
A place for the Regal Executive Council to share and vote on confidential issues.

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Post by Arev » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:09 pm

I'm talking, of course, about the real ones, not Bovive. *dodge* :) (Just kidding, you know I love you.)

As some of you saw, Raynee and I had a thread going in GAT, which was basically "innocent flirtations". Apium locked it. But, this thread isn't about Apium locking or unlocking threads. I'd like to discuss Raynee.

She is/was/will be pissed because of that event. I had to listen to a 20-minute rant late last night in-game. Now, it should be common knowledge by now that I don't log in on Monday or Tuesday nights. But, I knew from her PMs that she was not happy, so, as a friend and Councilman, I took it upon myself to calm her down, and met her in-game about midnight CST.

I apologize in advance for not getting screenshots, so you'll have to take my word on this. First, she stated her criticism against Apium, warning, "If a thread is wrong and off-topic, I can understand it being locked, but that thread was not off-topic in any way. If he locks another thread like that again, I'll really piss off the mods." Second, she stated her criticism against the leadership, "Why are encouraged to use the forums, yet only have our threads locked? Kick me from the guild for all I care, I should be able to troll my own guilds forums."

What's passed has passed. So, the thread locking itself is moot. The point of this illustration is that she's very highly volatile. While I'm not saying we should bend over backwards to her, I am saying we should be cautious in how we deal with her. As much as I've joked about it, look, fellas, we need girls here, or else we're going to look like some guys' club. Sawyilartia, our other token female, has only been in-game a few times since she joined.

I've the privilege of being very close to Raynee. She's been through some tough times in recent years that add to her nature. On the other hand, by her own admission, she's also a server jumper. So, even if we ravish her in presents, there's no guarantee she won't pick up and leave a month or two down the road.

Needless to say, be cautious around the womenfolk, and thankful that we don't have -black- or Korvev around to open their big mouths.

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Post by Apium » Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:06 pm

As far as that particular thread, I would like input from one of the other moderators. I realize that is not really the point of this thread, but if I did something terribly wrong and everyone thinks so, then I would like to know.

I've been kind of screwing around with mod powers lately, because no one has been misbehaving. There was a time when Kurke and I locked two or three threads a day and deleted many more posts than that. Going by the rules, I think I was right in what I did, but if we want to relax the rules to promote forum activity then I am okay with that.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith

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Post by Bovive » Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:54 pm

I personally did not see anything wrong with the thread, I believe it was all done in good taste. The only thing that even resembled trolling IMO was the title which I believe was in jest. I'm not sure what rule it actually would had violated. But yes, women are crazy and they go nuts. Therefore boys rule and girls drool.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:53 pm

Bovive wrote:Therefore boys rule and girls drool.

Amen. j/k :P

Anyways, the GAT is designed for the general crap that doesn't belong anywhere else. However, anarchy in the forums isn't exactly a great thing. Does that mean the thread needed locked? Not really. But that doesn't mean she had to have the pissy reaction that she did (on the plus side, she vented to the proper authority).

I mean, ask Waucod how many threads he has had locked or deleted. I know I've lost count. But like Apium said, things have been quiet in regards to forum abusers lately.

I guess my response is, so what? A thread in the GAT forum got locked. It wasn't the first and it won't be the last and I'm sure we've locked threads for lesser offenses before. Personally, I'm more of the opinion that you can go ahead and have some shananigans as long as they happen in the right place. I'm not a fan of pointless threads (the "tag, you're it" threads being a good example) nor am I a fan of useless bumping or double-posting.

Going forward I guess we can be a bit more lenient in regards to what goes on in the GAT, but our forum users need a little reality check too. A. It is an online forum. B. If you're messing around in the GAT, I wouldn't get all that concerned about a locked thread...
