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Favorite/First Star Wars Video Game

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:30 pm
by Arev
What are your favorite Star Wars video games? Please try to be specific (e.g. Jedi Knight II, not Jedi Knight Series) and state some reason why. Also, what were some of the "firsts" in Star Wars gaming for you?

Please avoid debates over Bioware's speculated Knights of the Old Knight game.






First Star Wars video game:

First Star Wars game you owned:

First Star Wars game you purchased:

First name you used in SWG? Where'd it come from?

Action/Adventure: Jedi Academy - I loved the customizations and the "select a mission" feature.

Console: Shadows of the Empire - because that was the first game that "wow-ed" me for graphics. And even though it didn't have multiplayer, during 4th-6th grades, I can remember staying up late during sleepovers and playing it (and Goldeneye).

Sim: X-Wing Alliance! - I still haven't beaten it! That game has it all going on. New ships, classic ships, huge story. The game never gets old (except its graphics).

MMORPG/RPG: Star Wars Galaxies! - I don't care about the CU/NGE, the game still has more to offer than any other MMORPG released.

Strategy: Empire at War - It has the ground/space game nearly perfected. If I had my way, I'd still prefer that Creative Assembly make the next Star Wars RTS.

First Star Wars video game you played: One of the arcade/SNES games.

First Star Wars game you owned: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II - that game also allowed me to fall in love in Mods. I still remember installing my first Episode I skins and mods and being "amazed" at how good they looked, back in '99. The funny part of this story, was that I received not JK as a Christmas present, but Shadows of the Empire. However, I couldn't install it because my computer (1995 Gateway 2000) lacked a dedicated video card. Of course, back then, you could still return games for a refund for incompatibility issues.

First Star Wars game you purchased: X-Wing Alliance when it was released. I'd also go on and purchase the Strategy Guide. It still is one of my favorite Star Wars games to date.

First name you used in SWG? Where'd it come from? On June 27, 2003, I logged onto SWG for the first time, only to find Starsider (the planned server of my PA) full. So, I created my first character, Jek Rendar, on Bria. Jek Rendar is/was my alias on many Star Wars forums and games. It, of course, pays homage to one of my favorite Star Wars characters, Dash Rendar. Jek is the first name of "Porkins" - the *big* pilot from ANH. The next day, I did create Jek Rendar on Starsider, but he "disappeared", so I created Arev Basten (from the words Aaron and bastion), no longer was my character an Imperial outlaw fighting for the Rebellion, but one man trying to clean up his life, one day at a time, fighting for a crusade that will prevent more kids from ending up like he did.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:29 pm
by Apium
Action/Adventure: I don't have one right now, lets up Force Unleashed fills this gap.

Console: I guess Rogue Squadron

Sim: Rogue Squadron (same as below)

MMORPG/RPG: KOTOR, SWG is great, but the character development in KOTOR makes it just a little more enjoyable for me.

Strategy: Empire at War, the feeling of a fleet of ISDs and their completements jumping on top of a rebel fleet.

First Star Wars video game: The first N64 Rogue Squadron, I loved the feeling of being a pilot and shouting such things as "Rogue leader to Red one" (yea, I was a rebel at the time)

First Star Wars game you owned: Rogue Squadron

First Star Wars game you purchased: Rogue Squadron

First name you used in SWG? Where'd it come from? Aitek Auvair, Auvair was a slight variation of a name from the random generator and Aitek was a aesthetically pleasing combination of letters that went with the surname.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:49 pm
by Ysiermo
Action/Adventure: Jedi Academy currently playing the KOTF mod

Console: Star Wars Battlefront 2


MMORPG/RPG: SWG for mmo, and KotOR for RPG.


