Astocia Leaving RID

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Moderator:Lexx Yovel

Astocia Leaving RID

Post by Barney » Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:44 am

There was a dispute over loot drops (oh surprise surprise) in a ISD group which was led by 'Aresius'.

Here are the 3 groupchat screen shots which Odysseus' provided to me:




Here are the 2 groupchat screen shots which Daymon provided to me:



Here are the 10 screen shots of the ISD group trying to explain to me what happened in their group:











Here are the 4 screen shots of Astocia's tells to me about the situation (some overlaps I cut out from half a screen-full:





Here is the single screen shot of tells I received from 'Aresius' about the situation:


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Post by Xoseh » Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:49 am

I think we should Re-invite Astocia and remove 'Aresius'. Reason to me saying this is because I was told 'Aresious' is the alt of Geedo, a Rebel Spy (Profession, not spying on RID lol) - Lexx, even you saw him popping in and out of cloak at the minor PvP in Restuss yesterday.

I dont think we should have a Rebel in the guild, alt or not. Ontop of that, Geedo is just an all around ass.

Of course dont implement this right away, Finally intel has a damn job, and I'm going to do it! :) I'll get back to you all with what I find out.

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Post by Apium » Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:35 am

If 'Aresius' is actually the alt of geedo, we do need to remove him. Even if Geedo wasn't rebel, I wouldn't want him in RID; hes a complete ass. As far as the particular situation, it was an unofficial group with several nonRID members. I don't know what guild Astocia is going to go to that doesn't have at least one idiot.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith


Post by Barney » Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:32 pm

I received two tells of complaints about the immaturity of our guild members from Astocia before she even joined RID, once against 'Aresius' and once against Redaxxe.

I asked Lexx about the issue with 'Aresius' and he looked into it and seemed to feel it was a non issue. I asked her if she had issues with RID members that she was to screenshot and forward them to me or any other officer and we would look into them, and that's how we did things. She declined and instead pestered me with tells about all her "doubts" about our guild because she felt it was too immature for her.

I feel she came into our guild with a negative attitude and that attitude won't change toward our guild. Regardless of how bad the ISD group went it was not a guild event, it didn't even have 50% guild members in the group, and yet she's held our guild to blame for how it went wrong in her eyes. I dislike that quickness to lump us all together as all bad because she had one bad encounter with one guild member. We are a large group of people and I like to see SOME effort to make compromises and get along with people we don't like, before people start flinging around threats and /guildremoves.

I specifically asked her to let us officers handle it, and at least give all of you time to review the screenshots and she didn't even give us that respect or courtesy. She had her chance but she failed to prove to US that she is any more mature than the people she had complaints against.

'Aresius' is one of our "kids". He spends most his time with the other "kids" in the guild. They have their own way of talking and getting along that is unique to video games, they talk leetspeak constantly make jokes, kid around, pretend argue, joke about nasty sex things (yeah like Lamid and I don't snicker and joke in guild chat late at night?) and of course, natural for their age, are centered on what they get out of their game and what's in it for them.

I don't agree with some of his leetspeak attitudes and he comes close to demeaning other guild members for not being "uber" or soloing things he can or whatever, but at the same time, he's been told to shut up and he does. He made a small slight comment that seemed like it would offend people in guild chat yesterday afternoon and I very gently tapped him on the nose and reminded him that not everyone is a bad player just because they can't solo stuff like he can, and he backed down immediately and did not take that little scoffing any further at all.

He was told not to bring up the drama with Astocia in guild chat and he did. He went out of his way and spent a good time with me and his group to try to talk to me about what went wrong. Did I like his opinions? No. The crap about women pmssing took a lotta balls to tell ME rofl. OMG I could not decide if he was incredibly BRAVE or incredible STUPID!! LOL. But did he make an honest try? Yes he did, a lot more honest and less full of attitude than Astocia did. I dislike how Astocia tried to force me into policing a private group's actions, or to hold me responsible for it. That was a wrong view to take on a casual group.

I think Astocia should be let go. We don't owe her an apology, she never even gave us the courtesy to let us try to mediate this disagreement for her, and she went into our guild with already prejudiced views.

