Passed Promotion Board

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Passed Promotion Board

Post by Monthigos » Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:10 am

Hey all. I passed my promotion board this last week, and as soon as I get enough points I will be promoted to SGT (in RL). I'm pretty stoked!

In other news some jerk leaked that I had a bus driver license. I was forced to get my license two years ago and had to drive for EVERYTHING. I hate driving bus. When my 1SG asked me to drive bus last month I couldn't think of a good excuse (like my license got lost in Iraq) and I ended up driving bus once for a platoon trip. Now its NON-STOP! They keep calling me up to drive. I even got a call from some random SFC that I was on some random bus driving detail that I hadn't even heard about. I'm seriously thinking about chucking my wallet just to get out of this crap.


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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:23 am

Congrats Vincen :)

You mean they *don't* have base bust grinds in RL to go up in rank? :o

Too bad you're stuck driving buses, but hey, it's got to be a little fun at least. lol

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Post by Mikal » Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:10 pm

I got stuck driving the Liberty Van in Halifax, Nova Scotia once when my sub went there. That was the last time I got to drive one since I rolled the thing 3 times...with the Captain in the passenger seat. What fun that was hehe.

Grats on the promo, now just to convince them that base busts are a viable way to gain rank and you are all set :P

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Post by Xoseh » Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:25 pm

Grats on your promotion. :D

