Drayko's Removal

A place for the Regal Executive Council to share and vote on confidential issues.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

Joined:Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:54 am
Drayko's Removal

Post by Farik » Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:18 pm

Since day one in RID Drayko has had trouble separating IC/OOC and came into RID under very dubious means by way of Arev and Rhiana. He came to RID through RP means alone really. At first he seemed alright but there was always an undercurrent of angst that I had to watch for with him, as did others. He seemed prone to fits of uncontrollable e-rage whenever things did not go the way he wanted and he became obsessive over the player behind Rhiana as time went on. She would complain about it regularly to me how he would flip out on her for RPing when he was not logged into game. I can recall of the top of my head at least 6 occasions where this has happened and every time it was the same anger laced e-rage reactions. In an incident prior to this he went on a 6 day drama filled E-rage over the Rhiana character getting into trouble. Drayko meta-gamed situations, used IC journals, and went god mode on several occasions due to his obsession with the player. Sent us rant filled angry tirades over the matter, threatened to quit guild on multiple occasions, and then went to blame real life issues on all of this and said he was sorry then went off to bitch in tells to Rhiana causing the player undue stress.

Current Situation:
Last night he did the exact same thing yet again. He was drunk and angry OOC so he started being a jackass OOC and IC over it. Apauck and I took him and Callie into arbitration and confirmed that he was doing this. We knew the history of the player and were fully aware of the RP histories so we knew precisely what the situation was. He basically tried to talk to her, have sex with her, get her to kill him, then tried to kill her than whined when she went on about no PD. He also tried to RETCON things when he didn’t get his way.

Reasons for Removal:
Patterns of failure to separate IC and OOC
Bringing heis RL problems into RP and takign out his aggression on fellow RID members
Multiple instances of meta-gaming
Letting an obsession with another player bleed into everything

Information Only:
This post is meant to provide information only to the PA leader and council at large on the removal of Drayko from RID.

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 10:26 am
Location:Fort Oasis, Tatooine

Re: Drayko's Removal

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:21 pm

Thank you for taking the time to write this.

Staff Sergeant
Joined:Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:05 pm

Re: Drayko's Removal

Post by Ramd » Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:02 pm

Yes, thank you for writing this. This seems to have been on ongoing issue with his behavior in general (IC and OOC), so my only qualm is that the matter was never shared with the entire leadership when the previous incidents occurred.

Other than that, I think this was handled well, kudos to Apauck and Farik.

Joined:Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:54 am

Re: Drayko's Removal

Post by Farik » Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:16 pm

Prior to this Arev requested and required to keep everyone out of the loop, particularly Lexx. Apauck was not informed of anything really and when I did inform Arev he just kind of shrugged it off and at times increased the possibility for trouble. All of you, I'm sorry this stuff is just coming to light for you and I and Apauck will strive to keep the whole council informed of the goings on in the RP section. Im going to make a post about just that this evening. Long term and short term goals, planning, information flow, etc.
