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Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:47 am
by Mr.Avatar
What are we argueing about here? a vice admiral? we dont have to give them Council access or anything like that, so in reality they are just a figure head for the most part, limited by the council, perhaps in time after they prove themselves they get a little more room for decisions.

The best canidate is the one who can comunicate all the while being a bad ass pilot, thats who you look for...

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:49 am
by Xoseh
We arent arguing about anything, lol. It wouldn't be fair at all for us to just pick one person right away. Multiple people will want the position, and I want to make sure everyone gets a fair shot at it.

The only way to do that is for the members to vote, and then for the canidates to dual it out in space. Atleast, thats the only way I see.

I appreciate the thought and what not that Issozzin put into this and I understand why he would want the position, but honestly.. I had no idea he was in RID. I didn't even know his name up until this came into the lounge. I never see him talking in guild chat, either. Although, if I'm wrong, tell me. We could have totally different play times.

Personally, I want someone who is active within RID, helping members, talking, etc. and someone who is a great pilot. I've personally seen Aleemah do both of that. And she is an incredible pilot. She is also a heavy partcipant in the Saturday PvP events, and I think she could bring excellent things to the table for RID's navy.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:55 am
by Lexx Yovel
Blasted democracy! This is why we're the Empire.

Anyways, here's my take on this. It's true, it really wouldn't be fair for the Council to simply appoint a favorite of ours. All things considering, it wouldn't be worth doing such a thing for a position that's relatively minor. It's okay to get the whole guild involved in some decision making processes to make it seem like we're not doing all the work. Acknar is right about one thing though. The Vice-Admiral position is mostly a figurehead position, but it can be more if the person who holds the rank of Vice-Admiral knows what to do with it. It could be useful if, say, Xoseh can't be online during a particular space event, and someone else needs to be around to help group people up.

Just between me and you guys, I genuinely don't believe Issozzin is right for the role, or any leadership role for that matter. I've known him on and off for a few years now, and he's a nice person, but he can be a little fickle. You're absolutely right to be concerned about him Xoseh. He never communicates in guild chat, but he talks to me constantly. I seem to be the only person in RID he really communicates with, and that sort of makes things awkward. He almost seems afraid to be in a guild group that doesn't have me in it. Furthermore, there was never really much that he's done for RID as a whole (the only thing I can think of was when he helped make Dewback mounts for members a while back). Otherwise, it's always me doing stuff for him - like selling his items, helping him on quests, etc, etc. As nice as he is, he's a little needy.

The only other person I know who Issozzin really seems to talk to is that Evolmyke guy, and he's not even in RID (because he's a Rebel of course).

So while I do think we should honor his request to apply for the role, I highly doubt anyone would vote for him due to his low visibility. I doubt he'd even win a space duel against one of our pilots. But I don't think he'd care to be honest. He didn't seem like he really, really wanted the position anyways. He was sort of like, "Yeah, may as put my name in there to run."

And I agree, it's highly unlikely that more than 4 people will apply for this role, much less 8 all at the same time. Only like two people asked to become Recruiters when I put out requests for people to sign up for that position, and that role doesn't even carry any major responsibilities (come to think of it, I need to start asking for a few more recruiters).

Space duels are an interesting concept, but we'd need to carry them out carefully. I think a simpler solution would be to hold a vote between any candidates we have (which should be between 2 to 4 candidates), and simply have our members vote on it. I'll abstain, but the Council may vote. Of course, no voting on alts. We can have the vote as a poll on these forums, or have people mail their votes to me or Xoseh in-game.

Whoever gets the majority, wins. I think our members would logically vote for whoever the most active is. I do hope Aleemah would apply, because she would in fact be right for the role. She's done a lot to take people up in her gunship. While we should make this a voting process, I think before we do anything, we should sort of encourage Aleemah to apply for the role before we do the vote. This could give her time to voice herself more to RID before the vote, improving her chances of winning. If it were only Aleemah and Issozzin running, Aleemah would probably get every vote. I'd assume four Council votes, plus any other vote from our members.

Perhaps we could make it a pre-requisite to be an Ace pilot?

And should a tie happen, we could make our tie-breaker the duel, perhaps.

PS: Heard about the DWB, Xoseh. Tough luck! You only needed 3 more levels too.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:52 pm
by Xoseh
I had already mentioned the position to Aleehmah, and she expressed great interest in it. She even shot me some ideas.

Lexx has it down pat, It should just be kept to a vote, and then if in some miraculous way if there is a tie, a dual will take place. Best 2 out of 3, with myself and one other as a witness. (Or whoever wants to watch,

P.P.S - And I know! We might just have to find an engineering trader. :(

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:57 am
by Lexx Yovel
Vote is underway!

Contenders are Issozzin, Aleemah, and Carthagekin.

So be sure to vote! If you can't make it in-game, feel free just to send me a PM (or reply here if you'd like), and I'll mark down your vote in addition to anyone else who sens me theirs in-game.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:15 am
by Xoseh
I wonder who my pawn will be... muwhaha :twisted:

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:39 am
by Lexx Yovel
Lol, evil Xoseh!!!

At least your pawn will find a nice home in your HQ. :P

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:44 am
by Mr.Avatar
Yeah, ive sent in my vote, I think its a tuff race between carth and aleemah, each have competing attributes. Be fun to see how this plays out.

Re: Issozzin's Proposal

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:44 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I agree, it's a tough choice.

I think both are well qualified to be honest.

I wouldn't be surprised if they tied actually.

Whoever gets second place should definitely still be allowed to get involved with the Navy. Maybe as a sort of squad leader.