Leaderless Solution

A place for the Regal Executive Council to share and vote on confidential issues.

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Leaderless Solution

Post by Arev » Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:52 pm

As I'm sure you're all aware, the Regal Army is currently Commander- and Captain-less, with the Regal Navy soon to lose its Captain as well. I'd like to propose a band-aid to the problem, as well as giving Lexx a better title than "Leader":

* The Army will be merged with Intel.
- The Minister's and Secretary's titles will be changed to Regal Director and Regal Deputy Director, respectively, serving under the banner of the Regal Strategic Command.
- All Fort Commanders will be de facto placed in RSC.*
- If the need arises, a second Deputy Director may be appointed by the Leader with the title, Regal Special Operations Director, whose duties will be the equivalent to the current Army Commander.**
- Members of RSC will be known as Officer and the most dignified will be given the ceremonial title of Agent (which may only be granted by the Leader).

* The Navy will be renamed to Regal Squadron.
- The Squadron is to be stationed aboard the ISD-I Conquest , which pursued the Falcon on its escape from Tatooine. (Note: This is purely for RP).
- Regal Squadron will designate a POB or Gunship as a Flagship.
- If no Regal Squadron Captain is selected within a certain amount of time as the Leader deems necessary, the Leader shall appoint the Regal Squadron Commander to serve as Regal Naval Adviser to the Regal Director.

* Lexx's title from "Leader" will be changed to Major General (the equivalent to General Veers in ESB).***

In the end, this proposal solves one of the problems that RID is facing. At the very least, it makes RID more "RP friendly" as we really don't have an "Army", nor do we have the capital ships to have a "Navy". Some could argue that this proposal makes one position, the Intel Commander uber powerful. That's a fair statement to make. But, the new Regal Director (which is based loosely on the Imperial Executor, Vader, and the Imperial Grand Vizier) will only have as much *real power* as the Major General will allow.

I know the history of RID, I read it all the other day. I know that there was just a division change not too many months ago. But, right now, we're in a leaderless crunch right now. It's more effective to give the Army's responsibilities, at least temporarily, to a Division that does have some-what active leaders, Intel. In addition, with the Navy losing its Captain, something needs to be done. Also, one thing that I like about my proposal that isn't mentioned directly, is that it establishes a line of succession after Lexx, which would be the Regal Director. It would fall about the Director to summon the Emergency Judicial Council in times of crisis when the Leader is unable to deal with a situation.

*This is merely for "realism" and RP. As the RSC will represent the Eyes, Ears, and Muscle of RID and the Empire, the RID Forts will a permanent representation of that might.

Right now, Intel is more PvP-oriented, with the Army more PvE-focused. Because a bulk of our membership, if not all, participates in both, it would be more efficient for the RSC to organize both events at this point in time. But, when our membership starts to grow again, the Army duties can be delegated off to the SpecOps Director.

***The Major General title is tentative. For now, I think it works because RID can be compared to a Corps, with Fort Oasis being our Corps HQ. Wookieepedia

Let me know if you any questions, comments, or concerns. It isn't a *huge* change, just a simple reorganization. Because of Student Government experience and participating in writing a whole new
Constitution and Bylaws, I have a decent understanding in how to respond to situations such as this one. This is a very similar the proposal that Kurke made a few years ago.

Edit: Little clean-up
Last edited by Arev on Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:00 am

I'll consider this. For now though I'd like to find substitues for the Army, even if it's only temporary. 'Redaxe is willing to continue assisting the Army, only this time, on his alt, Eshot. However, the same objective/deadline requirements will stand.

I'm also proposing that Eedu step up to the plate in terms of Army leadership, but not certain of his activeness/willingness.

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Post by Arev » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:45 am

Interesting. Thanks for the update and consideration of my proposal.

What profession is Eedu?

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:10 am

Eedu is currently a medic. And yeah, later this evening I'll try and put more input into this idea.

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Post by Redaxe » Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:40 pm

Pretty interesting and nice ideas Arev. And Lexx, I do not plan on using Eshot as the leader, that is just the account I have active at the moment. I plan on continuing with my officer, 'Redaxe, just having trouble at the moment to re-do my subscription. But hopefully this weekend I will have it back up.

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Post by Mikal » Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:51 pm

Was about to say...Eshot is a trader :p

As far as the proposal, where exactly would the commerce division fit in?

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Post by Arev » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:20 pm

Mikal wrote:Was about to say...Eshot is a trader :p

As far as the proposal, where exactly would the commerce division fit in?

Commerce Division would remain unchanged, unless you have ideas. If you do, I'd gladly slip it into the proposal.
