
A place for the Regal Executive Council to share and vote on confidential issues.

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Post by auren » Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:55 am

While at the base bust in game a few days ago we were all grouping
and chatting whilst sat in a circle

While we were chatting Aratak was making quite a few references to smoking cannabis in real life. Now i am not a prude but how do we feel about RID members smoking and pretending to smoke cannabis in game and in guild chat ?

The only reason i asked is because i got a message from a member of AI guild asking me if all our members smoked drugs! this was sent as a private tell after aratak sent the emote that he was passing a cannabis cigarette to another RID member sitting next to him in game.

This isn't the first time i have seen this and i don't want to seem like in trying to turn RID into a completely over politically correct guild....that wouldn't be good at all , but do we have any rules and should we ? regarding what people mention in spatial chat ?

Im not small minded but im concerned when other people in a different imperial guild ask in a tell if this is how we act in game

Should this bother us ? Or should we take the silly cigarettes and join in ?

*lights her cigarette* :P
Has seen lexx's sabre and it was glowing pink............again

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Post by Arev » Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:47 am

Well, Aratak likes to RP, sorta. I'd recommend we volunteer him for this.

I say Lexx just /whaps him and if Aratak does anything that stupid again, Lexx will kick him in the nuts. (I've been watching too much South Park in anticipation for the new episodes.)

So, anyways, yeah, a good scolding is in order. He's referenced it before in Guild Chat, but I didn't think too much about it, because I fervently believe he's a teenager, and not 25 as he claims to be. But, when it affects new guildies or non-RID, then it becomes and issue.

And it's Cigars, Auren, cigars. :)

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Post by Daiho » Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:56 pm

I've saw Aratak talking about his city. He's planning about creating a Space RP city on Talus or Rori. When I talked about this with him I didn't really understand his idea lol

Just to warn you Arev

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:32 pm

Yeah Aratak said he'd be interested in forming some space city with Rogrymi' or something.

Rogrymi' told me to keep it kind of quiet because he wanted to think things through. I said he can make a city if he wants, but since we've already got many cities I told him we couldn't devote our resources towards helping him out much.

EDIT: Oops, got a little side-tracked. Regarding his canabis remark, Arev's right. I'll make sure he avoids such references in public/guild chat as it may put us in somewhat of a bad light.

*Goes back to smoking my cigar*

*puff* *puff*

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Post by Arev » Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:41 pm

Interesting, thanks for the update. I'm not going to put much faith into it, I mean look at their Area 51 secret base-thing. Aratak was the only one doing anything with it--and it was going nowhere. So, the chance of them getting a whole city off the ground is very, very, unlikely.

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Post by auren » Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:23 am

Arev wrote:Interesting, thanks for the update. I'm not going to put much faith into it, I mean look at their Area 51 secret base-thing. Aratak was the only one doing anything with it--and it was going nowhere. So, the chance of them getting a whole city off the ground is very, very, unlikely.

Has seen lexx's sabre and it was glowing pink............again

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:21 am

Arev wrote:Interesting, thanks for the update. I'm not going to put much faith into it, I mean look at their Area 51 secret base-thing. Aratak was the only one doing anything with it--and it was going nowhere. So, the chance of them getting a whole city off the ground is very, very, unlikely.

I agree. Rogrymi' hasn't even been logging on lately. Aratak was asking me where he was. I just told him I didn't know, but I gave him his real-life e-mail so he could at least get in touch.

But well, if they actually manage to put a city together, more power to them I guess lol.

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Post by auren » Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:34 am

im actually starting to like aratak
he's a bit of a fruit loop
Has seen lexx's sabre and it was glowing pink............again

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Post by Arev » Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:16 pm

Aratak wants the title "Guild Pilot Leader", because he's wants to call Lexx's bluff that 1.) titles are requested, and 2.) it doesn't have any real responsibilities.

So, he basically admitted what I knew for a while. /shrug.

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Post by Daiho » Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:43 am

Arev wrote:Aratak wants the title "Guild Pilot Leader", because he's wants to call Lexx's bluff that 1.) titles are requested, and 2.) it doesn't have any real responsibilities.

So, he basically admitted what I knew for a while. /shrug.

I said the same thing in the other post lol

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Post by Arev » Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:45 pm

lol, I was tired and wanted to repeat it before I forgot. Ahaha.