I think adults in this game need to learn we share the game with kids, we have OTHER adults. Sure, we're sending a strong message lately that we won't take drama and outright bickering dragged into the guild. We ALSO need to send the message that just plain prejudice against people who play or talk different in the guild is also not acceptable. If the kids bother you man, play with the adults. I see no reason why we can't have the best of both worlds in RID. I SURE don't see the supposedly less mature players constantly pestering me with tells bitching about the older players.

I am really not sure that we have any right to discipline 'Aresius' in any way over the group. It was HIS group, and we DID agree how people run their groups with their own friends is THEIR business, not RID business. I saw him actually try to make an effort to be nice and compromise with her, and I also see she and other friends of hers she brought into our RID group the night before last did like looting things they didn't even need. I was given that complaint against her by Shadowheart, but because I was not running the group, and Ody had handed leadership to her and her friends she'd added as pick ups, there was really nothing I had a right to say about it. This bothers me, I gave her the courtesy to run her group and looting how she wanted and let her friends loot stuff they didn't need, but the minute it looked like she could not use the lotto system even though offered a fair roll still she freaked out? That seemed, um... unbalanced.

In a way, if you think about it, 'Aresius' was doing exactly what any Officer in an official RID group would do, "hey you are rolling on lotto for things you don't even need for your character, and other people in group do need it on their character so I'm switching to Master and we can roll real in game dice for it" that's RIGHT THERE in RID policies if we have a problem looter in our groups. Sure he was a verbal nut about it and they went too far but he DID try to do the right thing the nice way first before she started flinging her ultimatums and threats to the group.

I'm not happy with 'Aresius' and actually have declined to group with him just because his way of talking and playing is too uberleet like for me, but I'm not sure this issue is worth kicking him over. Do I think it should count toward any future issues that might come up? Yea. Do I think we should spy on him relentlessly? yeah lol.

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Post by Xoseh » Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:47 pm


Hmm, I hope that worked it took me an hour to figure it out lol.

Big random white blotch was a very bad word.[/code]

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:57 pm

Okay, well I do agree Astocia could have handled this better. She seemed quick to judge us based off of Redaxxe/'Aresius'.

However, if 'Aresius' is indeed Geedo, and I would not be surprised if he was... this could pose a problem.

If he's smart and doesn't go out of control, then he can stay here but he's got to be careful because Geedo doesn't have a good track record on Starsider. If anyone learned 'Aresius' is actually Geedo that could be a quick liscense to bar RID from pretty much everything.


Post by Barney » Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:09 pm


Xoseh did his JOB!
8) Awesome detective work!

So way I see it here, we're getting rid of both a potential drama fest problem AND a liar and troublemaker! Sad but well. Surgery hurts.

small new piece to the puzzle: ... _id=604422

Um, considering Geedo's track record and really bad constant use of slang references that some black-skinned people find offensive, no, I can't agree with him staying in RID. I just don't ever want RID to be held accountable for his mouthing off in a group with other people, ANYTHING that smacks of racism. I've heard and been told a lot of horror stories about him by Maras/Yerramos.
Last edited by Barney on Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:13 pm

Okay, so what shall we do?

Remove 'Aresius'? It's likely Conosk, Jonem and any other of his associates will follow him as well.

Even if we do remove him, I'm not sure if I'm keen on letting Astocia back into the guild when she wouldn't let us handle the situation first (I finally got through all the screenshots).

A mess this is... I dont like.

Anyways good job Xoseh :)

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Post by Xoseh » Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:25 pm

Kick Geedo.

Jonem will stay, being he's the one who told me that was Geedo in the first place. I dont know about Connosk.

Geedo is an all around asshole, I dont think RID needs another one. We already have me lol :)


Post by Barney » Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:30 pm


I think it's kinda well, dishonest of Conosk to post all those apologies on the SS forums telling people he is no longer friends with Geedo and doesn't agree with his foul mouthed comments to people then to stick with him knowingly and help him hide and lie that he's Geedo on an alt.

