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Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:50 am
by Kurke_Aumea



Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:03 pm
by Arev
By the way, I'm JekRendar over there (like my SWG forum handle). So, I have quite a few well-discussed threads over there. Look me up.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:05 pm
by Santos
Apparently the demo that was shown behind closed doors at E3 will be going public, and more details will be released soon.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:13 am
by Arev
Yep, that's correct. The details will be released later (BioWare trademarked that while SOE maintains the trademark on "soon"). Of course, it'll probably be an interview with snippets of the demo interspersed. That's the theory anyways.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:28 pm
by Santos
Arev wrote:Yep, that's correct. The details will be released later (BioWare trademarked that while SOE maintains the trademark on "soon"). Of course, it'll probably be an interview with snippets of the demo interspersed. That's the theory anyways.

The quote I read sounded an awful lot like they're going to give us the actual demo, not sure though, nothing is confirmed.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:14 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Check the link below. That page links to some IGN videos with 20 minutes of gameplay footage!!! ... eid=ea4787

I was pretty impressed. Htere's some stuff that needs tweaks, but there's definitely a lot of cool stuff there. It feels familiar like SWG (especially Hutta). The combat looks good and the voice dialogue looks amazing. The graphics are hit or miss depending on what your preference is. I like them to be honest. After watching all four videos (20 minutes total), it looks very polished. Some of the animations need tweaked. Some of the dialogue could flow a little better (the flashpoint dialogue seemed a bit weaker compared to the first conversation we were introduced to dealing with the Great Hunt), but overall it adds a sense of immersion I haven't seen in other MMOs.

The videos are definitely worth the watch!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:45 pm
by Santos
Kurke_Aumea wrote:Check the link below. That page links to some IGN videos with 20 minutes of gameplay footage!!! ... eid=ea4787

I was pretty impressed. Htere's some stuff that needs tweaks, but there's definitely a lot of cool stuff there. It feels familiar like SWG (especially Hutta). The combat looks good and the voice dialogue looks amazing. The graphics are hit or miss depending on what your preference is. I like them to be honest. After watching all four videos (20 minutes total), it looks very polished. Some of the animations need tweaked. Some of the dialogue could flow a little better (the flashpoint dialogue seemed a bit weaker compared to the first conversation we were introduced to dealing with the Great Hunt), but overall it adds a sense of immersion I haven't seen in other MMOs.

The videos are definitely worth the watch!!!

Yup, it looks great! I'm probably going to get the game, but it all depends on my experience with beta, which I hopefully get into, since I applied the first day :D

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:57 pm
by Arev
LexxYovel wrote:(Reserved Post for Tomorrow (Too lazy today (By the way, how's everything going Apium/Kioet'? (Of course you're doing fine, I just like doing parentheses within parenthesis (You know Lexx, the time wasted on writing these could be used for something useful (Yeah... you're right))))).

So, is this post still reserved? It's been 10 months. Can I have it now?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:14 pm
by Xenophor
Arev wrote:
LexxYovel wrote:(Reserved Post for Tomorrow (Too lazy today (By the way, how's everything going Apium/Kioet'? (Of course you're doing fine, I just like doing parentheses within parenthesis (You know Lexx, the time wasted on writing these could be used for something useful (Yeah... you're right))))).

So, is this post still reserved? It's been 10 months. Can I have it now?

No, you can not. It has been condemned by the empire and the original owner needs to make a payment.....

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:17 am
by Kurke_Aumea
OK, Sith Warrior class has been reveealed and looks downright pimp. 8)

I'm thinking I will be a Sith Warrior or a ranged class for the Empire. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:51 am
by Daiho
For myself, I don't think I'm gonna play at this game. It looks like too cartoony and there's no crafting classes atm.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:50 pm
by Apium
Daiho wrote:For myself, I don't think I'm gonna play at this game. It looks like too cartoony and there's no crafting classes atm.

meh, that was my main complaint about WoW, but after giving WoW a real chance it has turned out to be my favorite MMO by far.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:45 pm
by Arev
Apium wrote:
Daiho wrote:For myself, I don't think I'm gonna play at this game. It looks like too cartoony and there's no crafting classes atm.

meh, that was my main complaint about WoW, but after giving WoW a real chance it has turned out to be my favorite MMO by far.

I played WoW for two weeks (not even) and was bored to tears. Nothing to do besides kill, kill, kill, collect shinies, repeat steps 1-3. CoH was the same, but at least the setting was more interesting! ahaha.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:01 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
I find the stylized graphics to be growing on me. I mean, it's a nice blend on fictional realism and stuff that will actually work on a computer. The environments look amazing and it looks like it will run pretty easily across a wide range of computers.

That being said, some of the character models we've seen them show off just look hideous, but I think that is just whoever designed said characters for the demos just has poor taste in how to create a toon... I mean, I've seen some of the character models that look pretty good considering the style of the game, but some are just ugly... (especially the one BH that you see in the E3 demo...)

As far as a crafting class goes, just because they haven't announced one doesn't mean there won't be one. And what does it really matter? The more I think about it, the more I don't think I'll miss crafting in SWTOR if it isn't in the game. First, SWG is a sandbox style game; it caters to crafting professions. SWTOR most definitely will not be sandbox style and supports more of a loot mentality. Second, the more I think about it, the more I realize that I chose crafting profs in SWG simply because I found them less complex than combat profs. When SWG first came out, I simply felt overwhelmed by combat profs and felt like crafting was much more simple to follow. That and I enjoyed the single-player aspect of crafting much more than combat provided. Crafting was a little more "pick-up" than combat, which still seems like a time commitment to this day IMO. From what we've seen with SWTOR so far, the combat seems to follow the style of the KOTOR games which I know I can handle pretty decently. And there seems to be a large focus on story, specifically story as it relates to your character. For instance, you could completely play through that flashpoint we saw in the E3 demo by yourself, but it is more fun to drag along others. For me, that means I can at least attempt something like that by myself without having to drag a group together (not that I don't like grouping, I just find that given my RL lifestyle, grouping can be a pain in the ass... Seriously, ask anybody who was around when I played how often I was in groups. Mostly for guild meetings and non-combat events...)

All that aside, I would say at least give SWTOR a chance once it comes out. Don't dismiss it so quickly because of its graphics engine or the possibility of lacking crafting classes. Look at it this way, considering the company developing the game it should come out a hell of a lot more polished and Star Warsy than SWG ever did/has.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:11 pm
by Santos
Beta sign-ups have begun!