
A place for the Regal Executive Council to share and vote on confidential issues.

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Post by Mikal » Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:38 pm

I posted some of my thoughts over on the chat forum on Lexx's post. Thought I would start one here so that I can put a few things out there that I didn't feel like typing over there.

I believe that ANY restructuring of the guild should come AFTER the 5 year celebration. I don't want any confusion or even drama to upset us celebrating 5 glorious years of service to the Emperor.

After the celebration however, I am all for taking a long look at our divisional structure as a whole, not just with RP division or E's Marine division. I'm talking about having the ST division (the RPers), a Marine division (E's boys), and Intel.

This would basically merge Army and Navy into the Marine division. I am for this due to our numbers are rather low at the moment, and it seems that both divisions are competing for quality members, who end up doing things with the other division anyway. Why not combine them? Let the RPers have their division to RP in, and the Intel team can keep on doing what it does best...even though I'm not real sure on what that is yet lol. I didn't list the Commerce Division though. I believe that there just isn't enough "true" crafters in the game anymore to support it. I know, I know, I'm talking about shooting my own division in the foot, but hear me out. The Entertainers and Crafters can be excellent at getting information for the Intel division, and can join the Marine Division as Pilots. They can even become ST's (if they are the right race I guess) to do the whole RP thing, all the while plying their trade. I would still want to maintain a guild trader listing here on the forums of course so that people would know who to go to for stuff, but it would allow people some diversity on what they wanted to do.

My thoughts on the leadership positions of the divisions:
Marines: Erougn and 'Red
ST (RPers): Arev (still undecided on Dila'ae, for reasons I won't discuss)
Intel: Rett and someone else (Kioet' if he ever comes around again)

I would naturally assume the position of Supreme Commander, with Lexx being my little bitch. I believe that this would be best, even if my other ideas aren't accepted :twisted: :roll: :wink: :lol: No, really, I would take any role that you guys needed me to take, with whatever char that needs to take it. I'm pretty open in that respect.

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Post by Erougn » Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:47 pm

good ideas...but i think u should all be my bitches

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Post by Arev » Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:43 pm

First, I completely disagree with you on postponement. If we postpone, it will look as if the leadership is trying to hide something or sweep the current issues "under the rug". Guild Restructuring will not be the cause of any such "drama", but rather will help streamline the predicament we currently are in, bringing about a faster solution. Putting this issue off will have more negative side-effects than dealing with it now. Good leadership does not postpone anything, because the issues will only grow, become more evident, and possibly, more dramatic.

Second, Marine Division? Erougn mentioned it as an example at last night's meeting. However, this isn't a current discussion topic and muddies the waters as to what RID is currently discussing. For nearly a month, this proposition has existed to merge Army with Intel. As I stated here:
Arev wrote:Third, to address the issue of "Division"-status; I clearly support it, under the condition of merging Army and Intel which will cause our divisions to have a clearer purpose: Army/Intel - Ground, Navy - Space, Commercial - Trade, 826th - RP.

Combining Army with Intel gives a much clearer focus to each of our divisions, unlike a "Marine Division", which simply would not work because of logistical reasons. But discussing this is irrelevant because, to my knowledge, there currently isn't a demand for it and I can't comment on whether I would support it or not because I have no information on it.

Case in point, there already isone restructuring proposition on the floor which deals with Army, Intel, and Navy, and any discussion pertaining to the "RP Division" should be saved forthis thread.

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Post by Mikal » Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:43 pm

I said to postpone things because of the drama that occured during the meeting. This close to a major event we don't need people arguing all over city hall about it (and that is EXACTLY what was happening). Just up and throwing this out there is a major step. Just think about the logistics of what you are wanting. You asked me in groupchat about getting everyone in that division +35's. Well, we already have an established program for that (if it is taking too long for you, why don't you give him a hand instead of bitching to me about it in groupchat????). I also said that 'Ruh could possibly help. I have a few outside contacts as well, but they won't be able to give us good deals (I personally can get one, but it would be suspicious if I was asking for 5 sets ya know?). What else would you need from the Commerce Division? I have 4 people on my roster. I just don't have the manpower to suddenly be expected to get things together for your division. I am currently in the process of getting supplies together for the anniversary, trying to recruit more members, leveling another toon, keeping vendors stocked, and trying to keep my RL job. So please look at the OVERALL picture of things. At this particular point in time I don't personally believe the guild as a WHOLE can support this. Someone said it at the meeting, we have 12 active members, MAYBE. The process of adding yet another division at this point would be counterproductive, as it will pull much needed people from their already barely filled positions. That is why I also proposed a 3 division system to go in AFTER the big event.
As far as the Marine Division, why wouldn't it work because of "logistical" reasons? I see no problem logistically. Our members are KNOWN to participate in both ground and space play. Why should they be separated? There currently isn't a demand for it? It has just as much demand for it as a Stormtrooper division. Erougn and I are both for it, and you and Dila'ae are for the ST division. Sounds about even to me.

