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Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:53 am
by Apium
ARG=Alternate Reality Game

I really don't like Halo, and I don't think Halo 3 stands out against any of the other games I could be purchasing this fall. We shoot down every other shooter for being repetitive and unoriginal why does halo not recieve the same treatment? No, using high tech space skins and giving people plasma guns does not give you originality points. The only thing that Halo has going for it is its story and it makes the game look worse because the gameplay can't support the story.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:12 pm
by Waucod Meesman
so whos coordinating my party?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:45 am
by Santos
your house got blown up.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:24 pm
by Ri'Me
Apium wrote:ARG=Alternate Reality Game

I really don't like Halo, and I don't think Halo 3 stands out against any of the other games I could be purchasing this fall. We shoot down every other shooter for being repetitive and unoriginal why does halo not recieve the same treatment? No, using high tech space skins and giving people plasma guns does not give you originality points. The only thing that Halo has going for it is its story and it makes the game look worse because the gameplay can't support the story.

Ah, you know I agree with you here, I just didn't want to say anything because there are rabid 360 owners on this board who would probably lynch me if I said anything and I didn't feel like arguing, but since I have someone else on my side it's a little better. I think Halo gets different treatment because it's one of the best FPS's consoles have to offer even if it's not very original, plus it's the all american game on the all american system, so it get's hyped up a lot over here. Over in Japan it's a completely different story unless your one of the few who own a 360 over there. Metroid Prime 3 on the Wii looks really good.. apparently the controls approach mouse and keyboard playability and it's a little different from the average FPS. Wonder how well it will be received in the face of Halo. I bet it will be the overall better game but Halo will still outsell it.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:40 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Ri'Me wrote:
Apium wrote:ARG=Alternate Reality Game

I really don't like Halo, and I don't think Halo 3 stands out against any of the other games I could be purchasing this fall. We shoot down every other shooter for being repetitive and unoriginal why does halo not recieve the same treatment? No, using high tech space skins and giving people plasma guns does not give you originality points. The only thing that Halo has going for it is its story and it makes the game look worse because the gameplay can't support the story.

Ah, you know I agree with you here, I just didn't want to say anything because there are rabid 360 owners on this board who would probably lynch me if I said anything and I didn't feel like arguing, but since I have someone else on my side it's a little better. I think Halo gets different treatment because it's one of the best FPS's consoles have to offer even if it's not very original, plus it's the all american game on the all american system, so it get's hyped up a lot over here. Over in Japan it's a completely different story unless your one of the few who own a 360 over there. Metroid Prime 3 on the Wii looks really good.. apparently the controls approach mouse and keyboard playability and it's a little different from the average FPS. Wonder how well it will be received in the face of Halo. I bet it will be the overall better game but Halo will still outsell it.

The Metroid Prime devs have wet dreams about acheiving Halo sales numbers. Halo may not be the most revolutionary FPS of all times (I can think of quite a few others that can take that fight), but it did take the best of the FPS genre, spin it into one little package, and present it to a console base with relative ease. In retrospct, I doubt Halo: CE would be viewed so well if it weren't for what Halo 2 brought to the table. Sure, the ending was a bit of a cliffhanger, but Halo 2 introduced us to the matchmaking system. That alone is one reason why it so great for console gamers. With PC FPS games you can pick and choose your level, game types, and other variants. Whereas in Halo 2, you could only do that in private matches. In the public arena, you had to step it up a notch and be a better all-around player.

That's not to say Halo's multiplayer was ever perfect. I've been in too many matches where people would be litle glitch whores or were playing with modded xbox's. That part of the game is just the same as PC FPS games, if not worse.

We'll see what Halo 3 brings to the table. I've heard good and bad things, specifically about its graphics. But, after popping in Halo 2 last night, I realized just how shitty the Halo 2 textures were... yeah, that bad. So, even if Halo 3 isn't a graphical overhaul, it is a step up (a bit step up fro what I've seen) in the graphics department. Still, it all goes back to gameplay. Example: Counterstrike. Need I say more? As long as Halo 3 is fun to play, it will be a fan favorite for years to come. Some people say it plays the same as Halo 2, some say it plays way too differently, and some say it plays like you would expect. I guess we'll see this fall.

