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War with SPEC?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:47 pm
by Lexx Yovel
There's been some discussion concerning what to do with SPEC. Just so everyone knows, SPEC is a very small group of Imperials who primarily PvP. SPEC received a lot of flak from other Imperial guilds when they became actively involved in same faction bounty hunting. In response to this, they created a sister guild known as RSPEC which would allow Rebels who could bounty hunt Imperials.

The other Imperials didn't buy into this ploy, since they still considered SPEC and RSPEC to be the same people. They dont recognize SPEC as being an Imperial guild, and from my understanding, they either really dislike them, or choose not to deal with them. WAKE in particular hates SPEC, and warred with them periodically whenever they saw a SPEC.

As of now, it seems SPEC has been bounty hunting our members, primarily 'Aresius.' Regardless of who they hunt, if they persistently hunt a RID, it can be viewed as a guild maliciously trying to attack our guild, like the case with MANDO. We were going to war MANDO, but they didnt accept war.

SPEC has offered war to all Imperial guilds to my understanding, whether they accept it or not. They are on our guild-war terminal, but war is not accepted with them.

Do you guys believe we should take any sort of offensive action against them? I will probably do a vote on the issue, once a general consensus on the issue is reached. If we are in favor of war, it can be determined what sort of combat should be done against them. For instance, should we only turn war on when we see a SPEC, kill him, and then turn it back off? Should we leave it on and make it a free for all war, until they surrender, or we are content that a message has been reached? Or perhaps a set time and place can be arranged for a battle between them. I am unsure how this would work out.

I do feel uneasy about warring Imperial guilds, but if the past has taught us anything, it's that we shouldn't let it stop us if they pose a threat to our members. Such was the case for -D S-, and such was the case for MANDO.

I am neutral to the issue however, so I want to know what you guys think.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:49 am
by RettVescan
I think we should issue them a warning first and see where it goes from there. If it continues I have no problem going to war with them for one main reason: it's my understanding that they are a guild of bounty hunters and if that's indeed true then it should be no problem for a group of various professions to take them all done easily. Bounty hunter (the prof. that I have always been so I know what I'm talking about) can't survive an encounter with more than two people for long. It would even be impressive if one BH could survive against just two other players. I think this would be a war easily won if they accept.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:28 am
by Xoseh
If it comes to war, then it comes to war. We'll do what we have to do when the time comes.

Hopefully it wont blow up into something too big. If any other Imperial guilds are war pending with them, maybe when they see us making a move on them, they will begin to accept and help us. (Not that we need help, just saying - Help is always a good thing.)

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:19 am
by Apium
I am in favor of war. I will even help the divisions who have noncombatants rally guards. I promise, if I'm online during the war, no noncombatant will go without a guard. I can't promise that will defeat the attackers, but we will try.

I just don't want to see the RID tag abused. Being a member of RID should imply a good experience and if any member is being harassed we should move to protect them.

Besides, we haven't warred in a long time and I do not foresee this being a difficult war. As far as the terms of the war, I say we begin by turning the war on for a day or so and then we switch to guriella tactics. Lets not show that we are scared to fight in the open, by only turning the war on when we have an advantage. And like I said, I will help protect noncombatants and I'm sure others will also.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:18 pm
by Barney
Same faction hunting is, while sad, allowable by the game system and I don't get the drama over it. While I agree it's NICE to not same faction hunt, I never could get upset over being same faction hunted because to me, that's what bh's are supposed to be, neutral mercenary sons of bitches.

Of course I come from the Rebel background where rebels kill rebels constantly. They do so much in-fighting that's why they can't beat imps.

I am concerned at the potential for drama. Exactly WHY are they targeting Aresius? Do they do it because they know he's Geedo? Has he done something to offend them that's starting this issue? While I agree we need to defend and stand by our guild members if they are being targetted out, we have to remember there's two sides to every story.

I'm in favour of the war, them being imp doesn't bother me, and I'd like to war them and spend about a week escorting Aresius around here and there to give them the strong message that we're not easy targets.

I DO NOT agree with shutting off the war after we beat them, we should keep it up til they either surrender, agree to stop same faction hunting us, or we start having too many other problems with the issue like not being able to do groups and heroics because we keep dying while trying to do stuff.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:48 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I do agree that turning war on and off is kind of in bad form, I was just throwing that out there as an option. I am going to wait this out a bit and see if the hunting against 'Aresius' continues. If it does, I'll speak to the person who leads SPEC (whoever that might be), and talk to them.

Same faction hunting isn't against the game mechanics. To be honest, I think it makes things more interesting. But what goes around comes around I think ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:59 pm
by Xoseh
We could always repay the favor with a couple of our own bounty hunters.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:59 pm
by Erougn

That lil lizard didn't tell me that!!!

I think a war would spice things up, and beating up on SPEC would only improve our standing with the Imps IMHO.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:05 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Erougn wrote:aresius=geedo?

A bit behind are you eh? :P

That's okay, considering you've been doing that work for the Pope.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:10 pm
by Apium
Well, fine we can beat them up for a week or so and then we will change to guerrilla tactics. You have to remember that guilds like SPEC are stubborn as hell, I don't want this war to go on for months. If we just start raping them everytime they turn their backs and they don't have anyone to attack us, I promise they will drop the issue.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:03 am
by Saurat Seerdon
I believe -Rioz- is the guild leader of SPEC. he's a rodian, commando i believe.