I'm just surprised that you say that it isn't a current discussion topic and that it muddies the waters as to what RID is currently discussing. I do believe that I was the one that started this thread, and therefore am the one that started the discussion. DO NOT!!!!! attempt to tell me what I can and cannot bring to the table in the officer forum. This is what this forum is for, to discuss IDEAS!!!!!

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Saurat Seerdon
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:02 am

I'm here. was out paintballing this weekend and partied last night.

i'll be on tonight if my router doesn't screw me. (main reason why i haven't been online, is my router doesn't like letting 2 computers share the internet for some fkd up reason so i am like screw it and leave)

another reason why i'm not on as much is cause when i sign on and don't see any guildies on, i figure what the hell's the point, try playing a little, take a bounty, get bored cause nobody's on and log out. -_-

Hopefully i'll be on tonight. We need to run instances. RID only instance groups. or maybe i'll just bounty hunt a while til i get pissed off cause my gear isn't up to par. (why do 35s cost so dam much.......)
Apathy is Death.

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Post by Mikal » Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:18 am

I'll be on tonight, will be good to see ya! Since I believe that I probably lost my job today (called in "sick"...boss is ticked cause I have to do my order tonight and I told him "oh well"), I should have time to get a few more levels today. That will put me up to at least 75 (about 1200 xp from 73 lol). If nothing else, we can go terrorize Restuss or something...or work on getting me keyed for more than EK...those quests are 100-200k xp a pop hehe.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:41 pm

I agree there's much going on. With the upcoming planned war and anniversary just next month, we should avoid deviating off the track.

This is why division alterations make me cringe... not because I despise the good ideas and enthusiasm of members, but because it leads to much unneeded drama. It doesn't need to be that way though.

'Redaxe explained a pretty good idea to me, which I hope to bring to RID Chat section for further discussion. Basically it's just to have our 4 main divisions, and have unwritten subdivisions under them which can be led by someone. I'm not sure how practical this would be given our struggle to implement members into a single wide division, but it's worth discussing.

Anyways, yes, this section is intended for the encourages use of discussion. So please keep it up and this guild will only get better.

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Post by Erougn » Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:17 pm

I agree with red, I also think that restructure of any type will water down the guild, create division (no pun intended), and convolute Lexx's plans and scheduale.

I cringe at the thought of another "barney situation". It's not broke, leave it the fuck alone.

TBH the reason I presented all my circle and re-orginizations was an attempt to show that there are many ways to structure a guild. Which at best is debateable, but this is Lexx's guild and doesn't need to be fucked with anymore.

To Arev; I would love to form a RP space squad, there is an RP event every Tuesday. Just don't show up in a Vaksai or a JSF. RID is Imperial

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Post by Arev » Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:50 pm

Because of Mikal's response, I'm dropping out of discussion in this thread - no need to entice a flame war here.

And Erougn, you're wrong, Vader flew a JSF after the creation of the Empire. :) But, to take a line from Apium noting RP diversity, if an argument can be made ICly, why not let RIDs fly Freelance ships? Arev's YT-2400 was a "gift" by ISB to help him fly undercover while on a mission, and his N-1 was a souvenir while ISB assigned him a tour of duty under the RSF.

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Post by Erougn » Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:41 pm

Arev wrote:Because of Mikal's response, I'm dropping out of discussion in this thread - no need to entice a flame war here.

And Erougn, you're wrong, Vader flew a JSF after the creation of the Empire. :) But, to take a line from Apium noting RP diversity, if an argument can be made ICly, why not let RIDs fly Freelance ships? Arev's YT-2400 was a "gift" by ISB to help him fly undercover while on a mission, and his N-1 was a souvenir while ISB assigned him a tour of duty under the RSF.

Good points Arev, I'll get back on Ramona's mailing list for this event and see if she will add you as well :-)

I tried it a couple of times and it is a lot of fun. They are always looking for Imps too, since everybody wants to be a pirate arrrrgh

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Post by Arev » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:43 pm

Erougn wrote:I tried it a couple of times and it is a lot of fun. They are always looking for Imps too, since everybody wants to be a pirate arrrrgh


Crime RP is very popular for some reason on Starsider. *cough* But it's lacking Law Enforcement RP *cough*

I'll admit though, I love my JSF. It's a fun little fighter to fly, but far from iconic. That's ok - I have my 2400, I'm happy.

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Post by Erougn » Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:26 pm

Arev wrote:Crime RP is very popular for some reason on Starsider. *cough* But it's lacking Law Enforcement RP *cough*


I got the outline from Ramona/Resha and forwarded it to you and Dila'ae. I also asked her to add you and me to her weekly mails. She said she justs sends the brief if ppl are on-line. You are on her friends now and she'll contact us both if we are on :-)

Sorry I dragged this off-topic, I'll do that.

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Post by Arev » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:07 pm

Thank you very much!