Being such, I don't think a person without enough moral fiber to stick to his convictions and not let peers pressure him into going along with stuff he KNOWS is wrong is the best for RID either. It would be up to Conosk but perhaps we should talk to him about the whole issue first, maybe Xoseh can just toss a little torture interrogation in there and outright say, we know he's Geedo, thought you were not friends anymore wassup with that?

I think we should wait and hear from Erougn, Amaroo, Kurke, and Apium about this, their input is really valuable to me.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:34 pm

I'm looking forward to hearing from the others, not sure if Erougn is using the forums though while he's away?

Anyways yes, it might work if we talk to Conosk, "remind" him of the beliefs he posted on the forums... and that he could still be a valuable asset to RID, unless his loyalties are for Geedo.

I'd like to minimize the amount of "group removals" in a single day. I hate the look of having so many guild removal mails in a single day. Even if they are alts or very close friends, I have a feeling it still plays a psycological aspect on many members that the guild is "falling apart." I believe I said this to someone before.

I'd very much so like to limit the amount of recruiting going on. Seras recently joined but I know him and he's a pretty good member, but we may need to be more careful in evaluating the backgrounds/personalities of some members. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell for sure until after they've experienced their first true taste of RID.


Post by Barney » Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:11 pm

For recruiting, I'm amazed how much dirt gets yanked out when we get new members and I get tells like "why did he guild HiM?"

perhaps we should post guild membership applications publicly here to the guild forums, give them time to respond/react/tell us their complaints ahead of time? It could A)goad people into being more active in guild and forums B) help reduce new member disasters like the little cute thing that came up in guild chat about 'andrew'

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Post by Kurke Aumea » Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:34 pm

OK, I won't lie... I didn't read any of those chat transcripts. Sorry, I've been at a couple's retreat for soon-to-be-married couples all day, so my brain is pretty crispy...

On that note, judging fro your guys' posts I'm not sure astocia belongs in RID. If she left, let her be.

As for the 'aresius'/geedo issue, I think that if they are the same person (and so far the evidence is pretty damning) then kick him. Lexx, you seem concerned with a bunch of guild removal holomails, but don't forget that "member removed from guild" is a lot different than "member left guild". It's our job as officers of RID to do what is in the guild's best interest. Geedo apparently has a lot of baggage that no one wants to be a part of. Given the trickle-down effect it could have on RID, removing him may be the best option. Yes, his friends may go with him. That may just be a consequence we have to deal with. Does it suck? Yeah. However, I refuse to beg people to stay in RID. If they want to leave, then let them. Begging them to stay only invites future issues... I don't fault people for sticking with their friends, so if they left I could kind of understand.

In my eyes, forced guild removals are aprt of the job of running a guild. It's not always pretty and can sometimes cause discontent amongst others, but its one of those things that have to be done.
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:44 pm

I'm not sure if that's the right course of action to take. I'm not afraid to use guild removal... in fact I've probably been using it too often and too prematurely as of late.

As of now, there's nothing to say that 'Aresius' as we know him has done anything wrong. He seems pretty devoted towards helping RID, all with his respec to medic and all. I think it's just something we should moniter, because right now 'Aresius' only seems to have the typical, yet possibly obnoxious teenage attitude. Although he tells me he simply avoids anyone who causes him trouble with ignore.

However this is still a serious issues, because it's not like Geedo was a great person as we knew him. If he created 'Aresius', it's probably because he really wanted to be a part of RID but couldnt because we would never let Geedo in RID; and is only now doing his best to shut up when told, and watch his mouth.

This is another case where I regret not knowing all the facts before recruiting him. However, currently while it does about 90% obvious he is Geedo, we should probably just watch the situation for the time being.

I will make a vote for this tomorrow though.

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Post by Apium » Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:39 pm

Granted, I haven't grouped/spoken with 'aresius' much, but the times I have have made me think he is trying to hide the fact that he is geedo because he wants a little more mature gaming experience. Not many people know this, but I was a member of IMPHL before coming to RID. I pvped for hours everyday, talked smack, and grouped with the "leet" players. I joined RID to move away from all of that and experience the other 90% of the content that is SWG. I don't think it is unconceivable that Geedo is doing the same thing.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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