Amodeus' Status

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Amodeus' Status

Post by Jathox » Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:50 pm

Anyone talked to Amodeus lately? He's been out of game for a week, just wanna be sure if everything's alright, as he's usually more active than I am. Is he taking a break for school, letting his sub lapse, etc? If anyone can find out, I'd appreciate it.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:43 pm

I was actually curious too. I really don't know. I thought he was just logging on earlier than usual or something.

I'll try PM'ing him to see what's up.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Jathox » Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:22 pm

Hasn't been IG in six days. Hasn't been on the forums in about that long.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:22 pm

Hope he's okay. It's not like him to disappear like that.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Jathox » Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:25 pm

LexxYovel wrote:Hope he's okay. It's not like him to disappear like that.

That's what I'm saying. I also hate making all these changes here, but honestly we won't see any activity if we don't. I'm working out an agreement where some of our Army will be garrisoned aboard Nova Orion.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:16 pm

I sent him a PM on Starsider RP forums, but no response.

It is certainly unusual that he hasn't even logged on to any of those forums in the same amount of time he hasn't logged on SWG.

Perhaps he had to make an immediate trip due to work or family-related issues. So I'm sure we'll hear back from him eventually.

I do agree though. You can do what you need to do to help vitalize RP activity in RID. If that means bringing our people to Nova Orion than that sounds like a good stepping stone.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Jathox » Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:00 pm

The basis here is that the Army unit trains at a place I'm decoing called "Camp Usher" and is billeted at about 50% Nova Orion, 50% Camp Usher (CU would be the name of a garrison inside one of our cities). We would RP the actual special missions platoon within the Company, with the officers as PNPC's until Amodeus gets back.

What I do need is the name of a good tailor that I can work with to crank out the uniforms (and one who can craft command hats), because of SWG's non-universal color palette, color-matching will be a chore.

The plan is to have a mostly enlisted member-base within the 133d; I RP at it has is own complement of three TIE Ln starfighters and three TIE g/t (Basically looks like the heavy TIE). Since we don't have pilots, we can always "NPC" the TIEs in defense of Nova Orion if needed. Much to the Navy's chagrin, the Imperial Army usually has access to their own TIEs, albeit much older ones. The Navy isn't one to just hand out the TIE/sa Bomber (TIE Bomber from Ep V and VI), so the Army often makes due with the TIE G/t (Looks like a regular TIE, but more boxy with a missile rack).

But yeah, I do hope it's just something travel-related and nothing more that's keeping him OoG. One never knows. :(

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:25 pm

Well my alt is a domestic trader and may be able to make uniforms.

However, I don't have factories, so they'd need to be put together one by one. We should have no problem finding a member or some other trader who can make those uniforms.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Jathox » Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:53 pm

Sounds good. The other issue I wanted to bring up was whether or not we should have a separate tag for the 133rd, such as <ARCO> or something similar. For better or worse, RID has a reputation on both sides of the fence--some of it undeserved.

Back before I RPed on SSider, I played exclusively on flurry. Back in the hey-day of guildwarring, it was not uncommon for larger PAs to have separate tags for their non-PvP members, with a vartion on their PA's name and Tag, such as "Crafters of Guild Blah," <BLAH> for example.

If we were do to this scheme, we have the benefit of RP being affiliated with RID as a whole, but with a separate tag for RP toons, allowing OOCers to not need to abide by a set of strict rules that doesn't even concern them, for the most part. Everyone in <RID> would be an OOCer, and everyone in <ARCO> would be a RPer. We could then set up a "RID" channel for RID and her sister guild to share as a joint guild-chat.

What are your thoughts?

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:59 pm

Well that would essentially be like creating an entirely new guild.

It would be hard for there to be any recognizable link between that or RID.

I see the point, but as it is, RID is pretty small to begin with. There aren't that many OOC'ers to begin with, and those that are would have no trouble co-existing alongside RP'ers.

Understandable RID tag may be tarnished, but that can be overcome through actions.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Jathox » Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:52 pm

I certainly hope so. While you and I both don't care what people may say or think about us, there are those (Read: Laryssa) who would continue to tarnish us, even though we are, as you said, mostly inactive on the OOC front. All I can say is leave the responding to any negative press to me, I will work to end that pretty fast in a very professional manner.

The first sign of Laryssa, NAVY, or anyone affiliated with her ruined what we've worked hard to obtain on Nova Orion, and I will be talking to Iskar about that matter (he's the leader of NovOr).

With Amodeus being gone, I will run for election in Kappa to make sure it stays in RID hands and hand it back over to him/drop out of the race when he gets back.

When you see Aargen, can you please let him know of the reorganization? For now, his uniform consists of the Storm Trooper dress unifrom until I can obtain his new one. He was iffy with Amodeus about whether or not he'd be actively RPing, so I'd like to know one way or the other. Alveria will stay a CompForce trooper within the Army company. Suggesting that they read up on the Imperial Army and our threads on SSG/Empire would be a good idea.

As for Sander, I would suggest dissolving the Trackers, as it makes little sense now for them to exist and only serves to hamper our RP efforts. He'd be welcome to re-do his character and submit an application to be an Army Trooper, but until such time as one is approved, he'd be a non-combatant and a civilian with no Imperial military post either express or implied. I hate to do that, but it's just easier that way; I don't think he has the maturity to execute the concept.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:40 pm

I'll talk to both Aargen and Alveria and direct them to the Empire forums to review the changes.

I was also going to recommend that you take over Outpost Kappa, simply to ensure that no one take advantage of the election process during Amodeus' process.

Seeing as how Sander is really the only one in the Imperial Trackers, abolishing it would not matter much one way or another. I'll have to see if he's still even interested in getting involved much in RP. It could be a passing fad for him.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Osar » Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:33 pm

Wow, sorry if I seem so distant in all this. I have been trying to improve RID's OOC image by running heroics and doing the hard stuff that others can't seem to do. Like today I did the weapon switch with out a hitch and killed unquenchable wrath way before the ping pongers got anywhere near done. So hopefully this will help our OOC image, I will let you guys run the RP stuff.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Jathox » Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:40 pm

LexxYovel wrote:I'll talk to both Aargen and Alveria and direct them to the Empire forums to review the changes.

I was also going to recommend that you take over Outpost Kappa, simply to ensure that no one take advantage of the election process during Amodeus' process.

Seeing as how Sander is really the only one in the Imperial Trackers, abolishing it would not matter much one way or another. I'll have to see if he's still even interested in getting involved much in RP. It could be a passing fad for him.

Good deal. I'll need the votes to be on the safe side.

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Re: Amodeus' Status

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:23 pm

Sure thing. I'll give a vote on Hel'mut.

And yes, certainly keep it up Osar. And if anyone ever shows interest in joining RID, be sure to let me know.

My hours have been more spotty lately than usual, but I'm still on every day and can work on interviews or upcoming events.
