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No way!!???!?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:40 pm
by Xoseh
Hello everyone! How have we all been?

I do truly miss you all dearly, lol. I wish I could come back and play, I've been itching to play Commando or Officer for some reason lately. If not, you'll definitly catch me in ToR.

How is the game doing? Any vast improvements or any more major failures?
Arev. I love you.
Lexx, I love you.
Kiot, I love you.
If Redaxxe is still alive, I love you. (Although I could tell you on facebook..)
Um, everyone else.. I love you.

Yeahh.. you all miss me in guildchat, don't lie. Seriously though, how is everyone? And no, I never will stop randomly popping in and out. Muwhahahaha. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: No way!!???!?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:06 pm
by Arev
Who are you? ;)

What's up? The game hasn't changed much, updates have slowed down. It's bad when the year highlights include the holiday events. RID was hit member fallout in June, but we're starting to get back to stable numbers again. RID has two cities right now - Fort Oasis and Outpost Kappa (formerly Fort Keen).

You may want to give serious consideration to Officer. Their update looks pretty good.

Anywho, don't be a stranger!

Re: No way!!???!?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:51 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Hi Xoseh!

I'll type more later but right now I'm lazy.

Re: No way!!???!?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:05 am
by Lexx Yovel
Back again!

And yes, it's nice to see you.

If you'd like to get a run down of what was implemented since you've been gone, this Friday Feature does a pretty good job explaining. Indeed, updates have been slowing down, which is quite unfortunate. As Arev said, at least I'll get to look forward to a good officer update: ... m?id=69029

Re: No way!!???!?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:51 am
by Xoseh
What happened to the members? :O
And yeah, I am thinking about Officer.. It's about time someone shows Lexx how to play his class :) <3

What did they do to space? I tried to find the update notes about it but I couldn't find them. That might be incentive enough for me to come back, lol. Also, I hear there is a second GCW update in the works? They might be slow with the updates because they are actually trying to do a good job, lol.

Also, I would just like to say that for some reason, my auto correct just trying to change "trying" to "fruit". Thought it was funny :)

Re: No way!!???!?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:24 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Well with space they made it so that space stations will give out duty missions, like, "Go to this waypoint to kill waves of Tier 5 Rebels." It has made grinding the Gunship collection much easier, in fact I finally got it just 2 days ago.

There is supposed to be a GCW 2 update this year, but they've been rather vague on what it'll include. It's probably something they'll cover in the producer note they'll release this month.

And yeah, go ahead and try to teach me officer, most give up after the first 2 hours :P

Re: No way!!???!?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:52 pm
by Xoseh
I am still in the guild, right? Lol. Trying to scrape together some money so I can resub for a little bit. Trying to save up for a wedding and if my fiancé finds out i'm spending money on a game she'll kill me, lol. Yeah, nineteen and engaged. Kill me, lol.

Yay for the fact that they made it easier to get gunships. Are +35's still a requirement? I always hated that, lol. Uuhmm.. Yeah I think that's it for now. Anyone else I know still play?

Re: No way!!???!?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:02 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Congratulations with the engagement :D

And yes, I do believe you're still guilded lol.

As for anyone you know? Well there's me, and maybe a few others hehe.

Re: No way!!???!?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:35 pm
by Xoseh
So basically new players? That could be fun! New people! Woo. I was reading up on that rare loot system, very cool stuff. I assume you've cleared all heroics by now, lol. Have they added any new ones or anounced plans to add more?

Is the game anymore PvE friendly? I know most of the player base is PvP, and while thats all fun and stuff, it gets old. I see they just added that Witches of Dathomir update, how is that? Whats the reward for a level 90 completing the quest line?

I know, lots of questions, lol. But if I am to come back I need to come up with a good arguement for my fiance. She's smarter then I am and we're about 15 grand short of a dream wedding, so I can see why she wouldn't want me paying for a game, lol.

If you can think of anything I didn't ask, just say. :P

And thanks! hehe. Lexx, you know I'd come back just for you, lol. But my fiance wouldn't see eye to eye with me on that one. :(

Re: No way!!???!?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:52 am
by Saurat Seerdon
i miss you all