Dila'ae and Leguim

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Dila'ae and Leguim

Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:40 pm

Leguim is the alt of Amaste, higher-up in IMPHL. Apparently Leguim went Rebel to get the badges, and ended up killing Dila'ae in the process while in Restuss.

Dila'ae got offended and apparently started verbally insulting Leguim. I don't know what he said, but Rontor of IMPHL tells me he was griefing him.

Leguim sent me a mail today apologzing for any misunderstanding, but explained what Dila'ae did more or less. I spoke to Dila'ae and told him we have an image to maintain as a guild. He was basically saying how he was offended that a leader in IMHPL was Rebel and that he was killed by him.

Anyways, I'm just throwing this up here for conversation. I wouldn't be so concerned if it weren't for Leguim/Amaste running one of the few Buff Houses we have access to.

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Saurat Seerdon
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:53 pm

That sucks that Dila'ae was killed. =\ I would ask for screenshots or it didn't happen. I for one, don't care for that guild due to things like combatant rebels in their guild and I have been same faction hunted by their members back in the day.

I personally, could care less about buff house access, as sith-stevey is almost always in mos eisley anyway, and there's always the SR buffhouse.
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Post by Mikal » Wed Oct 15, 2008 8:35 pm

I agree that IMPHL aren't the greatest group of people in the world. That being said however, NO ONE should get upset because they got killed in PvP...especially to the point of griefing someone. The only things that should be going back and for should be "Good Fight", or "Hey, what specials/expertice/armor/weapon did you beat me with? I'm trying to get better". IMPHL is not RID, so if they same faction hunt, that is their own friggin' stupidity (I hate IMPHL btw). I'm just saying that we really need to make sure we are putting our best feet forward in things, and thinking of the guild before ourselves.

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Post by Arev » Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:52 am

I wish I could say this is a complicated matter, but it's not. It's fairly cut-and-dry. Dila should not have verbally harassed Leguim. Now, we can debate the merits of having a Rebel Combatant in an overtly Imperial PA until we're blue in the face, but the point remains that Dila should have acted like a child. Now, this isn't the first time RID has had to deal with bad PR because of immature antics from our members. Thankfully, RID has made it very clear to others to blame the person, not the organization.

I'm torn on what to do with Dila. I know his history over on Naritus, as I'm sure you all read that thread. The guy has a temper. He also becomes obsessively emotionally-involved when it comes to interactions in-game. A prime example is the whole Aalia' (Ats'e/Tasyi) thing, also the last guild meeting, a recent interaction with CCXX (for those of you that don't know, this PA is organized by the most veteran SWG Player Senator), etc. Now, the irony of Dila is that he's stubbornly conservative when it comes to RP, but when's OOC, he's very rambunctious, i.e. jumping up and down randomly, running in circles obnoxiously, potty jokes, etc.

But, and this is a very important "but," if he were to be removed from RID, he'd quit SWG almost guaranteed. He's one of those players that has PvP'd for years, he's PvE'd, he's done it all. Basically, the only thing he really finds fun anymore is RP. He used to play LotRO, which had great RP, but it wasn't Star Wars, so he came back and transferred to Starsider. You all must understand, despite his immature actions at times, he's dedicated to RID. Kai'lek offered him a position in S-III (Sweeping Star Shipping), and he said he'd take it ICly, but would not leave RID.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:40 am

Yeah I don't want to write off Dila quite yet. He's certainly devoted, and I believe you when you say he'd quit if kicked. Dila even told me it's people like Leguim and the current state of PvP that makes Dila want to cancel the sub. I didn't know what to say to that other than we have an image to maintain.

This doesn't mean to say I'm just ganging up on Dila. Dila has done a lot for a guild but can be a handful. Other members alike can be a bit annoying.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I'm rather glad Decra isn't the beggar he used to be.

Anyways, yeah, I'm no big fan of IMPHL either, but they aren't the same guild they were months ago. Before, IMPHL and their members would go out of their way to attack our members. Amaste can be rather passive-aggressive, but with him dealing with leadership it's easier to deal with IMPHL nowadays.

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Post by Redaxe » Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:42 pm

Okay this has nothing to do with what Dila did, but wow Lexx.. That little sentence with Decra was SO random. I meen at the end of what your saying about Dila and IMPHL is one thing, random, yes, but still onne thing.. But you mentioned Decra in the her middle of your argument.. That was just so random. Lol

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:30 am

Lol I guess it kind of was. It's just Decra used to be brought up a lot on these boards because he'd always beg for stuff, and that seemed to die down. I guess I saw a corellation between the two by pointing out how members can adjust :lol:
