What do we know about Migroo?

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What do we know about Migroo?

Post by Arev » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:05 pm

Not too long before the Corellian Dream Grand Opening, I met this blue Rodian wearing an RID tag named Migroo. At the time, he didn't live in Fort Keen, but he stopped by. We met one day, but I didn't see him again until the Grand Opening. He was curious as to what was going on, and decided to stay. Interestingly, he kept sending me tells criticizing something or complaining, "This is boring." "I can decorate better than this," etc. I challenge him on this and he is currently in the process of opening a Mall in Fort Keen. Even more interesting, he loves to listen to RP, and once in while participate in it. If I'm in the cantina RPing with other RIDs or CCXX, he'll join, and sit in a corner and listen.

I've asked some in the PA, if they know anything about Migroo and they shrug. So, apparently, we have someone in the PA that managed to slip in undetected? No offense to Red or Kuuhl, but he can't be older than 16, possibly 13-15, simply judging by his typing skills and humor (ie sending me /tells that read "??", followed by "lol").

Anyone else know anything about this guy? He's *different*, but he's not a nuisance. I like him because he treats me with respect and isn't that annoying.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:14 pm

He's young. I don't remember who or when he was recruited. Could have been by me, but he's been in relatively long I think.

I'll look into it.

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Post by Mikal » Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:40 pm

He told me yesterday while I was discussing trader type stuff with him (trying to help him level) that he was a combat toon before (can't remember which class though right off hand). I don't recall seeing a recruitment message on him in the last few months or so. We haven't had that many new ones lately so I kinda remember some of the names for once hehe. Yeah, he does seem young, but I guess we all have to remember that Lexx was 13 when he started RID. So age to me isn't that important hehe. I do like that he is more responsive to me (I was sending him mails about commerce division and he didn't really know who I was). I'm going to try and get him to register here on the forums and look around if he hasn't already done so. That way he can get to know the other people in the guild better.

Basically, in a nutshell, what I've seen of him, I like the kid. Now Arev and I just need to kinda help him get into the guild stuff more often (like, does he have guildchat up where he can see it? That kind of stuff...cause I don't think he does).

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:33 pm

Yeah, he seems out of touch on certain things, so not sure if he has guild chat viewable in spatial.

He is forum registered though... just not sure if he has made any posts yet.

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Post by Mikal » Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:23 pm

Forum registered...that is good. I always hate those looks of "we have a forum?" that you get when you direct someone to a post there hehe. I gotta get him to check out the grinding guide link I put up, give him a boost towards getting to 90.
