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Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:54 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Well it's a shame if Khaeden left RID due to lack of RP, because I do believe RP in RID will be improved in the near future.

Granted, I think the type of RP Khaeden wanted did not conform well with the general plan for RID. Khaeden wanted something that catered to "Dark Jedi" so to speak.

As for the 4th Council position, I still believe Orvil is a viable candidate. I do agree no immediate decision needs to be made, but I would prefer that a 4th Councilmen be appointed before the end of November.

Unfortunately, the loss of Khaeden could affect potential recruitment prospects in certain regards. Khaeden was related to a -V- (Infinite Empire guild) member named Jodak or something. Well apparently -V- was a mixed faction guild (a very large one at that), and they made the decision to turn completely Rebel. This upset its large number of Imperials, who made the decision to leave the guild when the transition was made.

Well through Jodak, Khaeden informed the upset Imperials that RID would be able to take them. With Khaeden gone, I'd have to wonder if any -V- members will apply to RID. I have doubts Jodak even forwarded my RID information to their Imperials.

Anyways, we can't let that stop our recruitment prospects. The fact of the matter is that attracting new recruits can be rather challenging, especially when you need to inform them that activity numbers in RID aren't as high as they ought to be. It's a catch 22 really. We have trouble getting new recruits because we lack new recruits.

Still, I have been talking to some Imperials lately. They are not high levelled players, but as long as they have a decent personality and the intention to stick around with SWG and a guild for an extended period of time, then those sorts of players can be what builds up our backbone.

Anyways, that's all for now. Oh, and I will definitely be pestering Chiquita to get in this forum. I gave him access to this Executive Lounge, so it's just a matter of him not being lazy!

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:37 am
by Arev
LexxYovel wrote:Khaeden wanted something that catered to "Dark Jedi" so to speak.

I was actually working on him to respec to another profession and join the Scout Troopers. Unfortunately, our play hours didn't mesh and I only talked with him briefly.

Re: New Councilmen Discussion

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:28 pm
by Osar
Well any rate sorry for not being online for the last 3 days, the internet went out state wide in Mississippi. It's good to be home and on my own service. No more sharing the crap connection with a million others. Anyways, can we come up with a plan look for potiential recruits? I mean I keep seeing alot of the noobs getting swept up in the other guilds and here we still sit. Don't mean to ruffle feathers, I just want to start something to get things going for us.