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afkers need to be shot (or hung)

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:37 pm
by d'avid
ok im typing on the phone and dyslexic so flame for content by all means but not spelling typing or grammer
ok to get some cash i went to daerdiric and sat out side killing chunker nitwits at the same time i was chating to my mates, but to the surprise of three people who thought i was scum(sorry afk looter) i was at the keyboard and chatted to them to
then maatt' turned up and started killing them instantly before i could get any kills! (some sort of cloud attack looked pretty) so i sent him a tell asking him to ase up a bit reply i sent a guild reply ... I shouted out loud reply hmmmm all the time he blinked then blinked at the corpses then the bad guys (an anti afk macro?) after 10 minutes he delogged and i decided to leave it at that

hen he tured up again, i imediatly mailed him told him to respond within 10 minutes or i would report him for being afk his char started the blink macro and stealing all the kills. After 10 minutes so i reported him through the tickets well i was talking to the guild at the time and said i had reported him, no sooner had i done that i got a tell (hmmm suspeeciouse timing but what the hell) it informed me from him that i had just reported a non afk person and he was going to report me to lexx (im not sure why thats spose to scare me? I was open about what i was doing and he could of avoided it by replying in the first place) then he tells me he is there every night getting loot for the guild then he says he is not afk he just has this client minimised so he cn play a different char while this one loots (hoows that not afk?) and then he mentios a gm-something who he was going to get to clear the report ,this is where i decided to log off rather then lose my temper
i spent maybe 6 hours of my day off bored out of my mind looting but i was at the laptop the whole time this guy plainly was planning and was afk
he just turned up and made it impossible for me to continue no comment no message just nothing and he is in our guild
i urge any players that see an afker be he guild or not to message them with tell chat mail and if guild in guildchat give them 10 minute (going to the loo is no crime) message one more time if u get no response fill out a ticket and report them, afk looting is afk combat and is against the rules it ruins spots for us legit players and needs to be stopped! (im not sure soe will agree to shooting them but maybe zeroing there chars ballance and emptying there vendors inventory and houses of all junk loot would get the result
* ok rant over*

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:04 pm
by caklo
honestly i dont think they're that bad unless they are farming legacy mobs or they're credit farmers. They aren't messing with my game experience so I don't really care, but I do see where you are coming from.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:03 am
by Apium
AFK gameplay of any type is against the Star Wars Galaxies Terms of Service. While SOE has decided to let it go for the entertainers, it is a bannable offense. I would sympathize with Maatt' if he was running a macro and paying attention to the game, but that does not seem to be the case. (I have grinded with a macro in the past while reading a book or working on homework, but I was always at the computer with the client up.) Even if the CSRs don't do anything to maatt' I would fully support a harsh punishment from the guild. It makes RID look terrible to have someone who appears to be a credit farming wearing the guild tag.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:52 am
by Santos
Is maatt even in RID?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:58 am
by Apium
telemchus wrote:Is maatt even in RID?

yea, according to the member list Lexx has on the forums.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 1:08 am
by Santos
I know maatt used to be in RID, but he had left for a while last I checked.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:38 pm
by d'avid
well he had rid tag and said he was doing the looting for the guild (might be worth lex reminding him in case he forgot to hand the loot to the guild

personly i think he was trying to get out of being reported and attempted to play on my loyalty to the guild hmmmm 5/10 for effort 1/10 for intelegence

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:15 pm
by Lexx Yovel
When I get in-game we can talk about it some more. I remember talking to Maatt' about it earlier.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:15 pm
by Apium
d'avid wrote:well he had rid tag and said he was doing the looting for the guild (might be worth lex reminding him in case he forgot to hand the loot to the guild

personly i think he was trying to get out of being reported and attempted to play on my loyalty to the guild hmmmm 5/10 for effort 1/10 for intelegence

I would definitely tell lexx. Even if he was doing it for the guild (although the entire time I've been in RID with maatt' I've never seen him do anything for the guild), RID still doesn't want to take loot from someone who got it through afk-combat.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:56 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Well when Maatt' was talking to me, he made it seem like he was actually fighting, but was only switching between alts using alt-tab. Whether or not this is true is the question. I definitely think we could all meet up to settle the issue though.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:35 pm
by d'avid
LexxYovel wrote:Well when Maatt' was talking to me, he made it seem like he was actually fighting, but was only switching between alts using alt-tab. Whether or not this is true is the question. I definitely think we could all meet up to settle the issue though.

to be honest as far as im concerned its settled he was afk soe have the ticket, its in there hands, this thread was created not to persecute maatt but all afkers he just happned to be the example, im not on a crusade to get him i will be civil to him and expect the same back.
in terms of maatt' thats all i shall say
in terms of what afkers in general should have done to them......well post on lol thats the main point of this topic

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:59 pm
by Apium
I wouldn't suggest any serious punishment, but if he is seen using an afk-combat macro again (especially if the complaint comes from outside of the guild) I think some sort of punishment is in order. RID is perceived as a respectable, mature guild. I personally don't want to see the name associated with credit farmers and hackers.

Maybe this view is a little harsh considering the situation; luckily for maatt' its not up to me.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:01 pm
by Lexx Yovel
No I agree with you Apium. If this is something that's repeated, punishment will definitely be in order. I plan on letting Maatt' know that too.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:33 pm
by Waucod Meesman
haha I used to steal afkers kills... I think, or maybe I just was killed by them... but yeah don't seriously punish the guy, I mean he has the awesomest name...

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:32 am
by Apium
Waucod Meesman wrote:haha I used to steal afkers kills... I think, or maybe I just was killed by them... but yeah don't seriously punish the guy, I mean he has the awesomest name...

isn't your name matt? and why do I know that?