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A change in direction

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:56 pm
by Lexx Yovel

If you log on, you can read the mail I sent to our current Commanders and Captains.

Basically, we're going to work on redefining our direction as a guild. Lately members such as Volkor have been leaving our guild because they feel we lack activity or are simply stagnant.

So we need to work hard to ensure that our 5th year anniversary (which will be in under 3 months) will be an extravagent and proud one which we can look back upon.

We are going to work on meeting up as Commanders/Captains, and reassigning ranks if our current positions aren't being actively fulfilled (such as in the case of Ihip' who will need to step down due to his now limited playing hours).

I will be assigning specific objectics to be performed individually by Commanders/Captain and I will give them a deadline. If certain objectives aren't met by the deadline, then Commanders/Captains lose their rank.

An example could be requiring a Commander to work on a plan for a certain event, gain supplies, or look for prospective division members. Under certain cases I will give a budget if certain tasks require purchasing things. I won't have anyone pay out of their own pocket, and I will give realistic goals with realistic deadlines.

We need to push for more active use of this forum section to discuss internal affairs in addition to private meetings.

I want to work on a guild war with a friendly guild before the month is out. VoB (the guild 'Aresius' is in) has shown interest in participating in a war against us. This would be a sufficient oppurtunity to push guild activity while seeing how we fare in PvP.

Lastly, while it may seem far away, our 5th year anniversary is on November 23rd. Fortunately it's on a weekend, which will result in a higher turnout. I plan on working with you guys and other members (especially Rett) for anniversary suggestions. I plan on coordinating with other guilds to bring in bands and dancers, among other things.

Anyways that's about all I have to cover right now!


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:28 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
sounds great!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:07 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Glad you like it! I finally went back and completed my editing on the original post, so everyone re-read it and post your imput, questions, etc.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:09 am
by Saurat Seerdon
I really like this way better, it makes it seem like orders that we give to those in our divisions aren't just coming from us, but coming from you. this should bring us together as a whole guild and give specific divisions a focus point.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:45 pm
by Arev
When can we start seeing some assignments?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:51 pm
by Lexx Yovel
After I help organize the Saturday card game thing, I'll probably hand out assignments on Sunday.

I may also try to get an Officers meeting soon but I'll need to ask what time/date would be good for everyone.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:33 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
I'll check my schedule. :) I think i have monday and thursday off next week.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:35 am
by Erougn
I'll be on all weekend.

RE Ihip', he has been announcing for a long time that he was leaving the game for greener pastures in the Imperial Fleet forums and the SWG Pilot forums. He agreed to help me keep the Navy afloat (LOL) during my busy season. I am playing more and more and am very grateful for all he has done for the Navy. He kept us fighting and at the top of the heap while the fearless leader was on hiatus. If he is removed from his position, it should be with a fucking ticker tape parade.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:14 pm
by Mikal
I agree with E, Ihip has done SO much for the space side of the guild it isn't even funny. I've seen him stop what he is doing to help members run a quest up in space on several occasions. He is a selfless on just about anything in space due to he has a real excitement for the space game. That is hard to find these days. Many people do the space thing until they hit master or get their gunship. After that, let's face it, the only thing to do is PvP, and many quit after getting shot up too much.

On the note of the meeting, right now I have Sundays off (I think...depends on if my boss gets a stick up his ass tomorrow and decides he needs me again lol) and possibly Wednesdays. I don't work nights anymore though so if the meeting is late enough (after 8EST) I should be able to make it anytime as long as I know about it in advance hehe.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:35 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Yes, Ihip' is very awesome, and his deeds won't go unnoticed (I'm not just saying this because he "bribed" me with like 50 million credits lol). Seriously though, thank you Ihip' for all that you've done for the Navy, as well as your substantial contribution for guild operations!

I will keep him in the position until we find another replacement, but that could take a while.

In any case, to change the subject a little, this is how we're going to do our meetings. I am going to meet up with Commanders and Captains individually. I don't think it's realistic to have us all meet up at once. Also, each Commander/Captain will have different responsibilities. So what I'll do is meet up with everyone one on one, and explain how things will work.

For those who want a heads up, this is basically what I'm going to say:

1.) I will explain how I will give Commanders/Captains specific assignments and objectives to be met by certain deadlines. They must understand if deadlines aren't met, they will be removed from the position. I can work with them if work or real life restricts there schedule... however (see number 2)!

2.) It is the responsibility of the divisions' Commanders and Captains to work between eachother. For example, the Commander of the Army must work with the Captain of the Army and vise-versa to meet deadlines. They can delegate responsibilities amongst eachother and even their own division members to achieve objectives.

3.) It is the responsibility of the Commanders/Captains to find suitable RID members to join their division. They must ensure that their division members understand what to do and are right for the job. They are to notify me if someone is to be added to or removed from a division so I can update our guild list. In some cases, I will even make recruitment for certain divisions a specific objective to be met by a certain deadline.

4.) Commanders/Captains may request funding from me to meet any neccesary objectives. To request funding, you are to send me a mail requesting how many credits you wish to receive from me, and how you plan to spend the credits to meet the objective. For example, if I give an assignment to obtain 10 suits of Stormtrooper armor by 10 days, then you can send me a mail saying:

"Lexx, we would like to request 10,000,000 credits to obtain the 10 suits of Stormtrooper armor. Each suit costs 1,000,000 credits. These are the cheapest suits we could find. Other suits went for 2,000,000 each, so this is the best crafter to purchase them from. The stats are also excellent for their price."

Likewise, if the crafter takes a long time to put the suits up on the vendor, you can write to me saying:

"Lexx, since the crafter who is making our armor is taking a while, we would like to request an additional 2 days to our deadline."

It's the Commanders/Captains responsibility to find the best price for the best possible suit and inform me of any needed credits, resources, and time increases.

Essentially, I also wan't a clear and effective heirarchy. I want division members to report to their Captains/Commanders, Captains/Commanders to report to me. I will micro-manage the Commanders/Captains, but cannot do so with the entire guild.

That's about it for now. I've got more discussed, but I'll save it for the individual meetings to keep things interesting.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:51 pm
by Arev
Lexx, will it be Commercial Division's responsibility (using your example) to provide contacts for those crafters? (I know there's a list going, but because of the lack of forum participation, I'm sure some crafters are left out.)

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:00 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Yes, that would probably be an objective I'd give them (IE: Compile a comprehensive list of guild crafters by September 15th).

If we lack traders neccesary to build proper Stormtrooper armor (for example) then they too can find names of traders outside of RID which make good contacts.