Shameless Plug of my new Star Wars Blog

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Shameless Plug of my new Star Wars Blog

Post by Zorbinafrii » Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:41 pm

So i'm a huge star wars geek ... i have all the books, so i'm starting to collect the graphic novels. Sometimes they have some REALLY silly crap in them .. so i started a blog where i'll occasionally scan and post a frame from one.

Some of the stuff is from old 70s/80s newspaper strips .. some will be from the old marvel series ... others more recent. I plan on keeping it going for awhile, though i just started it. So ... if anyone thinks they might find that funny ... bookmark it!!


Post by Tenvik » Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:51 am

Yeah if you are getting in to the comics HUGE warning there is a lot of crap out there but there are some fantastic stories as well I was rather fond of the Star Wars Tales they were all lil short story's such as Skippy the Jedi Droid who blew his own motivator so that R2-D2 could go with Luke in episode 4. Some of the short stories were really good and other were really goofy, but even some of the really goofy ones were good. Such as the one when Tarkin was proposing to the Emperor the Death Star. A lot of these comics were not considered Cannon law for Star Wars fans they were just fun to read. I look forward to more Megonite posts hehe

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Post by Bovive » Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:46 pm

Hehe. I have the entire Star Wars comic book collection in mint condition. The original ones not stuff made later.
