resentment towards him and will make it clear that he is still a part of RID in essense. Besides, his alt is still in RID, so I'll let him know to log on his alt more often to at least keep in touch before he's done with Decra's badge hunting.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:35 pm
by Arev
Regarding Vahdreas, I found this. Some things never change.