A place for the Regal Executive Council to share and vote on confidential issues.

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Saurat Seerdon
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:16 am

found a guild that does alot of instances.....TainT does em. Contact Taz- and have him put you on like an 'invite' list or somethin. they run em at least 4-5 times a week from what his bio said. The more of these that we (officers) get in, the more we are going to learn how to set up groups for it and who to look for instance groups. I think if we design it so if we find say, an unguilded person, and get 2 RID members plus the unguilded one, in a group that is doing instances, we'll have more of a chance to look good in the eyes of people that are looking for guilds, at least until we're able to run em ourselves without outside guilds helping.

that is probably one of the major flaws with RID that i am picking up, nobody doing anything as far as instances goes. I know i haven't been as active as you all would like, but when i am online, i think that is what my main focus will be on, is getting us into instances, finding out who is running instances, make contacts, and get more of our people involved, at least until the Army is operational again and able to start the instance groups themselves. (then i'll work on finding people for the groups)
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Post by Arev » Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:40 am

Eighteen hours and this forum goes untouched...

Anywho, Kio, I respectively disagree with you. RID faces a much bigger problem that needs to be addressed. I hear from many people that RID needs to run instances. Yet, when I, or another Officer, starts to organize one, no one shows up. On the other hand, when RID helps out another PA in running instances, people will always clamor, "Gee, I wish I would have known about that - I need X instance." At this moment, I'm unsure as to what this means. Could it mean that we lack the numbers of dedicated instance runners and need a hard recruitment push to fix this? Or, could it mean that RID is just getting bored with the instances themselves? I'll admit, there is a startling divide in RID between those that have the jewelry and those that don't. And, of course, those members that aren't even keyed for all of them. But, I've made myself publicly available to offer any help for that need it, yet no one has taken up my offer.

Now, if no one is interested in running instances, then people are going to find other things to occupy themselves with. I'll use role-playing as a counter-example. Dila, while keyed for all instances, prefers to spend his time RPing. We have plenty of non-combat friends who RP. If it's the right night and the right atmosphere, it's amazing how much more time can be spent role-playing than running around blasting things for the umpteenth time. Some people just are looking for a change of pace. Role-players have a GCW (more or less), SWG does not. People are looking for something more than just blasting, killing, collect reward, rinse repeat. So, maybe, this isn't something that plagues RID, but all of SWG.

I received a /tell on Wednesday from someone wanting to do the Themepark (another thing that RID has talked about getting organized, but no Officer has made any progress on this). At the time, I was at the Bust, but offered to help him later. He said, "You're the first one that offered to help. The first 10 ignored me." Whether or not was exaggerating is another story. (This player was not from RID.) But, perhaps, the lack of instance running is something everyone is feeling, from just getting tired from the game itself.

Bottom line: /shrug. Don't know what else to say. At this point, we just leave it up to the individual. But, if we do, then we're going to get more people who say RID doesn't do anything. Which isn't true at all, as every event I've attended/hosted, attendance has always been decent. We just need more events that a majority of RID can participate in.

Also, PUGs suck (of course, that's not what Kio is proposing, but I wanted to share).

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Saurat Seerdon
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Sat Oct 04, 2008 3:31 am

not only that, but i'm getting very annoyed when nobody responds to me, i ask in guild chat what the fuck everyone is doing, no fucking response, no invitation to whatever people are doing, i'm just getting fucking fed up logging on, getting bored to death within the 15 minutes that i'm online STRIVING TO FIND STUFF TO DO WITH GUILD PEOPLE THAT ARE ON, and failing, getting annoyed and logging off.

i don't even log in anymore just cause i KNOW that nobody is doing anything.

you all can bitch about barney, but at least when she was the army captain, boredom of this magnitude did not exist.

p.s. im kinda tired atm when writing this. but it's the truth and exactly how i feel.
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:28 pm

i will be online tonight...after 11pm est. maybe get some late night instances going? also i am off all day tomorrow, but may be going to get new treads on my car for inspection.
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:20 pm

excellent...I helped form an IG-88 instance group. we completed it successfully! community search feature is being utilized to its potential...i will be running instances until i am locked out of them, and then i am thinking of getting Saurat leveled up, switching him to medic which will give RID more leverage in getting into instances....
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Post by Arev » Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:52 pm

Kioet wrote:i am thinking of getting Saurat leveled up, switching him to medic which will give RID more leverage in getting into instances....

That would be really good. The thing holding RID back from running instances more regularly is, frankly, lack of medics.

I would once again like to thank 'Redaxe who respec'd to Medic!

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Post by Redaxe » Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:13 am

Hey, yeah instances are a big problem for us, but I speced to a medic to help get more of these done. Since I have speced and been forming groups we have been making good progress on these the last few days. We now have three regularly active medics: sander, ysiermo, and myself. Ysiermo told me he does not have much experience as a medic so I plan on helping with that. But until then I will do my best to serve as our only medic, and today I just bought healing potency pups, and got healing potency exotics on my armor and shirt. With that and the healing entry buff I managed to get my heals up by at least a few thousand and my HoT up to 800, so now I am all for group supporting... As much as I hate doing this I need to ask a favor in trying to get me a new GU5 rifle, that I can also put HP and HACR mods to furthe help, this is not an emergency though, just seeing if anyone can help. I have a friend who will give me power bits for free. I am planning on having three nights a week devoted to all five heroics, so let's see how it goes I will masks a mail tomorrow.

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Post by Arev » Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:44 am


Redaxe wrote: I will masks a mail tomorrow.

You shouldn't mask anything. As a leader in RID, you want to be entirely transparent.

Seriously though, I'll see what I can do. I'm getting a new Heat SR Command Pistol made. If you get me the power bits (plural because I'd like one too :)) I'll get you your Augment and Enhancement, putting in your order as well. And your rifle shall be named...*drum roll please*...

Red <3 Arev


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Saurat Seerdon
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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:30 am

well, i plan on running heroics....2 a night. Ysiermo is doing pretty good, he got us through ISD (with a little delay at the beginning..damn those grenades) and we were down a man.

We got through IG-88 and ISD. I'm going to be utilizing the community search feature alot because it will help bring people over to RID.

I'd like to see every dedicated member of RID have full access to heroics, be able to form and lead them, and have all their profession-specific jewelry sets.

So i can form IG-88 and ISD....axkva min and tusken will be next on my list of instances to run. Once i have all 4 of those down good, i want to focus on Exar Kun.
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Post by Mikal » Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:33 pm

Well, I'm all for trying Flashlight out in the instances (only keyed for 1, but can get keyed on the others)...that is...we would need a damn good medic or 20 hehe. I just wish there was more content besides musty to level up on, since that account doesn't have it yet. But I'm getting there...well, I will be as soon as I get back into town hehe.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:59 pm

what level is flashlight?
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Post by Mikal » Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:29 pm

74 or 75ish, something like that. Last few days before I went outta town I spent most of my time on the traders...when I get back (should be home tomorrow night..I hope) the plan is to hit him hard and heavy now that I don't have a job to tie me down AFK and stuff hehe.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:18 am

finally went to Exar Kun...learned a little more on how to do that's tough, but doesn't seem as long as ISD.
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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:41 am

Yes, it's pretty tricky. The most difficult part is the last room with the 4 enemy NPC's and elemental requirements.

Lately though, it's always seemed the first phase has been turned up in difficulty. We used to have no problem beating that part.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:43 am

yeah that last room was a pain. the word bearer got us. it's good practice though.
Apathy is Death.