I'm curious to see how Metroid will do on the Wii as a FPS. No, I'm not buying a Wii. I still believe that the Wii is a fad and will die out over the next couple of years. Hmm... OK, maybe not so much of a fad but whether or not buyers will purchase additionl games after they make their initial Wii purchase. To me, that seems like one of the problems when you sell to a non-gaming base. Great, they bought the system, played it for a few weeks, and then went back to whatever else it is they do in life. How many will go out and make follow-up game purchases? IMO, rentals will be king on the Wii.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:10 pm
by Waucod Meesman
apium why did you delete my post?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:54 pm
by Apium
Criticizing the gameplay for Halo 3 is probably a little late anyways. I just get kind of angry when I see people on the bungie forums bashing games like gears of war for being unoriginal. I don't know about anyone else but I personally found Gears of War to be a refreshing exprience and different than any other fps I had played. I would like to say I'd be surprised if Halo 3 got FPS of the year, but then I'm sure it will. Although I think that title belongs to some of the other games that are pushing the genre e.g. Medal of Honor:airborne and Call of duty:(I think its Modern Warfare)

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:38 am
by Waucod Meesman
I don't know why everyone thinks all of those WWII games are so good. I honestly can't stand them because on the majority of them you have one guy running around killing hundreds of dudes. That just drives me insane!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:29 pm
by Ri'Me
Call of Duty 3 wasn't bad, but it was definately time for a change. CoD4 looks awesome, hopefully they release it on the Wii since it sold so well on the platform.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:26 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Ri'Me wrote:Call of Duty 3 wasn't bad, but it was definately time for a change. CoD4 looks awesome, hopefully they release it on the Wii since it sold so well on the platform.

Of course, when the do it will be referred to as CoD 3.5... lol sorry, I couldn't resist!

Gears of War was original in the way that it played. Which, by the way, doesn't make it a First Person Shooter. It is a Third Person Shooter. While the graphics were mind blowing, the cover system was brilliant, and having a machine gun with a built in chainsaw just makes you drool, the game had some major flaws. First and foremost IMO, the game was just too linear and scripted. There's a lot of empty back story that needs filled in as well. As everyone knows, it was too short as well. And apparently the multiplayer was so fudged up it was kind of scary. Frankly, I never bothered to much with GoW multiplayer. I know everyone complained about host advantage and other shit, but I was immediately turned off by the game variants and teams sizes. Maybe I'm just too used to playing Halo/BF 1942/UT multiplayer style games...

I do look forward to games like bioshock. I'm guessing it can be classified as a FPS with some RPG elements. The game looks beautiful and looks to have an interesting plot. It's not your sterotypical WWII or sci-fi shooter.

I believe Halo 3 will stand a good chance of getting game of the year. Not because it will bring some revolutionary style of gameplay to the table, but for doing what its predecessors did: wrap the best elements of console FPS games up into one little package, spice it up a bit, and create an amazingly fun game.

And let's be honest, what's left to be done in the FPS genre that hasn't been done before? Yeah, most FPS games tend to be rubber stamped, but even still, there's only so much you can do. It's like your classic action movies from the 80's. You have guns, explosions, and usuage of curse words. The only thing you can do to make it better is to make bigger guns, bigger explosions, and drop the f-bomb like its the only word in the dictionary. Sure, you could take time to add a good plot and some computer effects, but in the end you still have a classic Stallone, Schwartzanegar, or Bruce Willis action movie.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:05 pm
by Apium
yea, third person shooter, I'm not sure what I was thinking. Either way the new Medal of Honor and Call of Duty certainly deserve the fps award from where we are now.

On a side note I'm looking forward to Mass Effect and Guitar Hero 3. And the new Final Fantasys even though I won't be playing them.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:07 pm
by Ri'Me
Kurke_Aumea wrote:
Ri'Me wrote:Call of Duty 3 wasn't bad, but it was definately time for a change. CoD4 looks awesome, hopefully they release it on the Wii since it sold so well on the platform.

