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Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:47 pm
by Apium
I say we conquer each division one at a time. Lets spend one to two weeks talking about each division. Then, lets vote and implement the ideas. After that is entirely complete we can move on to another division. I honestly don't think two people can rework an entire division. (I know Kurke and I need all of the officers to help with the commercial division). Besides, look at all the good discussion we have had over the last two days concerning the intelligence division.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:06 am
by Kurke Aumea
Apium wrote:I say we conquer each division one at a time. Lets spend one to two weeks talking about each division. Then, lets vote and implement the ideas. After that is entirely complete we can move on to another division. I honestly don't think two people can rework an entire division. (I know Kurke and I need all of the officers to help with the commercial division). Besides, look at all the good discussion we have had over the last two days concerning the intelligence division.

Agreed. As much as Apum and I want to do stuff for our crafters, it's hard to come up with ideas by ourselves (especially when most of our crafters are lvl90 and we are directly competing with them). I think looking at one division at a time will give us more focus. Given the discussion we've been having over Intel, I'm sure we can do the same for our other divisions. I don't think all of the divisions need reworked, just need some focus driven into them.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:21 am
by Barney
This forum is working out great for good idea sharing and things for all the divisions. We could have one thread stickied for each division where we just update each other with our plans for that division and our progresses and then can be open to ideas from all the other officers on our progress.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:42 am
by Apium
Alright, so get on that Lexx :)

We could take a vote on which division to start with, but just logically I think it should be the army. The Navy, Commercial division, and Intel can just coast for a while, but the Army is the core of the guild and really what allows us to grow in other areas.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:53 am
by Barney
it's needs and the pve quest needs of our guild members sure keep me hopping, that's for sure

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:19 pm
by Kurke Aumea
I agree, the Army division first with the Navy a close second. With Erougn on summer hiatus, we need someone to assist in running the navy for the moment (since Fyonna is definitely MIA I think).

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:21 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Yes, we may need a replacement for the Navy Captain. Fyonna's last post was one March 16th saying:

"Stick at work til midnight, at a different house thannormal. Only time I can get online is when I get a rare chance to sneak out to the front porch to leech the neighbor's wireless."

I'm sure that even with limited internet access, there should be enough time in a month to make a single post on the RID forums every now and then. I hope I am wrong, but we may need to find a replacement since its been almost a month.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:22 pm
by Amaroo
Aye, the Army Div. definitely needs a kick in the pants to get things really rolling. I totaly blame myself, and ONLY myself for the lapse in productivity in this matter.

I took on the responsibilities of keeping it organized and well stocked with plenty of things to do. I wasn't expecting the sudden surge of "commotion" at the office, which has kept my time in-game limited to just a few hours a week.

Hopefully, now that things have calmed a bit at said office, I shall be able to re-integrate myself in my regularly scheduled play times.

I have tons of ideas and "events" planned, in the upcoming future, for the Army Division.

I have MUCH respect and admiration for the efforts of Barney, keeping things rolling in the division.

I do believe that, as stated in a earlier post, the Army Division should be the main priority of the Officers, and the guild. With the Navy division posing a strong second.

It WILL take the consolidated efforts of everyone in R.I.D. to keep things on the path that it already is.

I will be making a post later this evening concerning ideas and plans for the Army Division, so please keep a look out for that. I am looking forward to hearing EVERYONES input and suggestions.

Yours in Battle,
Amaroo Darklight
Regal Imperial Army Commander

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:46 pm
by Apium
I think we are all pretty much in agreement with the Army being the first division we work on. I'm going to push for the commercial division to be next. I know its my division, but I think it gives rise to a logical order.

Lets face it, the Army has the capability to make much more money than the commercial division. Those with trader alts can use this money to create and expand their businesses but its not all about money. The Army is also the face of RID, its what everyone sees. If people see RID absolutely destroying instances, it brings new recruits to our guild as well as powerful allies. And the commercial division desperately needs more dedicated traders.

Why the commercial division before the Navy? Because the Navy cannot flourish without a stable commercial division in place. The Navy eats through expensive missiles, chaff, ships, shields, weapons, and engines at every event and if they are able to afford new supplies where do they go? They go to other shipwrights. There needs to be a steady shipment of supplies between the Commercial division and the Navy.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:24 pm
by Apium
bump lol

Are we going to start working on the army anytime soon?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:35 pm
by Amaroo
I am, right at this moment working on fleshing out a few more details and ideas than will be making a post, once it is complete.

Planned on posting it last night, but some of the things didn't seem too plausible.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:47 pm
by Barney
Do it on another thread Amaroo. this one's got Intel sticky all over it :P

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:40 am
by Xoseh
Intel sticky ftw.