First Star Wars video game you played: ummm Rogue Squadron i believe

First Star Wars game you owned: Rogue Squadron

First Star Wars game you purchased: not sure

First name you used in SWG? Where'd it come from? Im really not sure, i played when it first came out and I really dont remember what char i first created. Im fairly sure it came from the random name generator.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:56 pm
by Mikal
Action/Adventure: Battlefront (only one I've played hehe)

Console: Rogue Squadron

Sim: X-Wing Alliance (I HAVE beaten it :p)

MMORPG/RPG: SWG cause the only other game I've played in this genre was KoTor2, which was disappointing to me.

Strategy: Can't remember the name...

First Star Wars video game you played: Empire Strikes Back for Atari 2600

First Star Wars game you owned: Empire Strikes Back for Atari 2600

First Star Wars game you purchased: Empire Strikes Back for Atari 2600

First name you used in SWG? Where'd it come from? Mikal Zaitzev (on another server). Came from not wanting to use Vassilli as my char name, but had just watched the movie that made the name popular. First toon name on this server was Kitatti, a wookiee. Played with him forever until I got tired of no armor or cool clothing, and deleted to make Mikal.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:19 pm
by Arev
Mikal wrote:Atari 2600

Hmmm...I think I saw that in a museum, along with records, cassette tapes, and eight track.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:24 pm
by Waucod
Arev wrote:
Mikal wrote:Atari 2600

Hmmm...I think I saw that in a museum, along with records, cassette tapes, and eight track.

Whats cassette tapes?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:44 am
by Lexx Yovel
Action/Adventure: I can't remember it's exact name... but it's got to be one of the first Jedi Knight games. I mostly enjoyed doing battles on the lan and stuff.

Console: I really liked the first KOTOR, of course I have fond memories of Shadows of the Empire... more on that later though.

Sim: X-Wing Alliance. I would probably say "Tie-Fighter" instead, but I was too young to really get into it at the time. By the time I started playing those games, X-Wing Alliance came out... so I played that. I could NEVER get past the first Rebel initiation mission. It was embarrasing. Years later I started playing it for a bit, but could not get past the experimental TIE mission. So.... no, after all these years, have not beaten it.

MMORPG/RPG: Star Wars Galaxies of course!

Strategy: Empire at War is a cool game, but I also liked Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds.

First Star Wars video game you played: A rental of Shadows of the Empire. It was the first time ever playing a Star Wars game, and I guess it got me interested in Star Wars in general. I remember vividly trying to shoot down other Snowspeeders in my own Snowspeeder (thinking they were the bad guys), and thinking how insanely difficult it was to shoot them down. I was also scared of the wampas, especially the one on Gall...

First Star Wars game you owned: Do you mean owned as in "owned", or owned as in, "I OWNED this game?" I guess after renting Shadows of the Empire, we officially owned it, but I never really "owned" the game as in defeating it easily. I've only completed it fully on easy mode.

First Star Wars game you purchased: Probably the same as above? But, I'm going to have to put YODA STORIES here. It probably looks like a stupid game today, but I really liked playing it. I probably wouldn't mind reinstalling it. Basically it's like a puzzle game, where you're given random adventures each time you play.

First name you used in SWG? Where'd it come from? Lexx Yovel quite simply. It's just a variation of my first/middle name.

Re: Favorite/First Star Wars Video Game

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:34 am
by RettVescan
Action/Adventure: Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast 2 - the one with the dinosaur evil jedi guy. I loved being able to swing the lightsaber in first person mode and Jedi Academy was ruined for me by not having that. :)

Console: Hmm, probably Shadows of the Empire or Battlefront 2. The 'Super' versions of the original trilogy games on Super Nintendo are also ranked high on my list. Never beat the first one but got through Empire and Jedi.

Sim:Maybe Rebel Assault if that counts during the space parts. Haven't played any others.

MMORPG/RPG: SWG and Knights of the Old Republic. Wish they'd come out with a gcw single player rpg though.