Of course, when the do it will be referred to as CoD 3.5... lol sorry, I couldn't resist!

Gears of War was original in the way that it played. Which, by the way, doesn't make it a First Person Shooter. It is a Third Person Shooter. While the graphics were mind blowing, the cover system was brilliant, and having a machine gun with a built in chainsaw just makes you drool, the game had some major flaws. First and foremost IMO, the game was just too linear and scripted. There's a lot of empty back story that needs filled in as well. As everyone knows, it was too short as well. And apparently the multiplayer was so fudged up it was kind of scary. Frankly, I never bothered to much with GoW multiplayer. I know everyone complained about host advantage and other shit, but I was immediately turned off by the game variants and teams sizes. Maybe I'm just too used to playing Halo/BF 1942/UT multiplayer style games...

I do look forward to games like bioshock. I'm guessing it can be classified as a FPS with some RPG elements. The game looks beautiful and looks to have an interesting plot. It's not your sterotypical WWII or sci-fi shooter.

I believe Halo 3 will stand a good chance of getting game of the year. Not because it will bring some revolutionary style of gameplay to the table, but for doing what its predecessors did: wrap the best elements of console FPS games up into one little package, spice it up a bit, and create an amazingly fun game.

And let's be honest, what's left to be done in the FPS genre that hasn't been done before? Yeah, most FPS games tend to be rubber stamped, but even still, there's only so much you can do. It's like your classic action movies from the 80's. You have guns, explosions, and usuage of curse words. The only thing you can do to make it better is to make bigger guns, bigger explosions, and drop the f-bomb like its the only word in the dictionary. Sure, you could take time to add a good plot and some computer effects, but in the end you still have a classic Stallone, Schwartzanegar, or Bruce Willis action movie.

It'll still be Call of Duty 4, the only negative aspect would be the downgraded visuals, but the gameplay could wind up being better due to the Wii's controls (if done well). This is where FPS's can innovate as well, using the Wii controls to further immerse you in the game. On the 360 or PS3, yes, FPS games are pretty much played out.. (dual analog controllers can only do so much) but it's a completely different story with the Wii. On the Wii, you're actually holding the gun, slashing your sword, pulling a lever, turning a handle, throwing a grenade, doing whatever. Wait until Metroid Prime 3 is released on the Wii. If Nintendo, one of the premier game developers can't churn out a great FPS/FPA on it's own system, (designed from the ground up, not some lazy ass port designed to cash in on the Wii's current popularity) then probably no one will.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:24 pm
by Waucod Meesman
So Apium exactly why do they call all of them Final Fantasy? Shouldn't they all just be Fantasy until they finally decided to end the seires?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:25 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Given the scores of first party games for the Wii to date, I wouldn't get your hopes too high. And when it comes to FPS games, isn't the Wiimote doing exactly what the dual analog sticks are doing? Perhaps it is doing it in a more realistic fashion, but the movement of the Wiimote is still replicating what the dual analog sticks do.

Still, can't you cheat the movements with the Wiimote? I've heard people say you can accomplish the same actions in certain games by flicking your wrist as opposed to moving your whole arm and providing better accuracy in the process. If think the tennis game was the one usually used in an example.

There's something about the Wii that really turns me off to it. It may be the Wiimote. It may be the last-gen graphics. It may be the lack of any quality online service. In my eyes, the Wii makes a great party game machine. It's fun to break out when there's a group of people, especially if you are drunk. It just doesn't strike me as a something I'd break out by myself to play. Admittedly, I haven't played on a Wii and I really could care less if I do. Still, it does look more entertaining than a PS3. lol

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:27 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Apium wrote:yea, third person shooter, I'm not sure what I was thinking. Either way the new Medal of Honor and Call of Duty certainly deserve the fps award from where we are now.

On a side note I'm looking forward to Mass Effect and Guitar Hero 3. And the new Final Fantasys even though I won't be playing them.

Mass Effect and Bioshock are on the top of my list. Guitar Hero 3 is definitely up there as well. Hopefully there will be an even better song list in GH3.