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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Wii

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:18 am
by Ri'Me

"The Force Unleashed is controlled via the Wii Remote and Nunchuk combination; the Wii Remote motion sensing is attached to the lead character's lightsaber, with the Nunchuk motion handling all of his Force powers. According to the producer, the game recognizes five different motion directions from each of the controls, each applied to different moves in the game. In certain instances, especially in one-on-one battles, players will find themselves locked with their opponent. In these cases, the player will have to follow an on-screen controller or nunchuk and twist it in the same position as quickly as possible in order to win these combat draws."
"But Krome Studios, the Wii version's developer, has programmed its own physics engine to handle all of the game's Force powers. Objects bounce around the environment realistically, and downed enemies flail around with natural ragdoll motions…and though these elements aren't quite as elaborate as the higher end consoles, they're still pretty impressive to see on the Wii system.

At the very least, the Wii version – at least in this still early stage of development – runs at a far smoother framerate than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 editions. Even though the game still has several more months in development, in many places the action was running smoothly between 30 and 60 frames per second."

Yeah so this game sounds cool in concept, but since it's a port, the motion controls will more than likely be tacked on and wont work properly. I got a bad feeling about it. LucasArts should have made a Wii Star Wars game from the ground up. Interesting to note that the framerate is actually smoother than the 360 and PS3 versions, to me that's more important than detail in a game but the game is still early in development. I have a feeling the 360 and PS3 versions will be better since dual analog controls are harder to mess up, and yeah.. the graphics will be great.