Strategy: haven't played any sw strategy games

First Star Wars video game: I think either A new Hope on nintendo or Empire Strikes Back on nintendo

First Star Wars game you owned: A New Hope on nintendo :)

First Star Wars game you purchased: Shadows of the Empire

First name you used in SWG? Where'd it come from? First name was my current - Rett Vescan. Didn't really come from anywhere special, just wanted a name that sounded semi-common like Luke, but still sort of foreign so I came up with Rhett and just took the 'h' out to look a bit more unusual. Vescan just popped out of my head and I thought it sounded good with Rett.

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:50 am
by Waucod
Action/Adventure: Dark Forces on playstation (never actually beat it, but fell in love with it for the two months I had it before it broke.

Console: Battlefront

Sim: I really liked Jedi Starfighter.


Strategy: Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds

First Star Wars video game: The Empire Strikes back on Nintendo. (Could never beat it though as I was only like 5 or 6.

First Star Wars game you owned: The Empire Strikes back on Nintendo.

First Star Wars game you purchased:Don't remember actually I guess it was probably Galactic Battlegrounds

First name you used in SWG? Where'd it come from? Waucod Meesman, random name generator. I liked it because it looked like the name for a Zabrak

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:08 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
Action/Adventure: Shadows of the Empire

Console: Shadows of the Empire

Sim: TIE Fighter


Strategy: All of them. a tie between EAW and FOCOM... FOCOM was really alot of fun though, definitely felt like i was part of the empire.

First Star Wars video game: Super Empire Strikes Back

First Star Wars game you owned: Rebel Assault

First Star Wars game you purchased: Xwing (failed cause the floppy disk was screwed up) ended up buying the collectors with xwing and tie fighter.

First name you used in SWG? Kioet Csuhen, it was a name i used for my trandoshan character in a roleplaying forum on lucasforums, i made him the same as what i pictured...of course that name got erased cause i didnt wanna be a artisan and wanted to go shoot things, figured erasing the character i could just redo it and have the same name. bad that is why there's an apostrophe after kioet.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:36 am
by Jaysont
Ysiermo wrote:Action/Adventure: Jedi Academy currently playing the KOTF mod.

lol downloaded that the other day, not too happy that alot of the movie missons are not available yet :(.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:16 pm
by Redaxe
The very first star wars game I ever played rocked! It was for PS1.. I think it was Star Wars- The phantom menace, but that was awhile ago, old game but man it was fun.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:21 pm
by Fishy
Podracer on the N64 was an epic one. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:45 pm
by Kurke Aumea
Guess I'll toss my hat into the ring too...

Action/Adventure: Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight and Shadows of the Empire

Console: KoTOR, Roge Squadron, Shadows of the Empire

Sim: TIE Fighter. X-Wing was fun and X-Wing Alliance had a nice story line and a cool sandbox mode, but TIE Fighter was the best overall!


Strategy: Rebellion and Empire at War (although Force Commander was rather entertaining). OK, am I the only one who remembers Rebellion? It was a rather addictive game for Win95... Not your typical RTS, which is probably why it didn't win over too many people. And Galactic Battlegrounds was AoE with SW skins...

First Star Wars video game: Either X-Wing or Shadows of the Empire... I can't remember... lol

First Star Wars game you owned: Probably X-Wing since I think I had it long before my N64 and Shadows of the Empire

First Star Wars game you purchased: First one I purcahsed myself? Probably Rogue Squadron... I think... I remember having to buy that graphics extender add-on for your N64 when I got the game... :)

First name you used in SWG? Where'd it come from? Kurke Aumea is a mish-mash of parts of my full name.

And Lexx, the easiest way to beat X-Wing Alliance (for beating it's sake) is to use the cheats!!! :P

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:59 pm
by Mikal
Nahh, the best way to beat it is to "lern 2 play n00b". Seriously, I can't believe people had probs beating that game. And I had forgotten about Shadows of the Empire, that one was pretty good too.

And don't knock AoE with SW skins...I happen to like AoE :oops: